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Everything posted by alacant

  1. Hi everyone The Dumbbell with a bit of the outer halo showing. This is around 3 1/2 hours using a UHC filter and processed HOO. Not sure if there's much more to be had; DSLR users, do post if you have any experience of what to expect. Almost tempted to hit the ruin denoise button, but managed to resist! Cheers and thanks for looking. 700d on pn208 siril 1.1.0 startools 1.8.525-2
  2. We use the GPU. Anywhere between f5 and f3.9, we find it -far- superior than any of the affordable ccs. Dunno. Try L and hope they're a little more par-focal? Cheers
  3. ? All seems well apart from the colour. I think R may be out of focus. The only other glass the light traverses is the cc. Borrow one you know to be good to eliminate that? But hey, for just 1 hour, this is good. Cheers and HTH
  4. Hi Nice image. Could be cc, filter, focus... Post an unprocessed link to it if you like. That will help us.
  5. Hi everyone Any other attempts at dark stuff with a DSLR, do please share your methods. TBH, i don't think there's much you can do, apart from keep snapping until the noise in the dark stuff disappears. Oh, and there's enough signal to colour-balance away the brown muddy stuff which otherwise gives the impression of the bad old 589 light pollution days. Thanks for looking. 700d on ES208 ~4h @ ISO800 revelado: siril-1.1.0 + st-1.8.527-2
  6. You can scan a frame taken in darkness at 1/4000s in the siril window: hover -> statistics. Average the pixel values to the nearest power of 2. You'll find that the offset on a 600d is 2048. No need for bias frames themselves. But try for your self of course and do post if you see any difference. Cheers and HTH
  7. Hi everyone Mediterranean haze, wildfire + local fiestas' smoke and gibbous moon notwithstanding, and with our clip-in filter doing the rounds elsewhere, an old 2" UHC on the end of the cc did a good job of getting something from nothing. But enough excuses... Processed HOO using StarTools' L + Synth L From R(2xG)B, R(GB)(GB) option, this worked better than expected, despite including the -noisy- blue channel. Thanks for looking and do please post your filtered DSLR shots. 700d on ES-208 ~3h @ ISO800 Siril 1.1.0, StarTools 1.5.7-2
  8. Hi 600d, so lose the dark frames. Instead, simply subtract a constant bias value and use flat frames. +1 for doing this in Siril. Download here. Cheers and HTH.
  9. Because with a DSLR, the light from the mirrors is not projected far enough out from the tube. Yes. Both of those telescopes will reach focus with a 550d. Yes. To fit the camera you need this and this. HTH
  10. Hi Love it. Sorry, just couldn't resist an in-your-face HOO, as there's so much detail. But with the stars:) Cheers and clear skies.
  11. We use DSLRs with sensor temperatures well above 30º. The images turn out fine. Cheers
  12. Hi I'm guessing you're using the Baader cc. Cheers
  13. Hi 6 minutes. The UHC allows you to go much longer, especially if you're light polluted. Moon or otherwise. Cheers
  14. Hi everyone Almost full moon so a UHC filter to help with the glare and the noise. Split and recombined to HOO, so not sure about the colours, but judging by Google's image serch, anything goes. Background: stuff everywhere. Impossible. Thanks for looking and do please post your dslr versions. eos700d on ES pn208 ~4h @ ISO800 calibración: siril. revelado: startools 1.8.527-2
  15. Hi Careful. The 'white ring' is the tube aperture reinforcement which forms part of the structure of the tube and secondary spider support. Unless you plan upon reinforcing the tube around the four knurled secondary spider thumb screws and focuser, it must be left in place. Cheers and HTH
  16. Hi Here's what I pulled out from the .tif. You've some nice stars emerging.
  17. Hi Pis are great, but seem recently to have become €silly. We use these. i5 8Gb +256Gb ssd under Ubuntu. About half the cost of a pi, faster and you can have as many as you wish. Tomorrow. Various badges depending on the supplier. We think the original is Fujitsu. Search ebay or tech site in your country. Easily capable of indi-kstars-ekos and everything else including fits storage, all on the same box and responsive vnc, especially over 5G via a decent wifi adapter. Cheers and HTH
  18. Hi I'd go with a decent lens. Start here maybe. The 55mm, 135mm and 200mm versions are good too. If you're good at auctions, you could come away with one of each for around €100. Your mount -has it a ra motor?- should be able to do 30s frames with them: HTH
  19. Hi If you're seeing colours of any sort, then the image has already been processed, Probably by the software upon which it is being displayed. An image which has not been debayered displays a monochrome grid pattern. Post -a link to- your raw file if you like. Cheers
  20. GSO made the whole thing. If you want to eliminate tilt, you simply have to pull it apart and fit proper springs and mirror supports. Lateral mirror movement and sagging on the inadequate springs makes the collimation change as the tube angle changes. The collimation is only correct at the angle at which you collimate it. The tube also needs supporting. Pragmatism led us to this. Cheers and HTH
  21. Assuming I have 'Run 1', not here it doesn't: I think maybe the frames you posted had already been processed. Cheers
  22. The flat frames are (way) over done. You're around 30000. Even un-stretched you can see detail therein. On a 600d, aim for a value of no more than 2000. On an eos, Av will give you a good approximation to this; aim for an exposure of at least 2s. For reference, I've included a flat frame from one of our 700ds with the exposure determined via Av. HTH
  23. Oh dear. If you like, share three ORIGINAL of each: light frames, flat frames. Then we'll be able to see what's wrong.
  24. Hi Flex. This is when the guide telescope is moving relative to the 127 as the assembly changes angle. This is because you have it mounted on the flimsy finder shoe. Instead, put the asair in the finder shoe and mount the guide telescope properly to the handle. Here is an example of how rigid the assembly needs to be. This rigidity is needed even over just 420mm focal length. At 1 metre, it becomes even more imperative. The OAG will of course do it, but represents more expense and more work to have to do. Cheers and HTH
  25. Load the flat sequence pre-process with a bias of 2048 Stack You now have a correctly calibrated flat. HTH
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