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Everything posted by alacant

  1. Hi No. The 'pulse' on the opposite side simply reduces tracking rate temporarily for the length of time specified so that the sky can 'catch up'. The worm and crown are in constant mesh. Cheers
  2. This into the 'phone (or whatever connection apple use these days). Then this to the camera. Cheers
  3. Newer versions of Siril have a useful tilt analyser. Red and blue seem to be the worst culprits. Here's red: HTH
  4. Hi 800d, so best to apply banding-reduction to the sequence before registration. Maybe go easier with the processing? Just keep adding frames so you'll be able to bring more detail. The more time you give it, the more you'll be able to push it. The rusty brown stuff is beginning to show:
  5. ¡Claro! Most of our imaging is done 'remotely';)
  6. Hi everyone We were blessed with another night steady enough for 1000mm focal length; our fourth in abril. Cue applause! This one makes m13 look easy. The stars toward the core only just succumbed to StarTools' -rather excellent- HDR module, otherwise it would have had to be a merge of developed and under-developed. Or even a separate shoot with 10s frames. Had to stop at the end of astro-darkness at around 05:30, so noise galore and as we're still strictly on the determined-not-to-ruin-the-shot-with-denoise, that's the way it has to be. DSLR users, do please share your processing tips on this target and thanks everyone for looking. 700s + gso203 siril 1.1.0 startools 1.8.527-2 26x4min @ ISO800
  7. ssh tunnel at the ready, waiting for astro darkness... ... in the local bar;)
  8. Hi I think you need to concentrate more of the halo into the red and green. Try the focusing method described here. Works well with old camera lenses, low end EDs and achromatic doublets. We'd recommend Siril for calibration and stacking. Cheers and HTH.
  9. The OP has already proved that this is not the case. Thanks. Must go. Not a fiesta here today:(
  10. We've moved forward from there. The OP has since discovered an inconsistent rotation in RA. Let's fix that first and try again;) HTH
  11. Please see my previos posts. The OP has not yet replaced the RA worm shaft bearings, We are assuming that these are OK. If the test I outlined is successful (I believe it was) then this obviates the need to have to dismantle further. IOW, keep it as simple as possible;) Cheers
  12. The OP is diagnosing inconsistent RA worm rotation. If he does not disconnect the belt, then he has not isolated the RA worm; he is also rotating against the belt tension, intermediate pulley and of course the motor.
  13. The RA worm is always in contact with the crown wheel because it is constantly driven at or close to sidereal rate. Backlash is not important. That is in contrast to the DEC motor, which if well polar aligned, should remain stationary. Any guide pulses could send DEC in in either direction. Backlash is critical. HTH
  14. It should have the same resistance throughout. Firstly, make sure RA is at balance. Assuming the worm shaft bearings are ok, remove the belt, loosen the mesh between the worm and its gear and try again. Repeat until the movement is even though 360°. Err on the slack side: RA is always meshed. Cheers
  15. Hi everyone New moon -and for some, long- weekend. Clear and steady. So busy, but managed to get a few hours in between helping in tasks diverse, including that of the most impossible: finding the dropped-in-the-dark viewfinder cover. Insulating tape to the rescue. Quite pleased as there is some detail emerging along the dust lanes, but disappointed with the noise. Can't win ém all., DSLR users, do share your methods and findings on this target. 700d + gso203 30x5min @ ISO800 siril 1.1.0 startools 1.8.527-2
  16. Hi No, it's a wise move. We've never seen a 'clean' sw mount out of the box. The mount will benefit from cleaning and re-greasing and it will allow you to eliminate free movement/bearings in any future fault diagnosis. Cheers Mmm. I wonder;)
  17. Ah, ok. That's the cone bearing at the base of each axis which simply needs loosening. No need to dismantle to get the axes spinning and always worth trying new belts. The OP's mount is belt driven.
  18. Hi RA overshoots after correction pulses. Although it won't fix any mechanical imperfections, lowering RA agression will at least offset the overshoot. If it persists, break open RA and inspect/clean gears, replace bearings and readjust. Cheers.
  19. Yes, you definitely found it and great news with the 'phone. Well done. Here's hoping that there's a future therein which will finally replace the current mess of cables, conventional hardware and frustration. If anyone can do it, it's Google. Cheers.
  20. +1 Keep it simple. Control it using your 'phone. Good luck and here's hoping it's not too much of a struggle.
  21. Are you sure you applied it to the linear images before registration? Not sure there have been any changes to the algorithm, but it may be an idea to build the latest version. Cheers
  22. If you apply the master flat to each of the light frames, then register and stack that, then it may make sense to apply background extraction (BE), but only AFTER you have applied de-banding. JTOL: I don't think applying BE to a flat frame helps in analysing what you think is wrong. Anyway, fwiw, using your method after banding reduction, this is what I get. But we're never going to develop/stretch that far anyway. I'll include a normally starched version as well as the histogram max of the original too. Cheers
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