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Everything posted by SteveWolves

  1. Ash you could get the Sky at Night monthly magazine aimed more at beginners. Lots of web sites like https://www.popastro.com/main_spa1/ In-The-Sky.org https://www.zooniverse.org/projects?discipline=astronomy&page=1&status=live
  2. Hi Ash You could try to find your nearest astro society by using the tab at the top of the page called Resources they might have someone to advise you.
  3. Thank you Lars I had just found the archive search page I have been doing photometry on NGC957 and I am searching for data to confirm cluster members and to check my distance calcs. I will have to read this very carefully. Merry Xmas.🎅🔭
  4. Hi have you tried going to your nearest astronomy society meetings?
  5. Hi guys, the Wolves location at Bonningale is by arrangement only, we all need a site we can go to at short notice with no problems contacting landowners etc, this has been a problem of course. We all could try Cannock Chase if there was enough of us to occupy a car park we could park a vehicle accross the entrance to stop the doggers. Who are they going to complain to?
  6. To get good skies I go to star parties where the location has been choosen carefully for a good trade off of lightpollution against facillities. But we are all looking for low lightpollution, ease of access and safety, the Chase has lots of nightime activity and had to use flash pictures to get them to leave but its bordered by the Stafford and Cannock glows. Rural sites are the best but lots of farms now have to have big lights on for insurace reasons and thus do not want gangs of blokes roaming arruond in the dark. I camp at Ratlinghope on the west side of the Mynd but its a campsite and others there can be very bright so not always so suitable. If you find somewhere to try let us know that way you might get people to come with you as most cannot get away for the evening at short notice..
  7. Hi Leo THe wolves AS do use a field in Bonningale sometimes. I have tried the Chase and the areas arround the long mynd but the problems are finding somewhere with little or no direct light that is far enough from a road with a good surface and reduced overall light pollution that is within a distance for an evenings observing. It is always usefull to have a mate or two with you to make you feel safe . As well as being a member of Wolverhampton AS I run a beginners astro club at Perton Library on the 3 rd Thursday each month.
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