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Everything posted by spaceman_spiff

  1. spaceman_spiff

    Photos from Bury

    This folder contains photos taken from my house. The view is quite obscured to the west and south so I must wait for things to come to me.
  2. spaceman_spiff

    Iris Nebula

    From the album: Photos from Bury

    This was taken on the same night as the M101 image. I plan on adding more subs to this when I can. Image was stacked from approximately 1 hour (20 x 3 min subs) for LRGB channels.
  3. spaceman_spiff


    From the album: Photos from Bury

    M101 Date: 07-08/04/2023. Full moon, clear sky, no wind, ok seeing. Telescope: SW Esprit 100 with field flattener Camera: ZWO 533MM with LRGB filters. Mount: SW AZ-EQ6. My first stack with my new mono camera (ZWO 533MM). I got about 45 mins of each channel (15 x 3 min subs and gain = 100). I cooled the camera to -10C below ambient. Images were corrected with 25 bias, flats (for each filter) and darks. Imaging was done under a full Moon, and my processing is not the best (I am looking at getting PixInsight soon). I am hoping to add more data to this stack before I lose the dark nights. Comments: The image is ok, I think the stars in the corners show very slight red flare but this could be my processing. I am going to continue to experiment with the setup so I can properly compare the camera to my old Canon 600D.
  4. Love it! It really shows space as a constantly changing place.
  5. You should post the video of the occultation...
  6. spaceman_spiff

    Planetary work

    This album contains my newer images of Solar System objects taken using my 150mm Skymax Mak-Cass.
  7. From the album: Planetary work

    A stack of 3000 frames taken from a 7 min video. Date/Time: 07/12/2022 ~23:40 Telescope: SW Skymax 150 with TeleVue 2x Barlow and Baader fringe Killer filter. Camera Canon 550D ISO 400 640x480 crop mode at 60 fps. Processing: Video formatting, quality control and centralising done using Pipp, stacking and tweaking done using Registax. Notes: Seeing was better than my previous attempt. But I am just not getting a lot of detail compared to my shots of Jupiter and Saturn. I may need to experiment with more filters. I stayed up later to get Mars at ~60 degrees altitude. I was having problems with my dew shield obstructing part of the telescope (I only noticed once I defocused on a star and noticed the irregular (non-circular) pattern. I fixed this before this video was recorded.

    © D Elijah

  8. Really nice shot. Credit for staying up.
  9. Imaging Mars tonight, seeing is bad/can't get good focus. Will wait for Mars to get a bit higher...

  10. I have an EQ5 Pro and this can happen if the RA is well past meridian and the Dec is low. This is never an issue when in operation as the computer would do a meridian flip.
  11. Really nice image. Well done. I just processed my attempt and only a little bit of detail came out. I feel Mars is more strongly affected by bad seeing than Jupiter...
  12. From the album: Planetary work

    A quick stack of ~500 frames taken from a 3 min video between clouds. Telescope: SW Skymax 150 with TeleVue 2x Barlow and Baader fringe Killer filter. Camera Canon 550D ISO 400 640x480 crop mode at 60 fps. Processing: Video formatting, quality control and centralising done using Pipp, stacking and tweaking done using Registax. Seeing was poor due to heat coming off nearby houses. I unfortunately was not able to stay up too late and catch Mars higher in the sky. Perhaps later this week I may try again. Good fun though.

    © D Elijah

  13. From the album: Planetary work

    A quick stack of ~1800 frames taken from a 3 min video between clouds. Telescope: SW Skymax 150 with TeleVue 2x Barlow and Baader fringe Killer filter. Camera Canon 550D ISO 400 640x480 crop mode at 60 fps. Processing: Video formatting, quality control and centralising done using Pipp, stacking and tweaking done using Registax.

    © D Elijah

  14. Nice shot! I've got a Astromaster 90 (on an EQ mount) and I can say it's a very good performer. I use it for Scouts/Cub astronomy evenings. I might try to get the kids to use their phones next time.
  15. Hi Miguel, Telescope used: SW Skymax 150 with TeleVue 2x Barlow (giving at least 3200mm focal length) Mount: SW EQ5 Pro Camera: Cannon 550D (normally in 640x480 Crop mode for the planets) Images processed using RigiStax6 and Pipp
  16. I just noticed, you started that previous post - was there something else you wanted to know about the EQ5 pro mount?
  17. What would you like to know? It's a good mount for smaller telescopes and imaging with a budget. I use one with my Skymax 150 for lunar, planetary and solar imaging and it gives good results. I also used it beyond its max payload for imaging deep sky and it did work if the scope was properly balanced. However, I agree with other members points in the post below about the benefits of a HEQ5. I got the EQ5 when I was starting the hobby and I did not want to commit tones of cash early on. Later I got the AZEQ6 but the EQ5 is still in service. Take a look at the previous post here...
  18. Just spotted the dates in the notes are wrong - it was 02-03/11/2022.
  19. I got lucky that night, but the following night I paid the price - got drenched trying to image the Packman Nebula. The telescope survived but my home built dew heater did not...
  20. From the album: Photos from Bury

    Andromeda Galaxy and neighbours (M31, M32, M110). Date 02/03-10/2022. Location: Newtonmore, Scotland. Equipment: Telescope: SW Esprit 100 with field flattener and Baader UHC filter. Mount: SW AZ-EQ6 auto guided using a synguider2. Camera/settings: Canon 600D with IR filter removed. ISO 800. Image calibration: 136 lights (3 mins each with 15s interval), 50 x darks, bias, flats and dark flats. Conditions: Mostly clear, with very light wind. The Moon was present for about half the imaging - it set as I was doing the meridian flip. Some artificial light from cars on a nearby road but it was not too bad. Notes: This is my first full night imaging session for a long time (almost 2 years!) so I went for an easy target. I'm happy with the results and I hope this will be the start of a new set pictures as I restart my hobby!

    © Daniel Elijah

  21. Hopefully when I have fitted the lens to the mount I can run some comparisons between the premium camera lens and my Esprit 100.
  22. Great! I just ordered the 18cm Astro essentials dovetail bar from FLO. I have some spare bolts so and they should fit into the recess on the underside of the bar!
  23. Ok I think the medium vixen bar will not quite fit the holes on the lens so instead I will get the shorter 18cm bar. It has slots instead of holes so should be easy to fit!
  24. Hi @Skipper BillyI just measured the screw holes in the foot of the mount...looks like they are separated by 3.6cm, shorter than my long vixen dovetail. Hi there @Philip R do you know if the two holes in the medium Vixen dovetail match with the mounting foot (separated by 3.6cm)? Thanks for all your help!
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