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Posts posted by Ibbo!

  1. I have moved my post so as not to distract from the OP's in California nebula thread.


    I found that the Ha & S2 were much stronger.

    Here are my NB stacks from earlier this year.

    Not saying there is no O3 but it is very subtle in my captures or do i have a problem with the O3 data.











  2. 17 hours ago, rcwinter said:


    Hi Ibbo

    Great captures, lovely detail, so complex,

    I opened up the obsy only to find the scope needs to be raised as it’s below the southern wall, Dohhh 

    I need a rising pier to left it high enough, I will try again today just incase I can find away around it 


    Thanks Richard.

    Its that time of year for musical mounts -just wait for the music to stop.😄

  3. 1 minute ago, Jamgood said:

    @Ibbo! I'm a complete newbie to Astrophotography and even more so to Solar imaging. I literally got a Solar filter on Thursday 26th in the post and Friday 27th was clear for a bit and I had my first "go". I spent much time just looking at my computer screen in awe and amazed that I got to see sun spots for the first time, on my first time.

    Looking at the image I took (one shot) and then looking at yours, shows me in more detail what I was actually looking at, so thank you for sharing. Maybe one day in the future, I'll be able to take images like yours. 👍

    Here's mine.


    Very good start.

    I'm sure you will.

    • Like 1
  4. I don't hunch as my pc is on a stand with a shroud and a thermal blanket to act as a shield., I spend hours out there.

    The 127 is a recent toy that I got for use with the HW and  yes briefly but the seeing was not up to it I'm afriad.

    I am hoping for better when its gets a bit higher next year, at present it gets about 15° max.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Kitsunegari said:

    i know what you mean about forgetting stuff, and leaving equipment unattenteded.     I have the same issue right now,  need to carry my mount 100 yards away from the house, then the telescope. Then I have to load up a wagon to carry the batteries ,cables, controller, computer etc....     When i forget to put something on the wagon, its certainly is bothersome.


    Today i forgot the chair!!!!  

    That would be OK for me as I stand 😄


  6. 35 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

    Lovely set Steve, been dying to have a go at that new AR, forecast clear sky and no wind this morning but ended up with thick fog all day.


    Thanks Dave .

    So have I .I thought I had missed out as the forecast was good for Thurs when I went to bed at about 4-30 am and we had cloud all day, I was most suprised to wake up to the sunny skies on Fri as the cloudy forecast is usually correct.

    • Like 2
  7. Thanaks a lot folks.


    4 hours ago, Nigella Bryant said:

    . How do you find the Ca K Lunt b600 for imaging?

    I use it on either the ED80 or Tak 60.

    With the Chameleon cam I did a a 3 pane mosaic(I can do 2 but it can fail to register esp if its a low activity day)

    There is some vignetting but I use a flat field and gentle use of shdows & highlights in P/S.

    I really could do with an electric focuser though.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Seems like ages since my last view of our local star.

    At this time of year I need to move the mount around so I can get a chance to view it but from home but it still creeps across the rooftops.I do have a spot earmarked only a few hundred metres away that overlooks the fields and would be much better, but if I forgot something it would be a royal PITA as I could not leave the kit unattended even for a short while.

    Ha Lunt 60mm double stacked with coronado rich field tuner.

    Cak Lunt BF600 with the ED80.

    WL Herschel Wedge continium filter Bresser 127/1200 frac.

    All taken with the Pt Grey Chameleon cam.



    Do the clicky thing for full res (well worth it for the Cak image IMO)





    • Like 11
  9. Ha only with the dual rig.

    Dates:Nov. 3, 2020 ,  Nov. 22, 2020

    Takahashi FS-102 3nm HA: 10x1800" bin 1x1 QSI690
    William Optics FLT 132 Ha 7nm: 14x1200" bin 1x1 Starlight Xpress H694 Mono CCD

    Integration: 9.7 hours


    Do the clicky thing for full res.



    • Like 11
  10. 1 minute ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

    Nice shots. No luck here, alas

    Thanks Michael, if the forecast is to be believed I may have a window in the morning and Sunday afters but then it looks like another week, what happened to the odd cool/cold sunny days we used to get at this time of year.

  11. 4 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

    great shots Steve, no chance here mate with the weather mate. charl.

    Thanks Charl -1st sol in a month.

    7 minutes ago, Luke said:

    Nice one, Steve, that's a lovely view to brighten up a cold, rainy day here!

    Thanks Luke ,back to normal raining here now.

  12. Seeing was awful just after lunch and the cam needed a clean then of course the clouds and garage became a problem.
    I swapped locations and mounts later on and managed to get a run of Cak for full disc and tried the powermate before I swapped to ha to be once more be plagued by clouds.

    So it was Cak only.



    • Like 12
  13. At long last I have finished stacking and processing this one (I think).

    Captured with the dual rig of the Tak FS102 SC694 and the WO132 QSI.

    The WO Sx did the ha @7nm and the Tak qsi did the rest.

    If I get a chance I might redo the S11.

    Capture started at the Begining of Aug.




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