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Posts posted by stash_old

  1. 3 hours ago, Merlin66 said:


    Finally, with some help from Dustin (Astrometry.net) I've managed to get ASPS to work for me.

    It has successfully solved ALL the archived eFinder images I can find, so a fair test.

    I'm not 100% sure what the actual "fix" was - combo of re-install and added indexes (4100 series)

    I'm a happy camper!!!


    Glad to hear - it is always suggested to get Index's either side of the quoted ones just to be on the safe side. Just depends on your FOV as some are massive (GB's) and will slow things down. Clear Skies and Happy Plate solving 🙂

    All you have to dp know is use ATASP and get sub 4s platesolving! 😈

  2. Had this with Indi DSLR/Gphoto (Canon) many times - I just removed the battery and then switch off camera AND then reboot RPI. It was caused by 2 settings in my Canon 100d - one was NVR(and any other noise reduction settings in my 100d) which Gphoto2 (which indi uses) does(didn't)  handle and Mirror Lock(Indi End)  if I remember correctly. Now it vary rarely happens 🙂

    Dont know your camera but my 100d doesn't have an internal battery as I know of  that effects the problems you have experienced - but you live and learn 🙂

    Plus recheck your Indi Camera details especially the Res,H & W and UM figures - I did have a corrupted datanase valie but I beleive now days there is a "clear" button for DSLR so you have to enter the DSLR details again.

    Last option download Free Windows APT connect to camera and see if that clears your problem.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Doug64 said:

    Hi Radek,

    I've just done the above and rebooted my Rpi4.

    After stopping the virtual GPS I went back into KStars/Ekos and started my test file with NMEA drivers selected.  Ekos loaded everything correctly and I got a GPS fix for my location however the GPS Information did not change it just kept flashing up 'waiting'.  I kept my GPS on for about 20 minutes with a 60 second update and still the GPS information failed to change.

    So I'll either have to move to Warsaw or forget about it, I take it wont interfere with anything in Kstars / Ekos.

    Once I have the initial GPS fix for Ekos can I stop/disable the GPS app on my phone as it is very power intensive.



    1. There is/was a setting to do a refresh only every XXXX secs - why need to do more than 1 I will never know - any how setting this will get the fix and time from your phone then disconnect phone.

    2. Display location file details you changed - if its in the wrong format or hasn't been saved it will revert to Warsaw.

    3. Still problems put in a error report on Astroberry GITHUB with all details - debug/logs/screen print etc anything that might help.

  4. 1 hour ago, festoon said:

    I found the same issue as @stash_old...with the sw az indi there was no way to park the scope at north and level. When I tried park north it sent the Ota on a merry go round and I had to pull the plug to stop it hitting the mount legs.

    and if I use the sw gti driver with indi it only parks at the north celestrial pole

    minr always starts from the south. You cannot change anything like starts from North etc as Indi or Ekos ignores.

    So I just got used to starting south at the horizon - no big deal on the SWAZ goto 🙂

  5. 13 hours ago, RadekK said:

    PARK is mount's "position at rest", which by default is scope looking to north pole, counter-weight down. A system must know that your scope/mount is in this position to park back to this position. How it can be achieved depends mainly on a mount because not all of them support HOME... I would suggest the following steps to set things up:

    1. Make your mount find HOME with a hand controller and shut things down. The scope should be pointing to north pole, counter-weight down. If it is not, release clutches and set it to this physical position. If your mount has encoders and it's not pointing right, there is some other problem and you should stop here, read and play until mount is pointing as described, before moving to step 2.

    1. Connect everything (INDI with drivers, Ekos started)

    2. UnPARK your mount

    3. Go to INDI control panel / Site Management tab and click Current, then Write Data - this will set your current position as PARK position and save it to a file

    4. Click PARK - at this point only mount status should change to PARKed, but your mount should not move at all (see point 3).

    5. Click unPARK - no move expected, mount ready to slew

    6. Slew your mount to any direction

    7. PARK - your mount should come back to position set in point 3

    8. From now on use PARK/UNPARK only.

    In case there is some major failure e.g. you loose power the middle of a session, you would have to find HOME again. YOur PARK position should not change though. If it does you need to recalibrate PARK position again.


    Unfortunately thats doesn't work with SW AZ GoTo - there is no "Write Data" in Ekos or Indi Settings that I could see under any tabs 🙂- Clear yes,Park -yes,Unpark Yes, Park North (never works) Unpark Northe,east,west etc - never works.

    Also on a SWAZ Goto if you try anything like the above YOU WILL CRASH INTO LEGS as it just goes around and around and around like a merry go round - So I suggest do it as a test with your kit BUT be close at hand .

  6. 15 hours ago, fozzybear said:

    I,ve got 10 Rottweilers  by the way and all police trained.

     And I have 1 hairless pink Chiwawa that eats Rottweilers(all 10) for breakfeast - Police trained or not - and then spits out the bones to make an Astroberry Focuser.

    Also its a trained thief and has a nick name - "The Pink Panther" LOL

    • Haha 2
  7. Blame the Multitude of ways in which lat/long are being used/represented by different software.  Think Kstars uses degree's from east(or is it west) so it uses 0-359 not the DD:MM:SS or DD.DD.

    So subtracting 2.xxxx from 360 you get 357.xxxxx

    Not saying there is not error just I found it confusing too originally.

  8. Although I would normally steer clear of Prolific chipped devices it free as it comes part of the kit and maybe Prolific have learned their lessons ! Nothing to loose on a test and EQMOD wont know the difference 🙂

    Biggest problem maybe getting the correct Windows driver (dont SW provide it ? ) as unlike FTDI chips installation is never straight forward with Windows/Prolific (Prolific at fault) you will most likely have to manually install the software first.

    So give it a try - if its a new mount at least its guaranteed and if its crap (tech word) ask for a discount from your supplier LOL

    As for RPI it doesn't use drivers for USB adapters and prolific actually work on Linux ----- when the cable isn't too long - IME(In My Experience) using older models on RPI2/RPI3.

    Real Prolific chips are not Chinese as they are based it Taiwan which is the Republic of China not Peoples Republic of China which is China LOL

    As for SW using Fake chips - who knows 🙂

    SW do provide the Windows Driver for the chip here http://www.skywatcher.com/download/software/accessories/

    "Real" Prolific Drivers here http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/ShowProduct.aspx?pcid=41&showlevel=0017-0037-0041 - had to laugh  at this http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/ShowProduct.aspx?p_id=155&pcid=41

  9. I use CCDCIEL created by the same author as CDC Patrick Chevalley. Still officially in Beta but IMO has everything and more than any of the above.

    Main Features:

    1. Works across all platforms- Macos,Windows and Linux

    2. Works with Ascom and/or Indi or a combination of the 2.

    3. A simple but powerful Sequencer with all the std add on bits - platesolver,guiding control ,auto focus ,unattended mode , dome control etc But still allows a simple Image capture when sequencer not required.

    4. Does not tie you down to one specific application - e.g. you can you CDC for your Planetarium or HNSKY

    5. Uses multiple Platesolving options with automatica fallback mechanism should the first fail. 

    6. Enables remote full DSLR operation via Indi - weakest point being it doesn't support dslr direct like APT but then you cant run APT on one PC and have your DSLR on another PC on the mount.

    7. Image camera support only limited by ASCOM or INDI offerings.

    8. Can be run on most mount SCB - eg RPI3b+ upwards or Windows Mini PC's

    9. Has a simple Preview with live stacking feature

    10. Scripting language built in.

    And more

    Yes there are still things to develope and its still in Beta testing but I have found Patrick is always open to changes and normally delivers changes at speed when possible .

    Oh and its FREE - for now at least !

    • Thanks 1
  10. 22 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    Where does it say on Astrometry the focal length? I'm sure it used to as it solved some of my 200p images as 1018mm, that's why I remember!

    Never said it did - ASPS settings wizard calculates the FL from the info you put in from the Astrometry.net solve - "Pixel Scale" - Step 5 then give a new FL. 🙂

    Bottom line it works!

    • Thanks 1
  11. 31 minutes ago, deufrai said:

    Hi again

    So we went from



    Would you mind confirming if CR2 are actually correctly read by ALS on your system (which I assume is win10) ?


    Regarding the feature you are referring to, indeed, that would be nice, when and if ALS is made to handle already-populated folders. You are welcome to file an issue on our issue tracker for that matter.

    Thanks again for your time & efforts



    yes becuase its confusing ALS only picks up new files in the monitored folder - so if I forget to start ALS it wont do anything with the existing files it just says running. If I delete the files and add them back in while ALS is up and running then it springs into action. IMO not a good work flow as it should process files already in the monitored folder or have a list of ones it has already processed from the monitored folder. Sorry thats my comments on its work flow.

    So CR2 files are processed SO LONG as they are added after ALS is started and running the monitoring process.

    FITS on the other its does not like and gives an error for the FITS files I use - ok in CCDCIEL,ASTAP etc etc

    Please see attached screen prints which I hope will help you understand whats happening. The Astrotoaster program screen print is there to show the same files being processed ok!

    here is a link to 1 of the FITS file for your team to test.  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iIdVWzHPn_EXZGiOu9PdaHdCNm6q-qz9    32mb file


    And yes its Win 10 being used for ALS but the FITS files were from INDI(RPI) via CCDCIEL(Win10) !




    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, deufrai said:


    As stated on ALS website : https://als-app.org/ : ALS is meant to support quite recent camera RAW files. Complete list is here : https://www.libraw.org/supported-cameras.

    And yes, sorry, CR3 files are not yet supported. See : https://github.com/gehelem/als/issues/95

    So it seems you just found a bug, which is a good thing. Would you be kind enough to provide the following information so we can investigate and solve the issue :

    - Operating system's name and version

    - what version of ALS you got that bug with : Version is displayed in the about box. *in case of a nightly build : current version will always display v0.7-dev. If you remember what nightly build you got, it's good for us*

    - an image file that reproduces the issue

    Could you please elaborate on this ? I'm having a hard time to understand. Sorry, English is not my first language


    Thanks again for your time :)

    No sure if the CR2 is a bug as I could not find a way to list files currently being stacked - may have just missed it 🙂

    As for the feature to select only certain files in a folder and be able to deselect a file to restack see attached screen prints.

    Nightly build ALS nighlty build 2020-05-08-77e1b4e02




  13. Another biggy - no support for DSLR (canon and other ) RAW format files(CR2/CR3 etc)  that I could see !

    If you know Astrotoaster it works well but needs bringing up todate so if same features could be added ,such as list of files being stacked with option to omit and restack etc  - thats where IMO it should look like in terms of features 🙂

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