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Posts posted by stash_old

  1. 15 minutes ago, Ouroboros said:

    My impression is that it's more stable than my Windows platform.

    Ok I accept that's your experience but Linux/Kstars/Ekos is not any more stable than Windows they  both have there problems - just look at the Indi Forum!

    O/S are fine but you have to match your hardware to your requirements - so dont expect ,even the latest RPI4, to outperform an simple Win I3 16GB 64bit system - it wont. Thats fine so long as you expect it.

    Too many people went out and bought RPI4 for Indi/Kstars thinking it was the bee's knee's - its not. 

    Start by looking on the Indi Forum and see if your kit/set up is easily supported and has minimum issues (no system has none).  Ask questions people are generally helpful!

    I use both Windows and Linux(indi/Kstars/Ekos/CCDciel) and quite honestly for a normal user I would endorse buying second hand powerful Windoze PC ,as other's here have stated ,and just make it dedicated for Astro Work with no permanent Internet connection to stop the dreaded updates fiasco.

    The alternative is to buy Stellarmate but think hard on what performance your require else you might get frustrated but it does depend on your kit.

    A simple Mount,Focuser,Cmos Guider and DSLR set up runs fine on RPI/Kstars/Ekos but want very high USB3 frame rates or multiple camera's you may run into problems - remember there is no inbuilt fast disc interface in RPI's and you are only as fast as your slowest component!


    • Like 1
  2. Its been around since dial on demand (Modems) were used for Internet https://www.wingate.com/products/wingate/index.php

    Use something like Wingate (free for upto 10 devices)  this will allow you to say which devices can access the internet and which cant. Only one problem one of your PC's will have to be running Wingate else nobody will get Internet access.

    You can also stop your kids using the Internet and/or limit their access LOL.

  3. First light for real - Indiserver running from command line with just canon dslr connected and CCDCiel running on Win 10 I5 connected to Ascom for mount and Canon connected via Indiserver.

    All well and good to start with.

    Slew ok and camera images being taken. However could not get Platesolving to work via CCDCiel using Platesolve2 - odd thing I can run APT at the same time connected to the same EQMOD and load the image taken by CCDCIEL and it solves in under 9secs. Therefore the problem must be the parameters being passed by CCDciel to Platesolve. The only diff I can see BUT cant alter is the Arcminutes/Degree's size and regions. On APT it sets this at 33x22 Arcminutes CCDciel sets it at 162x166 and regions 9999 on APT 999 on CCdciel. Also tried Astromery.net (local) still not solving. Both are extracting stars ok.

    CCdciel documentation on Focal Length is poor playing with this item changed the Degree's in Platesolve but still no luck. Dont know if APT crops the image or what. Oh Well will have to do some investigaing.

    Astrotoaster worked well using the FITS images from CCdciel although the images were not as clear as CR2 versions but that might be me(is me). See attached M39 live stack - not concerned about the quality at this stage as it was just a proving run.

    So a few things to luck at before I can move on to stage 2 - Guiding.



  4. On 04/09/2019 at 15:23, Gina said:

    Most of the wiring done and been looking into the Arduino sketch for the Nano.  Have a problem - can't upload from the Arduino IDE to a brand new Nano (or to a couple of others).


    Thats because they have changed the IDE and you now need to use the Processor marked (OLD BOOTLOADER) . Problem came in on IDE 1.8.7 I think.

    • Thanks 1
  5. As most Canon DSLR only produce RAW(CR2) files you dont have a choice. "Modified" ? Lens removal or something else?. Lens removal should only produce CR2(RAW) files for DSS.

    BUT some software reads Canon CR2 and produces FITS Debayered (Col or Mono) - e.g CCDCiel and Indi etc can produce FITS (hey convert CR2) in which case its FITS.  DSS itself produces FITS or TIFF.

    If you have changed the firmware in the Canon to some of the available version they may produce FITS but I cant help you there - I use only CR2 or Software converted FITS files.



  6. Below PLUS support via Forum - anyone not paying  the annual fee should be put up against a wall and LOL 🙂



    Additional features of the FULL version :

    • Ours thankfulness about your appreciation for the involved in APT work and support!
    • Automatic EOS Lens focusing (using FWHM or HFD) - built into the Lens Panel. Never implemented in astro program before!
    • Framing Masks - a multi session aid to help orienting the camera by same angle and position during multiple nights or after meridian flip. Never implemented in astro program before!
    • Ability to store PointCarft results in Object Browser for future use in different nights or after meridian flip.
    • Ability to show only the currently visible stars in the Object Browser for easier selection of alignment stars.
    • Ability to show only the currently visible objects in the Object Browser.
    • Ability to configure APT to check if the target is above the horizon before every GoTo or GoTo++.
    • Ability to schedule plan execution for beginning of Deep Sky Darkness (DSD).
    • Powerful and easy to use Commands/Script Editor for imaging session automation.
    • Notifications for refocusing when the temperature changes or closing dew point to avoid un-needed heating (requires
      TEMPer(Gold) or TEMPerHUM or focuser with temperature sensor).
    • HD Video recording for Digic IV cameras from the Planetary panel. Requires lens or T-ring with focus confirmation.
    • Support for Lunatico GNS - Good Night System to get alarm for problem with the imaging session on your smartphone.
    • Haha 1
  7. ok found a bug - when using Indigo you cant set exposure to above 30secs - on DSLR at least. No such problem when using Indi tested ,indoors,360 secs exp no problem.

    If it keeps this up in real testing I will be replacing APT as the author seems to have "forgot" about DSLR users on Linux(shame) . As CCDciel has 1 important game changer when compared to APT - The Sequencer which IMO is far better ,interface wise, then Ekos. 

    Still needs some "real testing.

  8. Patrick Chevalley has just released a new version of CCDCIEL 0.9.60 and as I have been following this and hoping I thought I would give it a go again.


    1. a.running Windows version of CCDCIEL on old Vista test laptop connected to Ascom Eqmod sim

        b. Connected to Canon DSLR on old RPI3 (not + or 4) running Indiserver from command line


        I was able to connect to both the Canon DSLR (on RPI) and Ascom Mount Eqmod sim no problems - obviously the camera connection has a slight time lag of maybe 1/2 sec before it connects.    

        I did straight forward captures (all dslr images come as FITS mono or colour) of varying exposures 0.001 to 30secs - all worked and images were saved on the Vista box and display on the Vista screen inside CCDCIEL. About 20-30secs from mirror closure o download,convert to Fits and display/save over wired ethernet.

       So moving on and upwards I started some more captures using the very simple to use Plan and sequence editor in CCDCiel.

       This time CDC is loaded to do 2 things :-

           i. Watch the scope(ok sim scope) travel to the correct object.

          ii. Be able to create objects in the Plan/Sequencer just by clicking on"Planetarium" button (this pops up a window showing any object your click on in CDC)

    On my test I had 2 objects and 2 capture plans and overrode rise times etc. Both worked without a hitch - very simple and very easy to do.


    1. The ability to use a Canon DSLR remotely on a non Windows PC (RPI Linux) using Indi - this cannot by done by any other software simply. APT or anything else I know cannot do this at this moment in time.

    2. As well as using the DSLR remotely I was also using Ascom so I could connect to any local Ascom device - mount,CCD,Focuser etc. So best of all worlds for me using DSLR

    3. I could have mixed devices even more - e.g. Mount (or other devices) via EQMOD etc  

    4. I can run Platesolving - Platesolve2,ASTAP etc on my fast kit taking the load of smaller,older RPI's

    5. The Sequencer/Plan editor is very simple and powerful but may have some hidden problems as this was a quick test in daylight.

    6. Lots of options - Dome/roof,Weather etc etc


    1. You cannot set DSLR ISO from the Capture control screen - this has to be done via the Indi settings. Hopefully this will change soon. Patrick did mentionsome option which showed the ISO on the capture screen but I couldn't find it.

    2. The DSLR has to be on Indi/Indigo as no direct connection of a DSLR on Windows is possible (as far as I can see)  CCD's are well supported via both Indi and/or Ascom but no native connections appear.

    So for DSLR users waiting for APT maybe this option could be an option giving best of Ascom and Indi/Linux that appears to work (even though its still Beta) AND IMHO far simpler and more flexible than Kstars - so long as it works in the real world 🙂

    So more testing needed !




    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, alan potts said:

    I ticked a box about two weeks back

    I never did tick the box - it was set automatically - honest 🙂

    Remember "slowly slowly catchy monkey" - I always follow this and never have problems - That nose is growing again - lol.

    Hope it (or anything else) works !

    • Haha 1
  10. 17 hours ago, Kaydubbed said:

    Also is there any way to boot from a flash drive/improve speeds with a 3.1 flash drive? I have a 400mb R/W flash lying around and the Pi's USB ports are not being used for anything else!

    Last time I looked that was not possible(Boot from USB) - on "the todo list". 🙂  Doubt it will be a long time off !

  11. Alan,

    as I also use AZEQ6 if you look at the screen ASCOM EQMOD (The first one) as a fellow AZEQ6 user you might have some extra bits in the development  testing area (right hand side of screen)- does it show something about  Disable Encoder (haven't got mine loaded so using my memory).

    It wouldn't be set to "enable encoder" would it.

    If it does and AFTER you have tried all other suggestions and they have failed (hopefully not) then make sure this is set to "Disable Encoder" - this caused me some problems with my AZEQ6 but was not like your experiences! Another long shot 🙂

  12. One other factor that caused me a lot of problems was - balance of the OTA's. If you get this wrong , i did, Cdc or Apt, will try and go to the correct coordinates (assuming everything with Lat/Long,Date/Time and Epoch is ok) but will do the following (well it did with me 🙂 )

    1. Slew either short or long of the correct place.

    2. Slew to the correct place but then "move", after "settling", away from the object desired.

    3. In some positions it would not slew anywhere near and refuse to slew to the correct point.

    After rebalancing this removed 99% of these problems (nothing is perfect in Astro LOL ).

    Good luck with your "return to basics" it would seem the best route if that was all working before the change to a dual rig.


    • Like 1
  13. 5 hours ago, alan potts said:

    Well it is very kid of you to come up with something different but I am sorry to say I don't have the first idea what you mean (Epoch, J20000 etc), any chance of being a bit more simple for me.   I have ticked Save on Park again, it had become unticked. The trouble is I have not been able to re-align with the new camera and not really being very sure of where I am. I have the Canon back on for tonight to do just that, a few weeks ago  all was well then the wheels came off.


    Epoch - used to calculate the coordinates (RA/DEC) in space of an object or point using a reference point based on date/time. So Epoch J2000  - J = Julian like the Julian Date, 2000 refers to the Jan 2000 at 12.00am. This is then used in a calculation with now date/time to produce RA/DEC coordinates of an object. There are others JNOW for example.

    Anyway if one piece of software uses a given coordinate it needs to know what the base (Epoch) is else if it uses that info and assumes another Epoch then values produced are different. 

    So as I understand it if CDC uses J2000 and EQMOD / APT uses JNOW  outcomes will be different IF they do calculations on the RA/DEC passed from CDC. In the set up on all three there is a tick box to set up which Epoch they are using - they should be the samebe it JNOW or J2000 (APT will convert see below )

    Same goes for your location (LAT/LONG) altitute above sea level and PC Date/Time must be spot on.

    If something needs changing as its wrong I am sure someone will point it out 🙂

    I did say a long shot 🙂







  14. A long shot but have you checked that EQMOD/CDC/etc are all using the same EPOCH - if one is using J2000 and another JNOW it does some funny things and PS helps but will not cure the problem nor will EQMOD alignment points. 

    Just a thought 🙂

    Plus have you ticked the "Save on Park" for alignment points else yours data will by 0 on startup.


  15. 3 hours ago, Astro-Geek said:

    As I follow up to my previous post on this thread,  I've now set up a NUC as my telescope remote control.

    I'm fairly street-wise with PCs,  (famous last words ! 🤓) so I made sure I bought a reasonably fast one. 

    I settled for a NUC5i5RYH with an Intel i5-5250U , 16gb or RAM, and a 250gb SSD disc. It has all the latest fast connections, USB 3.0, Bluetooth, wifi and and gigabit wired ethernet.

    I managed to get a secondhand one for £250, so it's considerably more than the Pi 4, but it's much faster, being comparable to a high end laptop, yet still only 4 by 4 inches and running happily off my scope's 12v battery pack. (via a cheapo car cig 19v power adapter). There's also no need for a powered USB hub, unlike the Pi.

    It came with Windows 10 Pro, so it runs any Astro software nice and fast, and supports Windows Remote Desktop.

    I hadn't realised, but Microsoft even now have a (free) remote desktop app for Android.

    So now I can run all of my favorite Windows Astro applications, (APT, Sharpcap, Stellarium etc.) from the self-contained NUC and then operate it from any other PC in my house via my home LAN via wifi, and even from my Samsung 10" android tablet.  I can either stand next to it with the tablet, or sit in the conservatory with my notebook, or pop upstairs to my triple monitor gaming PC.

    So I'm not tied to Linux/Mate apps, as any windows software will run on it, even multi windowed.

    All I need to do now is figure put the best way to remotely focus with my various telescopes, but I'll start a new thread for that......

    Both APT and SharpCap(?) have focusing aids (including auto focus) if you use a supported focusing protocol - e.g. Moonlite or others - you can emulate and build your own ( Robert Browns  https://sourceforge.net/projects/arduinoascomfocuserpro2diy/ excellent ,free s/w and original variations including Wifi with Wifi supported Ascom driver (A FIRST !) ). or buy a Ascom/Indi supported device.

    Glad you found a method that suited you 🙂

    • Like 1
  16. Julian is right but you MUST check that the APT files are not infected first . In fact do a scan of your computer first just in case you have infected files else where! You may have to boot from a "Rescue device" (e.g. USB) - sometimes provided by Anti Virus software

    If your Virus scanner gave you the name of the poss infected file use it on here to check it out. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload

    False reports are quite common when a new version of an Anti Virus program comes out with a new algorithm 

    I have never had ,lucky me touch wood,that problem with APT over 4 yrs and I use a number of different virus checkers!

    Good Luck ! 🙂


    • Thanks 1
  17. Sorry Alan is right a single 5 secs is far too short for anything other than the brightest object - unless you have a very fast scope (F2.5 - e.g. Hyperstar adapter for your C8 - ouch) . Plus a colour camera is not as sensitive as a mono. So work with what you have 🙂 

    Dont try and do 5secs that's not what EEVA is about (unless you have the very expensive kit) really and nor is the image quality (for most IMO in EEVA) .

    Adjust your times to suit your kit and the object you are looking at.

    You didn't say what software you use  (or I was blind to miss it-sorry) but have you tried to use Sharpcap and its "realtime" Stacking option. You should be able to get "decent" images even with your C8 at native Focal length. Just needs some playing with.

    All ways are EEVA - choose what YOU are happy with.

    Keep trying !!!! best of luck. 

  18. If you can Wire the Obsys to your home system - you have 100m to play with before any real degradation - and thats without an extra switch/hub which would extend the distance again.

    No Wifi set up can compete with 1gb wired Ethernet and that's not to mention the inherent Wifi Latency delay.

    Its also the cheapest ,least troublesome and simplest method - 100m outside grade good quality around £50inc vat. If you cant do to the RJ45 ends and your holes thru obstacles are big enough most places will put on the ends for you. Having said that the RJ45kit (crimper etc) are around £15 and its not hard to do- or phone a friend !  In your obsys a simple 8 port TP-Link 1gb hub is less then £20.

    HOWEVER this is only true if your Internet at the Router is faster than the speeds you are quoting (FTTP should be by miles 😞 ) or you haven't 12 kids all online gaming at the same time 🙂

  19. 2 hours ago, StarDodger said:

     indigo does not do all that INdI does as it does not auto start with ekos as INdI  does, and there is not the same level of user control over some of the drivers... sorry but let’s agree to disagree.

    Sorry cant on facts. I never mentioned Ekos with Indigo (although its an option in old Indi mode) . I was using  CDC and CCDciel as an alternative to Ksars/Ekos.

    Its up to the user concerned to decide with level unbiased facts.


  20. 4 hours ago, Astro-Geek said:

    My limited knowledge so far leads me to believe that only Stellarmate (and ZWOair) offer this remote control aspect of the Pi from a network connected Android or Windows device ?

    Nope - Stellarmate is just the "commercial" version of Indi/Kstars.Ekos with support.  Indigo does everything that Indi does.

    Remote control can be done via the Remote Desktop for either -this is nothing to do with Indi or Indigo - but note Raspbian comes with RealVNC server(Free) - probably the best supported VNC server across multiple O/S - excluding 4K resolution LOL

    So no long USB cables are required - which means faster downloads for USB tethered devices.

    In simple form Indigo comes loaded ( and runs by default but you dont have to use it !) with an inbuilt simple (too simple for some maybe) Web server to Control and Run Astro modules - such as Planetarium etc. Running CDC and CCDCiel does nothing to effect remote working.

    If you have used APT then soon,so we are led to believe, APT , on Windows, will interact with Indigo but DSLR options are missing at present - so if you like APT (I use it a lot) then it might suit your needs.

    If you are just looking at short cables and really dont wont the steep learning curve of Linux you can just run Windows on  an alternative  SCB to RPI but they are slightly more expensive(and get very expensive for very fast ,high memory and fast SSD/Sata version £500+ ) as they provide many things RPI doesn't (other Linux SCB(Small Compuer Boards - e.g. Sata SSD support) do) but again you mount them on your OTA  with associated short cables and access the SCB via M/Soft Remote Desktop - but of course you do run all the software you are probably used too already - Ascom ,Apt etc etc. 

    All approaches have Pro's and Con's anyone tells you otherwise dont,IMHO, believe them.

    So you do have a number of options 🙂

    Hope that helps!

  21. 13 hours ago, StarDodger said:

    Indigo does run well on raspbian, but so does INdI, and the issue is that indigo is not good with Kstars / Ekos... :)

    Thats not an issue that's a matter of personal choice  and opinion- Indigo runs and is up-datable via a  simply process for ordinary users - no recompiles or long large downloads of images.  

     There are plenty of people who do not want Kstars/Ekos  and CDC / CCDCiel provides a very capable alternative. Plus Indigo will run either Indi or Indigo native drivers by default.

    Both have their problems (not just 4k) and as you say Stallarmate on RPI4 is Beta - look at the issues on their respective web sites! Most Indi users are waiting for Free Ubuntu Mate - which could be a long time in terms of SCB development.

    In terms of speed and simplicity of getting an Astro set up and running on a Buster O/S Indigo wins hands down -  so long as your kit is supported which I already mentioned.

    So as I originally said I was providing an alternative for someone who has already bought a RPI4. More options the better 🙂


  22. As an alternative to Indi you can also try Indigo  ( http://www.indigo-astronomy.org) which runs on a RPI4 without OS issues as it uses Raspian Buster natively. Plus no update problems either.  But its all down to personal choice 🙂

    There is even a complete image to get you started or just to try it out http://www.indigo-astronomy.org/indigo-sky.html

    BUT check you kit is supported FIRST. 

    Then check out CCDciel. You can then use CDC together with CCDciel.  The two programs are written by the same author but CCDciel is newish while CDC is well known ,trusted and used on Windows,Mac and Linux.

    The only exception is DSLR support where CCDciel lags behind Indi/Ekos/Kstars.

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