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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Many of teh best targets for astrophotography are quite big. There are great things you can image with any lens, so a star adventurer on a decent tripod is a great way to start.
  2. My experience is that although Ha needs longer exposures, the lack of dispersion and reduced seeing effects mean it amkes sense for lunar imaging. This is a 4-pane mosaic using the ASI1600MM, each quadrant being 80% of 89-100 frames, preprocessed in PIPP and stacked in AS3. Processing was minimal, just a very light deconvolution in Astra Image before combination, using feathered masks for the joins in photoshop. Then another, equally light, deconvolution and a touch of curves to raise the darkest parts of the moon while pinning the sky background under 10%. It is worth zooming in and exploring, even though a near-full moon doesn't show a huge amount of relief. Yes I know it's 'upside down' but I think that makes it less familiar and more interesting.
  3. Lots of people use weightlifting weights to add extra mass to their mount counterbalance, but the 1" diameter holes mean they are a sloppy fit, even when sandwiched between two 'normal weights'. This creates the opportunity for them to slip, jarring the mount and possibly spoiling a sub. Here's a solution - 3D printed bushes.The bushes fit neatly in standard weights and fit standard 18mmm or 20mm shafts. You can download the STL files from http://www.stubmandrel.co.uk/lifting-weight-adaptors-for-telescope-mounts
  4. If it's like my mount extension there should be a thrust bearing that allows you to tighten the holding screw without rendering the mount immobile. Not actually that good in practice.
  5. Hope you don't mind but I took a screen grab of your image, made a selection around the galaxies, inverted it and ran Gradient Exterminator on coarse/strong. There's a similar tool in pxinsight, if you run it on the full image the end result should be pretty impressive!
  6. I think the mirror rings could be the secret to eliminating 'star bloom'
  7. I made one from an old camp mat, lined with flock. It's lasted years and been ace. As for flocking the tube, a square opposite teh focus tube gives much of the benefit for little effort.
  8. Thanks, I will be adding colour, but I think B&W images show textures better.
  9. I use one of these for the guider on my 130P-DS, it's a lovely piece of kit for the modest price.
  10. Two hour's data from last night, using the 150PL and ASI1600MM:
  11. What is this 'green swamp' of which you speak? Is it ASCOM compliant and more importantly is it more stable than EQMOD on W10 machines?
  12. I think they deliberately quote conservative figures. My HEQ5 was guiding at 0.79" last time I was out, with a 1200mm scope on it. I'm not surprised an EQ8 can halve that, and I bet the EQ8R can as well.
  13. Well I've already done the 'unkindest cut', but the clip ring does seem a good idea. Here's a comparison of a 150PL star (left) and 130P-DS star. I think teh slight assymetry of teh 150PL star is because it was near the side of the frame and using a 1.25" nosepiece does cause vignetting:
  14. Two nights ago, just before the so-called 'Pink Supermoon', I ran runs of ~480 frames using my 150PL and ASI1600 through each on L, R, G, B, Ha Sii and Oiii. These are the results: L only: L RGB: S, Ha, O:
  15. Ah, I like the cover for the wiring, could you upload an STL for it?
  16. That makes me wonder if the drawtube shortening is really curing anything. Very tempted to do this when my printer is back in action.
  17. I use a 150W version of those for my astro, but because of the construction and access to the terminals I fitted it inside an outer case with a cooling fan. Is 180W enough for a Prusa-type rpinter?
  18. Help folks! Yesterday I printed my 20th mask headband and 18th chin piece then without a pop my printer fell suddenly silent. This morning I found the culprit, a length of wire and somehow got into the fan and stopped it, it looks like it's blown a thermal fuse. Although the 500W ATX PSU worked fine, I am very happy with the 150W 12V PSU I use for astro, and I see people often have similar ones mounted to the frames of their printers. This could be a good time to fit one (and the remote switching PCB for my hot bed). Can anyone recommend a model they have found safe and reliable without breaking the bank? (Although I'm beginning to think another ATX supply might be safer as it is fully cased...) Thanks
  19. It's soo unfair. Venus has spent almost all of this apparition either behind or rapidly approaching the Evil Tree(TM).
  20. On @Vlaiv's second point it's a bit like this: TESTING TESTING ONE TWO THREE The text is only marginally brighter than the background and appears almost invisible, but if you backed the black point downwards it would be become visible and could be stretched to be normal black and white.
  21. Ah, but iAstronomers are a better class of astronomer so they count twice.
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