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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. Here are the two maps, couldn't see any in stock though.
  2. Heather. Sky and Telescope magazine publishes two laminated maps of the Moon. One that is the naked eye view (the moon NE view is different to the sun, N and S are the same as the sun but W and E are reversed) and a mirror image version the same as your mak with a diagonal. They are both great for telescope use and fold very easily to how you want them. If I can find a Web link I'll post it here.
  3. Heather, the naked eye view of the sun has N at the top, S at the bottom, E to the left and W to the right. Of course if you use a diagonal it will be a mirror image, and in a Newt you have to flip the image upside-down. I always post images as per the naked eye view, which is most usual. Some people post images any way round, it makes it confusing if images are not the NE view, unless the orientation is stated.
  4. Good weather this morning, and good seeing at times. AR2835s two spots are developing nicely whilst AR2836 has diminished in extent since yesterday. New AR, AR2837, is visible near the E limb, a little further N than AR2835 and AR2386. The single frame below was taken at 9.30 am along with a crop of the same frame. Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/400 sec at 250 asa.
  5. I have a SW 72ED, and it's an excellent travel or grab and go scope. The optics are excellent, and gives pinpoint stars and nice sharp contrasty views of Moon and planets. I'm sure a 60mm scope can be excellent for imaging doing lots of subs, but for me as a travel scope it just isn't large enough. For visual use 60mm is not enough aperture to show enough detail for deep sky or planetary For me. If I was going to a nice dark site, side by side there would be no comparison in my view.
  6. Well I'm sorry you feel like you do. If I may say so it seems rather an over reaction to what, on my part, was meant to be a humorous comment! Members who are familiar with my photographic offerings will know that my speciality is low single frame pics of the sun and moon 🙂 . I am mainly a visual observer, who likes to take pics as a record of what I have seen, and haven't the skills, equipment or inclination to take my 'imaging' any further. Clearly you take imaging much more seriously than I do! For me, astronomy has always been something to give me pleasure and relaxation.
  7. Well, I think that's a bit elitist. I'll have to start a similar forum, for low res images. You know the type of images I mean, those that don't involve the dark arts such as stacking, but may resemble what you might see visually 😄..
  8. I'd like to be able to say I'm clever and well informed. In reality, I go onto spaceweather.com and look at their pic of the sun in the left side column 😊.
  9. Lucky to have some views between and through cloud this morning. The group of pores SW of AR2835 I observed yesterday have developed and expanded in the last 24 hours and have now been designated as AR2836. Pic and crop below taken with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 at prime focus, single frame with the Olympue E-M5 Mk11, 1/160 sec at 250 asa. Taken at 10.55 am.
  10. If that's the orientation I think it is, the flaring is in AR2836. Great pics 🙂.
  11. The forecast was for no sunshine for several days last night. Despite this there were some breaks in the cloud between around 8.40 and 9.00 am. Just time to set up the Tecnosky 102ED, observe and take a few pics of AR2835. There were some changes to the main two spots, and quite a few pores had formed between them, and to the SW of the most W spot. Hopefully a sign of future development. My forecast is poor for the next few days I'm glad to say 😁. The pic and crop were taken at 8.50 am, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/160 sec at 250 asa.
  12. Watching this from 5pm to 5.25 in PST when cloud intervened. Proms changing rapidly.
  13. Above from GONG. Proms changing rapidly, now clouded up. Been watching this in PST from 5pm.
  14. I managed a few minutes of sunshine this morning.. A lovely complex duo of spots, better visually than my snap below 🙂. Using the Tecnosky 102ED F7, prime focus with the Olympus E-M5 Mk11, single frame taken at 12.27 pm, 1/200 sec at 250 asa. Also a crop of the same frame.
  15. Is this what I posted the heads up about this afternoon? It certainly looks wlike what I saw. Like a bright orange glowing pimple on the limb.
  16. I love the subtle colours, particularly on Jupiter 🙂.
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