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Everything posted by PeterCPC

  1. Hello and welcome. Cloudy skies are the norm.😟
  2. Re the exposure: You take the number 500 and divide by the focal length of your lens. For example, if you have a 20-mm wide angle lens, then 500 / 20 = 25. The 500 rule measures the maximum exposure time you can shoot before the stars become blurry or star trails appear. Focus is found using liveview normally but I don't think you have that. All I can suggest is altering the focus very slightly until you are happy with it. Might be easier if the Moon is out and you can use that. Noise can be reduced with after shot processing.
  3. I use a Bahtinov mask but use it on a star not the planet. Then swing to the planet without touching the focuser again.
  4. I would have thought that you could easily ask for £1200 or so and maybe a bit more.
  5. 2X Barlow should be ok but you might want to also consider a flip mirror. I couldn't image without mine.
  6. Might help if you say what the mount is.
  7. PeterCPC


    Hello and welcome.
  8. I can be done without a tracking mount but it's much more difficult. You want to be able to take short video clips so that the individual images (some of them) can be stacked together. This is always easier if you can keep the planet centered whilst capturing. This is difficult enough with small FOV that you get with planetary camera even with a tracking mount. sorrimen has an ASI224 for sale at the moment.
  9. What about this https://www.widescreen-centre.co.uk/blitz-hotshoe-dslr-camera-adapter-for-red-dot-finder.html
  10. PeterCPC


    Hello and welcome.
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