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Status Updates posted by O-RICH

  1. Why couldn't i see Jupiter's rings?

    1. Earl


      Jupiter has only a single very faint ring that cannont be observer visually from earth.

    2. AndyWB


      Or do you man the bands? There's a thread about that...

  2. Baader Optical Wonder Fluid can be used on camera lenses right?

  3. First ever DSLR pic was a sparrowhawk just sat on a branch inviting me to take a pic

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. O-RICH


      yes i used the long one. I also got some editing practice in as it was cloudy and the birds colours needed bringing out.

    3. tingting44


      nice, look forward to seeing your 1st light pics :)

    4. O-RICH


      I wouldn't get your hopes up, I'll probably forget to take the lens cap off lol

  4. Got my 1100D - now I've got a steep learning curve.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. O-RICH


      Now i just need sunlight to get some practice in :)

    3. tingting44


      did all your lenses turn up too? my fave out of all 3 has to be the kit 18-55, my 1st lens upgrade will defo be the canon 17-55 f2.8 :D

    4. O-RICH


      Yes, I got a few extra goodies too - like lens hoods and a viewfinder adapter. I'm reading the manual/pdf as we speak :)

  5. Trying to explain to a family member that the colour present in images of DSO's isn't actually how it looks, merely so that our eye cells can perceive it is frustrating

    1. ronin


      Perhaps an image from Chandra or Spitzer, then point out that one is an image in the X-rays (Chandra) while the other is in the Infra-Red (Spitzer) neither of which we can see with our eyes. That way they may realise that "false" colour is added to imply other aspects. Mention that even the visible band imaging scopes can/will have the colour altered. Alternative is images of M42, they come in all shades/colours. They cannot all be real.

    2. O-RICH


      I shall mention what you have said. There are some great examples in "Making Every Photon Count".

    3. RobH


      Lots of them are real colours. Many of us imagers spend a lot of time striving for a correct colour balance. Narrowband images are often false colour, but that's because they often use the emission of sulphur as red, which it is, but then also use hydrogen alpha as green, when in fact it's also red. Not all NB images are false colour though...I try to keep mine as close to natural colouring as possible.

  6. 1100D + 3 lenses purchased - wasn't cheap though...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tingting44


      there all ways good to use as a lens protector to stop dust etc getting onto the optics

    3. O-RICH


      i see, i have a MARUMI DHG Light control ND 8 filter, MARUMI DHG Circular Polarising filter

    4. tingting44


      ND8 will be great for daytime togging! these are used when you see a blurred effect on clouds and water, very nice filter!

  7. Really want to start taking photos but I'm still clueless about what Camera & Mount to buy :( EQ5 & Nikon maybe...

    1. ronin


      Will the EQ5 be tracking? As all cameras have IR filters in them so the Ha is reduced for information the Nikon filters out about 90% of the Ha the Canon about 80% so a Canon will pass more of the red Ha then the Nikon. Agreed both are low. You will need a remote timer. Check the noise reduction features of both. What lens are you intending to use?

    2. O-RICH
    3. tingting44


      id start a thread mate

  8. Pictures of Titan are amazing!

  9. In a few hours time many dogs around the country are going to require some TLC

  10. Holy Cow! I look outside my window at 1am and i see this bright star, way too bright to be Polaris. Turns out its Jupiter! and im about to go to bed and not scope it, how rubbish am i ! I've not even seen Jupiter yet :(

    1. MikeWilson


      And that's how it starts... :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. O-RICH


      I love how they make out like its going to kill us all haha, what sensationalist stupidity.

    3. faulksy


      could mean clear skys though. something to look foward to

    4. RT65CB-SWL


      Daily Express v Daily Mail - no contest!

      No FT. No comment!

  11. So far Autumn has been very mild, will Winter be the same?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ronin


      Email and ask the experts at the Met Office. :-))) You know how accurate they are.

    3. Ant


      They have invested in a Spectum ZX81 - so things should improve somewhat!

    4. O-RICH


      £90m invested in a supercomputer, i want to see 100% accuracy lol

  12. clear night tonight allegedly, i'll believe it when i see it.

  13. Thanks to Ronin, a down jacket is the first item on my list for Santa :)

    1. Spiderduck


      years ago I bought a NATO type combat jacket with a quilted liner. Its brill for cold nights...warm and loads of pockets plus button on hood for when wind starts up on a cold night....would recommend to anyone !!!

    2. O-RICH


      ill bear this mind, the warmer the coat the better, although the winter last year was rather mild...

  14. not liking these colder nights, maybe i need to man up

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. O-RICH


      surely the warmer climates don't get the darker skies?

    3. ronin


      Search for a down jacket, they are not cheap but are good for keeping you warm, astronomers tend to be stood still so not generating heat, places like Go Outdoors occasionally have them in a clearance, also PHD. Warmer climes are more south so can get more dark skies, they are less influenced by the tilt so in Summer they will get a reasonable length of dark. Around the equator the day is basically 12 hours light, 12 hours dark

    4. Qualia


      Ay, it seems to be as Ronin says. There are some other benfits for being a little closer to the equator, too. The first is that as the seasons change, there is slightly more variation in what's visible. You can see just a little more southerly.

      The second aspect is that as Ronin says, as you get closer to the equator, the difference between the length of the night from summer to winter is reduced. While this means that winter nights are longer further north, it also means in summer...

  15. not had a clear night in weeks...

    1. ronin


      They have been cold.

    2. Stargazer33


      Cold is okay, as long as they are clear ;o)

  16. Possible ATV5 sighting, was very bright at times

  17. Clear skies!!! Get In!!!!

  18. Got Sky at Night magazine, thought it would be full of adverts like most modern mags, but it is actually very enlightening. I also got Astronomy Now but yet to read that.

  19. Don't you hate it when the weather forecast says 'partly cloudy', massive tease :(

  20. Astrophotography is expensive, will have to stick to observing for now :(

    1. ronin


      AP really depends on how deep or not you intend to get into it. One thing is make up your own mind, too often you can get dragged into more and more by other people. EQ5, dual motors, DSLR. 70mm ED, adaptors and a remote timer and you will get 120 second exposures. As always check the used market, and get what you can bit by bit.

    2. cotterless45
    3. O-RICH


      I'm selling a guitar amp to add some funds to the kitty :)

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