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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. Please check the laser collimator for collimation too!... Other videos also available.
  2. I am not an astro-imager, but the odd image does get posted now and again. So here's may opinion... £400+ will get you an average mount, minus tripod or pier if you want stability. Check the classifieds here on SGL or UKAB&S for secondhand. Astro-imaging can be done with a goto mount. Many tend to be alt-az. You may need other items to compensate for the Earth's rotation if deep sky imaging is your thing/floats your boat. Accurate polar alignment and tracking is a 'must have' if you want satisfactory images and plenty of patience. Read articles here on SGL and elsewhere, books; (especially this book... Make Every Photon Count); view videos, etc., (and repeat) on astro-imaging. Good luck and wishing you clear skies.
  3. Hi @Markyttt and welcome to SGL. You could have a look at the Baader planetarium 8-24mm Hyperion zoom (link below). The beauty of it is that it can be used with 1.25" & 2" focus tubes. There is also a 2.25x Barlow lens that will complement it. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/baader-planetarium/baader-hyperion-zoom-eyepiece.html https://www.firstlightoptics.com/baader-planetarium/baader-2-zoom-eyepiece-upgrade-kit.html For viewing the Moon I use a variable polarising filter. They are available in 1.25" or 2" Telrad of Rigel RDF may be an improvement. Other optical finderscopes are available.
  4. Hi @Anthony Averay and welcome to SGL.
  5. Hi @Stargazer2007 and welcome to SGL. I use a Manfrotto 055PROB tripod and a joystick/trigger grip/ballhead with mine. (images below)... <--- SONY 7x50's <---Revalation ASTRO 20x80's <--- the joystick/trigger grip/ballhead Alternatively you can use a monopod and an alt-az head, or use an upended broom; (wrap the head in a bag or material); and rest or secure the binoculars to it with a bungee cord as a temporary until you are in a position when you can purchase. Parallelograms can also be used, but they are expensive, or you could attempt to build one if you have DIY and some basic engineering skills.
  6. That is super. I wonder what William Herschel would be thinking and have to say if he was living today, with goto 'scopes etc.
  7. "You're gonna need a bigger boat!" - Chief Brody... JAWS "You're gonna need a bigger case!" - Philip R... SGL
  8. I think another SGL'er had a similar issue with his/her Maksutov or SCT secondary and removed and cleaned it up, then re-stuck it in position with a very thin layer of adhesive after a few 'dry' runs. I am not sure what adhesive he/she used, but if you decide to re-stick the secondary, I would... Mark a position on the meniscus cell and tube with a piece of masking tape or self-adhesive label and place a few index marks with a pen or pencil and cut through it the label before unscrewing. This will make to easier to realign during during reassembly. If you do remove the front element and decide to stick it with adhesive, my advice here would be to leave the cell off for a few weeks. Some adhesives, (i.e. some cyanoacrylates), do release some vapour while curing/drying even after a few days. This may cause a small area of the glass to have narrow 'foggy ring' around it and you don't want that spoiling your views through the eyepiece. DO NOT remove the meniscus element from the cell by unscrewing the retaining ring - note: this is the one with the writing, as in your first image. Re-assemble and connect the OTA to the rear ABS plastic housing and it should be good to go! I noticed you said in your first post of this topic, quote: Can you submit an image of the flip mirror assembly? - as I think your second image is the mirror itself! - what did you clean it with? My ETX flip-mirror assembly got damaged, along with two of the three mounting points and a long crack in the ABS plastic cell after the OTA fell from one of my mounts when the cast-metal dovetail mounting snapped. (fortunately or luckily it was on grass/lawn). I have kept the mirror as it may come in use; (though I may sell it as I no longer have a use for it), and is in a VGC and clean condition and kept in a dust free bag in a drawer. I had a local engineering workshop make the replacement aluminium backplate. When fitted for the first time, it did not require collimating or other adjustments. Over the years since the 're-mod' my ETX105 has had one clean, collimated and service by SCTelescopes.
  9. Hi @kaslonpro and welcome to SGL. The screws that you are pointing at are one half of the collimation screws. The ones next to them are the other half. (I think the dome/pan-head screw is the 'adjust' and the recessed screw is the 'lock'). The holes nearest the outside edge are the ones for reassembly of the ABS back to the OTA. From memory, I think they are 6/32 UNC if you need to replace these, though I am not sure what the collimation screw threads are. Remove the flip-mirror assembly and shaft and purchase an ETX to SCT adaptor ring and visual back (shown below). I use a 1.25" and/or 2" visual back + star diagonal & SCT accessories with my ETX105. CAUTION: if you are using your ETX90 with an adaptor ring, 1.25" visual back & star diagonal, you may not reach the zenith; (i.e. directly overhead); as it may/will collide with the base of the fork mount. ? If you are referring to the baffle on the meniscus cell? - then yes it needs to be fixed. I don't know how to or what to recommend... sorry! I have included a couple of internet links at the end that maybe of use to you and other ETX users. I would not worry to much about the finder bracket, unless the supplied finder is the 90deg, one, (it was a minor improvement). I have the straight through/inline one, and as I am left-eye dominant, it did not work for me, as it is mounted on the left side. I have attached two lightweight universal metal bases/brackets; (image below); with 3M double-sided tape for an RDF or finderscope. I am going to reposition them either side of the dovetail bar the nearer the front end. <--- the universal metal base/bracket for RDF/finderscope via AstroBoot. Below are some images of my 're-modded' ETX105... The jubilee/hose rings hold the OTA to the dovetail bar as I cannot find compatible diameter tube rings... "Vorsprung durch non-Technik". An extremely useful website for all things ETX related is... http://www.weasner.com/etx/menu.html ...and for repairs, maintenance, tune-ups, etc., I would recommend... http://sctelescopes.com/ ...assuming you are living/residing in GB/UK 🇬🇧
  10. No... it was me! I accidently duplicated my post.
  11. I am using the one you recommended me @johninderby. It works a treat. Thank you.
  12. Below is an image of my 're-modded' ETX105 with an SCT extension fitted to the SCT adaptor ring as mentioned in my earlier post... https://www.365astronomy.com/365astronomy-2-sc-extension-for-scts-schmidt-cassegrain-telescopes.html
  13. ** DUPLICATED BELOW ** admins or moderators - please can you delete this? tnx in adv.
  14. You could use an upturned sturdy bucket or water butt stand to give you a little bit of extra height. Seated whilst observing can make the viewing more comfortable and enjoyable.
  15. Can you imagine William Parsons 3rd Earl of Rosse, cursing as he remembers that he has left his e/p's at the at the bottom, in the shed, or one of the many rooms of Birr Castle.
  16. Hi @Mustang281 / Erik and welcome to SGL. As said earlier, have you used it with the star diagonal (item #7) in place? as per @Knighty2112 & @Seelive. My TeleVue Ranger does not/will not focus without one or tube extension.
  17. A tripod is not necessary... alt-az is simply up/down - left/right... same as a pan & tilt camera/video mount.
  18. I own a Mak., SCT & refractor. I use my Mak or SCT 90%-95% of the time when viewing the Moon and planets. A Mak., (and/or SCT); hardly ever requires collimation. Several years I ago, my ETX105 fell off my mount when the cast metal dovetail fitting snapped and the OTA hit the ground; (fortunately it was grass/lawn); from about 24"/60cms and damaged the rear ABS plastic cell. It did not require collimation. I just had to tighten up the ring/collar that slides the primary mirror along the baffle tube as is was loose and no other damage to the OTA. I have added/fitted an adaptor ring to the back-end of my 're-modded' ETX105 [Mak], so that I am able to use my SCT accessories and a 1.25" or 2" visual back. The only 2" e/p I have is the Sky-Watcher 28mm LET|LER Apex... the TeleVue 13mm Nagler type 1 and Meade 8.8mm UWA series 4000 are dual-fit. Image above showing the back-end of my 're-mdded' ETX105 and the SCT adaptor ring. The Jubilee/hose ring holds the dovetail bar to the tube. There is one on the other end too.
  19. If you leave an e/p in the defocus, do you see perfect concentric rings around a point of light when doing a star test? - if "Yes!" then you should be good to go - if not then it will need it will/may need collimating. Maksutov's & SCT's are notorious dew magnets and do require time to acclimatise Being an enclosed tube, hot air and cold air causes dew/codensation. As you are viewing from a window in the loft/attic of your home, is the loft/attic heated and is the window open or closed? - looking through a closed window is not advisable. I leave my C6/SCT-xlt and ETX105 a minimum of 30-40 minutes [outside] to allow any trapped warm air inside the tube to escape, visual back pointing skyward and end caps removed. Yours being a C8, you may need to leave it for a minimum of 60 minutes if outside and maybe longer if your only option is viewing from inside your loft/attic.
  20. Hi @juda222000 and welcome to SGL. Most beginners think of their 'first' 'scope as being the refractor. The six inch 'Dobsonian' is the classic 'Newtonian' reflector; (it is just the alt-az mounting, i.e. the rocker box that changed the name after John Dobson, ex-monk and inventor); a good instrument to start with and will serve you and kids well for the Moon and planets for many years.
  21. My bodyguard alternative when I was younger...
  22. Hi @Camissa / Eckhard and welcome to SGL.
  23. Here is another couple of video guides to help you get used to setting up an EQ mount and RA & Dec setting circles...
  24. I used to do the same with my Prinz Astral 500 as I could not get used to the RA & Dec setting circles. The latitude scale was too!
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