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pipnina last won the day on March 26 2018

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    Devon, England.

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  1. Hard to stay illusioned with this hobby of late.

    I look at the pictures I took now a minimum of a year in the past, and occasionally glimpse a star past some clouds. I then look at my dusty equipment and wonder if this hobby is even still viable for me. I could swear weather in the GMT+0 months has gotten progressively worse since I took up this hobby in 2014 and paired with work I feel this hobby somewhat unsustainable. I wish things were different.

    1. Luke


      There was a period where I got a bit frustrated. I normally feel better once I've got a session in. The other thing that helps me is that I think about how old some of my gear is - ten years or more, some of it - and what good condition it's still in. I reckon I've already had my money's worth out of it, for the amazing views they've given me. I haven't bought anything astro for years now, though it would be lovely to put an order in with FLO if funds allowed. Good luck, I hope you get some opportunities soon.

    2. xtreemchaos


      yea darn weather eh, and when we get a bit of clear its hard to get a frame without one of elons satilites in shot. these things are there to test us for sure. one things for sure it can only get better i hope.

    3. bingevader


      Hang on in their!

      I've had quite sizeable 'breaks' in the past due to work, family, weather.

      At the moment, I'm in bed too early to do any meaningful stargazing.

      However, the stars aren't going anywhere and neither will your kit if you keep hold of it! :D 

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