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Everything posted by MikeODay

  1. Thank you for that. I have a Baader MPCC and I'm told I won't be able to get that to work with an OAG fitted to a Nikon. I think you are right - I will need a thin OAG. I'm still not sure about the coma corrector I should buy. The Baader RCC will apparently work if I can get the adaptors I will need but some threads seem to inicate that collimation and/or tube flex is a problem with the RCC.
  2. Hi Does anyone feel able to recommend an OAG + Coma Corrector combination that achieves the correct spacing and good reliable results when connected to a Nikon DSLR? Cheers Mike
  3. MikeODay

    Orion Nebula

    From the album: Mike's Images

    Orion Nebula Skywatcher Quattro 10" f4 Newtonian. Skywatcher AZ Eq6 GT Mount Orion 80mm f5 guide scope and auto guider - PHD2. Baader MPCC Mark 3 Coma Corrector, UHC-S 'nebula' filter. Nikon D5300 (unmodified). Field of view (deg) ~ 1.35 x 0.90. ISO800, JPEG Fine, Long Exp. NR on. HDR processed in PixInsight - 20x120sec, - 20x30sec, - 20x 8sec, - 12x4sec. Individual groups aligned and integrated. Then four integrated images aligned and HDR combined. 17 January 2015 - reprocessed 25 Apr 2015

    © Copyright Mike O'Day 2015 - all rights reserved

  4. From the album: Mike's Images

    NGC 3372 Eta Carinae Nebula (RA 10:44:22.47 - Dec -59 56' 36.5"). Skywatcher Quattro 10" f4 Newtonian. Skywatcher AZ Eq6 GT (on Pier) Orion auto guider - PHD2. Baader MPCC Mark 3 Coma Corrector, UHC-S (Nebula) filter, Nikon D5300 (unmodified), Long Exp Noise Reduction on, 12bit NEF, UHC-S 15 x 120 sec ISO800. PixInsight & Photoshop 19 March 15

    © Copyright Mike O'Day 2015 - all rights reserved

  5. From the album: Mike's Images

    IC2948 Running Chicken Nebula in Centaurus ( bright star is Lambda Cenauri) (RA 11h 39.6m - Dec -63deg 37.2'). Skywatcher Quattro 10" f4 Newtonian. Skywatcher AZ Eq6 GT (on Pier) Orion auto guider - PHD2 (RA only - Dec ungiuded). Baader MPCC Mark 3 Coma Corrector, UHC-S (Nebula) filter, Nikon D5300 (unmodified), Long Exp Noise Reduction on, 14bit NEF, 13 x 300 sec ISO 200. PixInsight & Photoshop 28 March 15

    © Copyright Mike O'Day 2015 - all rights reserved

  6. Thanks for that. Yes the whole set up is pretty over-engineered - very solid indeed. Cheers
  7. From the album: Mike's Images

    The Lagoon Nebula ( Messier 8, NGC 6523 ) in the constellation Sagittarius - by Mike O'Day ( https://500px.com/mikeoday ) The Laboon Nebula ( M8 ) is visible to the naked eye under dark skies from most latitudes except the far north. Seemingly covering an area about three times that of the full Moon, M8 actually covers an area somewhat greater than 110 light years and is around 4300 light years from Earth in the Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm of the Milkyway galaxy. Links: https://500px.com/MikeODay http://photo.net/photos/MikeODay Details: Messier 8, NGC 6523 - Lagoon Nebula. also contains: NGC 6526 NGC 6530 NGC 6533 IC 1271 IC 4678 7SGR 9SGR Skywatcher Quattro 10" f4 Newtonian telescope. Skywatcher AZ Eq6 GT Mount. Orion auto guider - PHD2. Baader MPCC Mark 3 Coma Corrector, UHC-S 'nebula' filter. Nikon D300 (unmodified) (14bit NEF). Field of view (deg) ~ 1.35 x 0.90. 20 x 120 sec ISO400. 26 x 30 sec ISO 1600. 23 x 240 sec ISO 200. PixInsight and Photoshop. 2 August 14 . re-processed 24 April 2016 to include the additional subs ( the first version only made use of the 23 x 240 sec ISO 200 subs ) and putting use the processing lessons I have learnt over the past year.

    © Copyright Mike O'Day 2016 - all rights reserved

  8. From the album: Mike's Images

    © Copyright Mike O'Day 2014 - all rights reserved

  9. MikeODay

    Comet Lovejoy

    From the album: Mike's Images

    © Copyright Mike O'Day 2014 - all rights reserved

  10. From the album: Mike's Images

    © Copyright Mike O'Day 2014 - all rights reserved

  11. MikeODay

    Trifid Nebula

    From the album: Mike's Images

    © Copyright Mike O'Day 2014 - all rights reserved

  12. New version of Eta Carinae Nebula I managed to get the auto guider working and increased the exposure to 120sec. 120sec subs @ ISO800 Skywatcher Quattro 10" f4 Newtonian Baader MPCC mk3 Coma Corrector Nikon D300 unmodified Skywatcher AZ EQ6 GT Mount Orion auto guider on 80mm f5 guide scope
  13. MikeODay

    Ptolomy's Cluster

    From the album: Mike's Images

    30 sec subs @ ISO 800 Guided Sykywatcher Quattro 10" f4 Newtonian Baader MPCC Mk3 Coma Corrector Skywatcher AZ EQ 6 GT Mount Orion auto guider on 80mm f5 guide scope Nikon D300 unmodified

    © Copyright Mike O'Day 2014 - all rights reserved

  14. Thanks. The skies here are not too bad. We are at around 700m altitude and 100kms from the centre of Sydney. There is a thin strip of housing and small villages/towns that follows the road as it winds up the mountains and is the main source of light pollution here. The main problem I have is the humidity is very high at the moment and and as soon it as starts to get dark we get low altitude cloud formation that starts of wispy but gradually builds to create a continuous blanket of red. Oh well at least there are moments of clarity and it should dry out later on into winter.
  15. Two more - still unguided... Tarantula Nebula - 80x30sec ISO800 unguided Keyhole Nebula - 100x30sec ISO800 unguided Skywatcher Quattro 10" f4 Skywatcher AZ EQ 6 GT Baader MPCC Mk 3 coma corrector Nikon D300 (unmodified) Cheers Mike
  16. Thanks. Still working on the processing and I hope to get the autoguider working soon but I was pleased with it as a first attempt. Cheers Mike
  17. NGC 3372 Collected my new Skywatcher Quattro 10" f4 Newtonian yesterday from Bintel in Sydney. This is the first scope I've owned since the Tasco 60mm alt/az I saved up for when I was 12. I had already collected a AZ EQ 6 last Thursday and spent the weekend understanding the mount, sorting out alignment and playing around with a camera fixed to the mount and stacking frames using free software I found on the web. Yesterday I set up the scope and was ready for when it got dark... I captured about 140 images but high level cloud ruined most of them. The image below is a stack of the best 30 or so. My main hobby is photography so I framed the image to match the others on my online gallery. --------- Skywatcher Quattro 10" f4 Skywatcher AZ EQ 6 GT Baader MPCC Mk 3 coma corrector Nikon D300 (unmodified) 30x30sec ISO800 unguided
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