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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thanks Jeremy. I'm keeping the dates free, as the Michael mentioned something in Sept, and also a meeting in Dunsink? Adam
  2. Thanks! That’s cool! William got me the pc and set it up and Michael O’Connell sourced me a Watec camera. I then found a computar lens online so am rightly set up now!
  3. Here are a couple of meteors from last night. I picked up around 19 meteors between 3-5am, more than average. Here are the two best ones. Leo can be clear seen in the background of the first one! M20190210_034835_Cookstown_SW.avi M20190210_044918_Cookstown_SW.avi
  4. Thanks Ciarán. I’ve quickly checked the new darks and bias and they have that value of -1 matching the flats. It must be the new APT settings. I only use APT for everything for data collection. I’m currently stacking 182 lights from 2 nights so will report back tomorrow (depending on laptop speed!)
  5. Hi Ciaran Thanks for taking a look at this. I’ve retaken my darks and bias, the fits headers may different now? APT 3.60 was used for the F and DF so I wonder if the new gain feature did that? As for temp, some of the lights are at -16, the camera fluctuates +/- 1 deg
  6. Thanks Louise. I’ll try that tomorrow, it’s really stormy here so I’ll stay inside at the fire.
  7. Here is a new dark taken tonight, do they look any different to the above dark? I've attached a new bias too B_2019-02-08_20-39-50_Bin1x1_0.001s__-16C.fit D_2019-02-08_20-17-38_Bin1x1_300s__-16C.fit
  8. @vlaiv Here are the single fits, the flats and dark flats were taken on a few days ago, the darks on Christmas night (not sure what I was doing taking darks then lol) DF_2019-02-03_22-55-06_Bin1x1_8s__-15C.fit F_2019-02-03_20-22-36_Bin1x1_8s__-16C.fit D_2018-12-25_20-31-51_Bin1x1_300s__-15C.fit
  9. This was my fault for describing it wrong in my first post. Sorry about that vlaiv. These were taken with an ED80 refractor. Im retaking some of the calibration data now as I’ve spotted the fits header is the darks and bias was different ie it says QHY9-CCD whereas the flats and dark flats just say QHY9 (they were taken a couple of days ago).
  10. I've attached a few integrations here. The image looks smoother without the flat, not sure what to make of this all! Any help appreciated. ALL CALIBRATION FRAMES NO BIAS NO FLATS ALL CALIBRATION FRAMES BUT ONLY THE BEST 50% LIGHTS And here are the masters: BIAS DARK DARK FLAT FLAT
  11. Hi Louise, thanks I checked and it's 26k. I even retook new flats and the problem was still there.
  12. Hi Adam. The final integrated image is actually quite bright, so this ties in with that, it's like the overall brightness has been boosted.
  13. No bother, will upload it later. It's quite nice data too ?
  14. Thanks Ciaran. My calibrated subs look 'ok, certainly pretty flat to my eye, but if I look hard I can see the dust bunnies in some of them. That was the first thing I checked and prompted me to post on here! However the stacked result has a very pronounced defect! But this thread is useless without PICTURES! When I mean APP would use them automatically, I just did one session and one camera, and added the above files. No other cameras, or sessions were part of the files, I'll try that again without Bias and then without Flats to see what happens
  15. Thanks for the heads up, I have been followig them and looking at their various publications. I'm joining Nemetode http://www.nemetode.org/ and have been in touch with the founder and a couple of members. Interesting it turns out the founder William went to school with my brother, so it's a small world indeed.
  16. I will try this later Ciaran. Thanks ?? I just assumed APP would do what was needed automatically, and use them appropriately
  17. Thanks vlaiv What you are saying is very helpful and this will hopefully get me to the bottom of the problem. 1. All subs were taken at -15oC. The camera sometimes fluctuates to -16oC but 1/2 a degree should make much difference. 2. Lights - night time, luminance filter Darks - on scope in shed at night time with end cap on Bias - on scope in shed at night time with end cap on Flats - taken using a computer monitor set to white page, four sheets of white paper over end dew shield, held by a cardboard holder, scope about 40cm from screen, at right angles. Also used same luminance filter. Flat Darks - on scope in shed at night with end cap on Camera not moved between lights and flats.
  18. I have not tried this, I will try that later and also post images. Thank-you.
  19. Thanks William. I can upload data if you want no problem. I still have the Atik.
  20. I processed a few subs of Leo on Wednesday night, using the frames listed below. The camera is a QHY9 mono with the KAF-8300 mono sensor. I used Astrophotography Tool (APT) for data collection and Astro Pixel Processor (APP) for processing. I used the 'CCD aid tool' in APT to calculate a mean ADU of about 26k for my flats. This resulted in an exposure of 8 seconds. In my stacked image from APP, the outside of the image is bright and some dust bunnies are visible. Any suggestions of what to try next? LIGHTS: 24 x 300s DARKS: 30 x 300s FLATS: 30 x 8s DARK FLATS: 30 x 8s BIAS: 30 x 0.01s
  21. Here is the brightest one so far. I've just started analysing them with UFO software so have worked out the direction it came from, and the approx magnitude which was -2.4. It is not that easy to do the analysis but will get the hang of it eventually!! meteor20190204194554.mp4
  22. Thanks Jamie. Since that video was taken I realised the focus was off by a bit. So I did the needful - got the wife up on the shed rood and she adjusted it whilst I viewed the screen. Now it's much better and I get less false recordings. The scintilations from out of focus orion stars were causing the video to trigger a detection, and I filled 250GB hard drive in two days! No fireballs yet but about 30+ meteors in 4 nights. The Watec 902H is very sensitive, and along with the 8mm F0.8 lens (pure fluke I found this on ebay USA), it should pick up meteors down to magnitude +4 or +5 Here is a capture from Saturday. https://streamable.com/eiwn0
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