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Posts posted by stash_old

  1. 1. You can either - an ASCOM driver is the only bit of software that APT will use for the NEQ6 - in which case you have to use/install EQMOD(ASCOM) then restart your Laptop. Then start APT press and hold SHIFT key  + press CONNECT(only needed first time) - then choose EQMOD followed by properties when the EQMOD/ASCOM little Window appears. In the properties you have to input the correct COM port. Then you can load your Planetarium program and choose the same option (e.g. EQMOD) but dont select Properties just click OK.

       OR (and do not mix drivers and APP)

    start the Synscan App and connect to the mount via the Synscan App connect method THEN start APT as above but select the Synscan Mobile Ascom Driver - select the properties and select the IP address where the Synscan App is running (normally if on the same PC). Then start your Planetarium software and select the Ascom Synscan Mobile driver BUT dont select the properties.  If you use AUTO search you will be presented with any IP addresses the APP finds which you have to select the correct one - hence I used to use manual and input the correct IP address - As I say works.


    The normal reasons for either of the above not  working is software not installed correctly including C++ dists, you choose the wrong COM port or IP address. Sometimes Virus software and or Firewalls can block IP type work (normally ok if you use


    As you dont provide any screen prints (e.g. Version numbers of software ,Device Manager,Ascom Driver Window with properties input etc) it is not really possible to help further in detail

    59 minutes ago, BrendanC said:

    So, over to APT to get that working with it, but there was no Skywatcher option in the scope menu. Of course, that was because there were no drivers... and yet the app worked? Hmmm.

    This is normal APT can only use ASCOM (last time I looked) - so no ASCOM driver (Synscan Mobile Ascom Driver) APT will not work with Synscan APP. You cannot for example try to use the EQMOD ascom driver with Synscan App loaded and connected to the mount. The reverse is also true!

    See attached - ok I am using Synscan App emulator as PC is in the house not in the Obsys. If the emulator route works then all you have to do is connect to the mount via Synscan App using the correct Com or Wifi port first the rest is the same process.

    Note I am not getting into the using the Handset as well as discussion - let someone else do that!  BUT readme notes say :-


    The SynScanMobile Telescope ASCOM driver is an alternative to the SkyWatcher Telescope ASCOM driver for controlling Sky-Watcher telescope mounts. SynScanMobile ASCOM driver requires the SynScan App, whereas SkyWatcher ASCOM driver requires the SynScan hand controller.

    During use, the SynScanMobile ASCOM driver controls the SynScan app. The SynScan app, in turn, controls the Sky-Watcher telescope mount.

    How to setup connection to mount

    Step 1. Connect SynScan App to mount

    • Open the SynScan app on your smartphone.
    • Use SynScan app to connect to the mount. See SynScan App's help for more details.
    • You need to perform telesope alignment with the SynScan App before the mount can perform accurate go-to.
    • If SynScan App is running on iOS, you should make sure the app is running in the foreground with the screen unlocked.

    Step 2. Connect ASCOM driver to SynScan App.

    • Run program that uses ASCOM (such as Cartes du Ciel or TheSky) on the PC. The PC should be in the same network as the device running SynScan App. For example, if the phone running SynScan App has joined a SynScan Wi-Fi adapter's network, then the PC should also join that network.
    • If there is problem with searching device, you can specify the IP of the device running SynScan App.

    ASCOM driver parameters

    • Read timeout: How long to wait for response from SynScan App before reporting error
    • Max retry count: How many times to wait for response from SynScan App before reporting error
    • Shorter timeout and fewer retries lead to more communication errors, but longer timeout and more retries can make some program less responsive.







  2. 2 hours ago, skybadger said:

    Any device using alpaca to implement ascom can run over IP : alpaca is a rest protocol so is expected to be hosted in a web server and accessed over TCP. 

    My devices are esp8266 Wi-Fi devices hosting a web server and the attached hardware.. you can do this on Linux, python, anything so ascom isn't limited anymore.

    Indi didn't have the penetration and inhabits the same world as TCs and RTCS but as we have seen , indi works well as a Pi subsystem integrated into the greater whole that tends to be ascom. 

    Yes but not simply (end user style not geek level) , Ascom Alpaca is a pain to set up IMO - hence the very very slow uptake. Indi works well on more than just PI - any Linux box and of course MAC. Why do I want a Web server and another protocol layer (REST) when Ascom and Indi are messagenging standards not comms std's.  Sorry IMHO Alpaca will not take off (famous last words 🙂 ) Alpaca is an Addon to solve a comms problem.  

    Indi is far more versitile IMHO and supports many many more hardware products across more OS NOW - not just PI !.  

    "Ascom isn't limited anymore"  - The main part  of Ascom still only runs on and only on Windows - end of story!  Maybe someone will port Ascom to Linux etc 🙂

    I grant you Indi can be "flakey" in some area's but ask anyone on SGL about Ascom/Windows/USB(both native and serial convertion) problems  - a good number of people have had many frustrating issues over long periods. An example - Prolific/CH340 (and others) chips that dont support unique serial numbers.

    I think we say have to agree we have an healthy difference of opinion 🙂

    But time will tell and good luck to whatever route people choose 🙂

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  3. IMO as I have stated before the problem is not Ascom std but the comms layer as this relies on Serial or USB coommunications neither of which is a network protocol , run across neworks or run long distances - without some hardware/software converters - e.g. usb over ip ,Virtual Serial emulators etc

    Sky Watcher and Robert Brown WiFi Focuser are the only 2 OEM's (that I know of!) who support ASCOM via IP or UDP. E.G. you can run Synscan App Pro on a remote Winodws PC(mini and the like) but use the SW Synscan Mobile Ascom driver on another Windows PC allowing CDC,APT etc to control the mount which is not connected to the same PC.

    Doesn't requires Ascom on both PC's (Roberts doesn't require a 2nd PC at all as it use ESP32 Wifi and his own Ascom driver that has IP built in) and no Alpaca required - both therefore are very simple to set up and run very well. 


  4. 15 hours ago, MCinAZ said:

    single device which has a factory-supported INDI driver.

    Zwo for one -  thats what ZWO use in ASIAIR(Pro) - hence they support all the ZWO camera's as they use the ZWO supplied API/SDK for Linux !

  5. 11 minutes ago, Stuart1971 said:

    Can someone explain “Alpaca” to me please... 😀

    Extra software/comms layer that allow Ascom and hardware to run across many platforms and OS's as one unit - at the moment without Alpaca, Ascom can only run on one PC and all the hardware has to be connected to that PC to use  ASCOM devices/drivers. There are a few exceptions!  As yet ,as far as I am aware, very few Alpaca aware devices exist and I know of only 1 piece of software ,CCDCIEL,that allows connection using Alpaca.  You can set up Alpaca to use existing Ascom devices across different PC's but they will tend to be on Windows OS only. - last time I looked.


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  6. Then try and older version - see bottom of Pipp web page - it maybe you dont have the correct (being Win7) graphical interface software (or other C++ dist problem)  OR the latest Pipp doesn't work with Win 7 and older Wins. There is an email on the Web site perhaps asking the author you will get an answer. Plus check your logs and see if there is an answer/pointer there. Plus some anti virus software are paranoid and will not allow some software to run - try scanning the program/directory folder with whatever anti virus your PC uses!

    Although the site does say "

    Current supported platforms:

    • Windows XP with Service pack 3 or all later versions of Windows."
  7. 14 minutes ago, Peco4321 said:

    Hi. When I click PIPP nothing happens. Nothing opens, no messages just nothing. I re-installed it, the same. So frustrating. Any ideas??  I’m on Windows 7, last used couple of months ago I guess. 

    Assuming you have downloaded the correct version 32 or 64 bit (later only works on 64bit) it could be set to "read" only in permissions (Windows 10 now comes up with a blue screen). I loaded the latest today and there was no problems - but that was on Win 7. I presume the extract worked ok - as it comes in a ZIP file.

  8. Astroberry , Kstars(Ekos) ,Stellarmate and ASAIR are ALL Raspberry PI based systems on using the same Indilib software and all run on Linux. The ASIAIR (Pro or therewise) just has a ZWO "frontend" and some extra's.   Indilib itself will (and does) run on Linux,Windows and MAC although the Windows version does not have the "Server" part (the bit that controls the hardware directly).

    It depends how dirty you wont to get and if you like learning new things. and/or if you want to save money - Astroberry and Kstars(EKOS) are free, Stellarmate starts @£50(software image only) and ASAIR is a lot more. All the latter control a lot of kit (some better than others).

    Stellarmate and ASAIR have a few extra's which can be run on Android but interface with Indilib Server - however you can also use Skysafari (android - Apple a bit more complex being a "secure" system LOL) to interface with Indilib.

    Kstars(EKOS) will run on a lot of Linux versions so you are not limited to Raspberry Pi as the "PC" - so running it on a I7 NUC running Ubuntu is ok - just without MS asking to update frequently.

    The big plus is that the support on Astroberry/Stellarmate is far greater/superior IMHO than ZWO -  https://www.astroberry.io/          (Author Radek is an SGL member)          https://indilib.org/component/kunena/?Itemid=1 

  9. 6 hours ago, blinky said:

    I don’t think Lynx Astro exist, I think it’s just the name FLO put on their brand of cables, so can’t even contact the manufacturer and see if they can suggest anything.

    If its FLO brand then you can contact them for support!

    But power to the mount can cause problems as to send data ,even digitally, you need a voltage reference point. So are your Laptop and mount power supplies good (i guess you be just using battery power on the Laptop). A bad power supply problem will cause issues with communications.

    Plus when nothing else but the mount is connected to your Laptop/EQMOD does the the issue go away. Bearing in mind I guess there are many using the FLO Lynx cable without problems its must be your mount, the cable or your laptop.

    Is there anyone near who you can ask to try their kit (laptop/EQmod cable) with your kit - this is prbably the fastest way to find a problem with variables.

  10. 13 hours ago, RobertI said:

    so I personally think it would be a good idea to try and get some results as cheaply as possible before splashing out any more. For example, do you have a DSLR camera? If so you could start with some imaging of the moon and then move on to some brighter star clusters so you can understand the challenges of locating, focussing, tracking, stacking, processing, etc. 

    Totally agree !!!!!!

    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, Mackem said:

    May I ask if that's your choice of 2021 or the availability of the Hyperstar? 

    Money LOL

    1 hour ago, noah4x4 said:

    I use Hyperstar at f/2 and Celestron Focal Reducer at f/6.3 with my 8" Evolution and Atik Horizon and ZWO ASI294mc. Both work great. The only issue with Hyperstar is the removal of your secondary mirror means wide FOV, but loss of magnification. The issue at f/6.3 is it is much slower than at f/2.  No solution is perfect. The NightOwl might provide a decent compromise.

    I too am awaiting availability of the NightOwl at f/4. However, my understanding is that vignetting is likely, especially with larger sensors. That is certainly true of another option I have tried which is the use of dual Celestron x0.63 FRs. But if you crop the corners to delete the vignetting, then stacking dual Focal Reducers is a possible option. 



    As you say "no solution is perfect" 🙂 But I am not looking for Astrophotography perfection as ( I think I am right in saying) like you I do EAA.

    Thanks both for your replies 🙂


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  12. 11 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

    And I use a 200+ year old bake stone, but that still doesn't mitigate the fact that it and their production entailed the destruction\burning\polluting the environment....

    And I'll quite happily admit, that 3D printing can also be as bad for the environment, and can be argued that it is more wasteful and even heavily toxic....  


    No matter what - the same applies to all the kit you/we use in Astro world. 

    Sorry Stub Mandrel about high jacking the thread. 

    I will not  post anymore on this thread about environment but if Julian wants to start up a new thread on the whole subject fine.

  13. 2 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

    and how did the zinc fence panel, hammer & anvil actually get made...  Oh by destroying\burning\polluting the environment.... 

    Originally but it was recycled by me 🙂 and the hammer/anvil is over 45yrs old.  🙂 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Robindonne said:

    I wonder if it will work in the end.  

    As i read the problem its for guiding and maincam.  So even two different purposes gives problems using the same.  

    Yes I know -  I was just explainging the problem Linux has with camera's of the same make that cannot be uniquely identified by the Linux system even using UDEV rules https://www.thegeekdiary.com/beginners-guide-to-udev-in-linux/#:~:text= Beginners Guide to Udev in Linux ,node cannot be changed by Udev%2C... More  . Plus there is an historical problem with the USB2 version model 120mm.  If Linux cannot identify each 120mm then ASIAIR (aka Indi) hasn't a chance and will present the wrong camera .

    So I reiterate to use 2 x  asi120mm ,1 x guiding, 1 x main image , Linux has to be able to consistantly assign the same address (ttyUSBx) to the correct camera.

    The final solution is to plugin ,note the address of the device and connect to each camera manually - so plugin 120mm used as main image camera -note the address used - connect manually in the Profile and then plugin the 120mm Guiding camera and the same - a right pain in the backside.

    If they can be identified then you would have to use UDEV rules and give each a new name - e.g. /dev/imagecam and /dev/guidecam - and use these device names in the profile. At least this way it should be a "once only" change and allow auto connect.

    All this assumes ASIAIR Pro users have the same full access as Indi users do to the Command line /Root Priviledges - or the App (which I have never used - as I use full "RAW" Indi ) is more intelligent at working out this problem which I guess it isn't reading the initial details. Hence the suggestion to email ASI.

    The use of "dual" imagine notes were for future reference as people normally ask about it 🙂

  15. As the ASIAIR is based on Indi there is no way you can,as far as am aware last time I looked, simultaneously  Image (not guide + image which is OK) using 2 camera's(even if they are not the same make) at the same time.

    I do confess  not  to follow the ASAIR products in depth so maybe they have done something clever - but dont hold your breathe.

    But if someone has found a way with ASIAIR or Indi please let us know. Or you could email(or forum)  ASI 🙂 with your problem.

    The nearest I have found is to run Indiserver on 2 Rasp PI's and use something 2 instances of EKOS/Kstars or CCDCIEL. BUT mount cordination (plus other things) and other things become a problem .

    Maybe @GINA found a way (Not ASIAIR) when digging deep into the code for the 2 camera set up (ALL SKY ?) 

    Plus if the same type of camera cant be idenitfied via a unique serial number than Linux is always going to get confused and it means using something called UDEV rules to match position in a hub port - Dont know if ASIAIR allows that deep a change in its set up - probably!

    But Astro software development is always very fluid - or maybe OAcapture might help.

    OH forgot ASI comment on Linux using 120mm camera = quote " Our ASI120MM/MC camera is not compatible very well with Linux."  but I had assumed the newer USB3 version had solved this issue.

  16. 34 minutes ago, steppenwolf said:


    Thank you both - the application that my son wants to run is this one and I am not sure how this works within VirtualBox as I would have thought it needed something else like Linux but I guess that is partially why I am asking here!!

    Databases are not "normally" a problem under virtual images and you will also most likely be able to access the data in the main Windows OS from something like MS OFFICE Exel etc programs or equiv if you wanted too.

    For a <tenner not a lot to lose !

    I did notice this http://www.obd2.com/ - dont know if that makes a difference. But it does say ask any questions at the bottom of Ebay sellers screen :-)

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