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Adam J

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Everything posted by Adam J

  1. APP has an extract channel option that separates OSC data from Due-band filters and stacks them individually allowing you to use the data in the same way as you would with a Mono camera. Adam
  2. Getting it fixed by a pro will cost you more than buying a new 450D that is a better camera. Another option is to take it appart yourself but its nearly a full disasembly to get to the mirror cell. Adam
  3. This is something I have been working on for a while and my first three colour narrow band image. I have normally kept my imaging to HOO for a few reasons, the first reason being that I don’t have much time to image and so three channels means I get less images completed. The second reason is that I am not a fan of the more tradition blue and gold image pallet. The final reason is that I have slowly being adding AD filters (to expensive to buy all at the same time for me) and I got the last, a 5nm SII, from Ian King at the end of May. I actually found this area by scanning around the sky taking snaps with the a Ha filter and when I saw this it grabbed me as I did not remember having seen a detailed image of it posted anywhere so I started to image it not really knowing what would turn up. That was quite exciting as it kinda felt like I had discovered something from first principles. Then Chuck of Chuck's astrophotography imaged it a few weeks later and i was very put out lol. I have plate solved this image on Astrobin and the only thing that it comes up with is a little ring around the small cluster IC1311 to the top left of the image. Hence although I know this is part of the SADR region I was a little surprised that this bright sub object did not have its own designation. This is also the first narrow band outing for my Esprit 100 since having received it last Christmas. Integration: 10 hours of Ha 5nm AD + 7.5 hours of SII 5nm AD + 6 hours of OIII 5nm AD: Total = 23.5 hours. Equipment: Esprit 100, AZ EQ6 GT, ASI1600MM Pro I know this pallet will not be to everyone’s taste and that I could spend some time sharpening it but I like it and I am all processed out for now. Hope you like it! This bit remindes me of the signus wall, in shape at least. Thanks for looking. Adam
  4. Yeah, I actually read it as him addressing the issue while using sarcasum to save face. Read between the lines and he has said yeah dont look at the sun but if you took me seriously then your dumb....I would 100% agree with that, you would have to be dumb to do it, the problem is some people are dumb but just because they are dumb its not ok to give them ideas. You just have to look at the spike in Google hits for "did i damage my eyes", after every total solar eclipse. And yeah its not just me he has had lots of feedback on it, he would not be botherd enough by a single comment from me to feel the need to mention it.
  5. no dither would be random. Unless its set to dither RA only....but that would be an odd choice.
  6. I do see some trailing on the smaller stars if I am honest.
  7. yep this is not the camera, its a thin cloud drifting through your fov and then back out, due to auto stretch you will just see a slight dimming of the stars. Nothing to worry about.
  8. The joke being that they use the "imperial" system having gotten independence from the UK and we use metric having invented imperial.
  9. Odd that is 3/16 in my money, might have suggested that before not sure? Adam
  10. Have you got a set of imperial taps? If so you can lay the locking screw against them to see which thread it lines up with. Not sure but I might have some imperial taps. Adam
  11. Yes read it, but there are a few things ill add to what was said in that review when i come to do mine. Also I dont really take much note of Magazine reviews as I struggle to think of any that have ever given less then 4 stars. Its the old we will give you our stuff to review but your not allowed to say bad things about it situation. Adam
  12. I have seen some minor potential issues with the Altair cameras, some of the 12-bit cameras apparently actually output 12-bit files instead of converting them into the 16-bit standard and that can cause issues with some stacking software. But I am not sure if that is still the case or not, seems like something that could be changed in drivers / firmware. I have also seen some banding on their Hypercam 1600m pro models. However, I have no heard of any consistent issues with their cameras. Adam
  13. Yeah I like most of his stuff, but I just thought this was dumb.
  14. The majority of people who hurt themselves like this are children. Having two young children I can tell you that although I get it, they don't understand toung in cheek. I know children are not his audience but some will be watching his content.
  15. Just wondering if I am the only one who thinks that what he shows at the start of this video is really stupid, joke or not. Or perhaps I am just getting grumpy now I have hit 40. Discuss. Adam
  16. ZWO and QHY cameras dont look much like Altair (Touptek) to me?? I mean they are all round... Adam
  17. No ZWO and QHY both make their cameras from scratch nothing to do with Touptek. However there are a few rebrands of touptek altair being one. Adam
  18. The APX60 Is clearly a step head of the ASI and QHY offerings, you can tell just by looking at the thing, very well engineard. The problem is the amount of time it is taking them to bring new CMOS products to the market. I dont see the APX60 for sale anywhere yet including FLO and ATIK are linking to their webpage as a place to buy it. So given that I doubt you will see IMX571 any time soon. Its SX that I am really worried about, they have some catching up to do when it comes to CMOS cameras. Releasing blue editions of older CCD models almost seems desperate. Adam
  19. Well one thing is certain and thats is you have a tone of sensor tilt and so its hard to say. The sensor tilt is most likely causing your elongated stars though. In terms of the dark bands in the halo that is caused by clips in the light path or sometimes on the Esprit 80 its a notch in the lens buffer ring. Either way I would discuss with your supplier as its not normal. The sad thing is I have seen lots of this from the Esprit 80 recently. Here take a look at this thread. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/691489-poor-stars-with-esprit-80ed/ Adam
  20. I am assuming that it is the chunks out of the star halo that you are concerned about?
  21. Neither ZWO or QHY are anything like akin to FLI or Apogee. I would not dismiss QHY over ZWO mind you, they have different strenghs. As an example QHY tend to put nice tilt plates that also allow for camera rotation. ZWO tilter is useless on some of their larger format cameras as it's stuck behind their wheel. ZWO have better support and I do like my ASI1600mm pro allot. Adam
  22. Depends on the exact sensor and how it performs its internal calibration. Its a new camera and sensor I dont know what the correct answer is, however what I do know is this: 1) Dark Flats always work with CMOS. 2) BIAS doesnt always work with CMOS. Hence, unless you want toexperement with the sensor yourself and determine if BIAS is viable then you will need to use Dark Flats until someone else determines otherwise. Adam
  23. I was seriously considering one of these from FLO but if this is normal no way am I going to make that purchase. That oscilation is larger than my proposed image scale.
  24. Not if you are using them for solar system imaging. Adam
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