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Posts posted by tooth_dr

  1. I went from DSLR to mono CCD.  I haven’t really managed a great RGB image since I switched due to focusing issues between filters. There are more things to go wrong IMHO.  

    I have combined DSLR data with mono luminance, with reasonable results.

    I don’t think I would buy a colour CCD. Narrowband is great and I don’t want to compromise. 

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, symmetal said:

    Good to hear. Your wider angle lens on the Oculus gives a more pleasing image compared to mine which has the narrower angle and crops the circle top and bottom. i know it doesn't use as much of the sensor area, but I think I'll buy the wider angle lens and give it a go. Can't imagine they cost much. :smile:


    Thanks Alan. Mine came with the narrower lens but I contacted Terry at SX and he was able to swop it over for the wider one. I agree the wider one is more pleasing. 

  3. 2 hours ago, symmetal said:

    You need to install the C++ redistributeable package for Starlight Xpress cameras. I had the same problem mentioned further up the thread. The download link is on the 'Requirements' page of the AllSkeye website. :smile:


    Thanks Alan.  I did go onto microsoft and tried to download that but there were so many!  I now have it working at last, thank-you!!



  4. 7 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    That's exceptional guiding there. My AZEQ6 is already belt driven but I struggle to balance it. I can set the bar horizontal and put a weight anywhere on the bar without it moving significantly either way. Must be lubed with tar! I've been looking at all sorts of 608 bearings..SKF, hybrid ceramic skateboard bearings, full ceramic lol

    My dec axis never moved freely.  So when I was doing the belt mod I sandpapered the inside the bell that goes over the big brass cog.  It moves freely now and is easier to balance.

  5. 44 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    Wish my corner stars were that good!

    That guiding profile looks real nice. Those stars are nice and tightly grouped! What have you done with your mount? I spent all day Saturday reading up about tuning, which bearings to order, which grease to use lol

    I did the rowan belt mod. Previously I replaced the bearings with ones from the local motor factors (SKF) there were a couple of £ each. My head was wrecked deciding on grease. In the end I got some red stuff out of Halfords. The only thing that made a difference was the belt mod. 

  6. This was my first night out, giving everything a shake down since the teardown in May.  I carefully balanced everything on Sunday during the day, and started last night around 8:30pm.  Lots of software issues, connections issues, guidecam issues, several PC restarts.  Around 11pm I had it narrowed down to two faulty USB cables.  I have five new Lindy cables ordered.   I also set up a used 7-postition 2" filter wheel, but discovered it is too heavy for the focuser and even with the focuser not turning (motor fitted) the actual tube slides out.  I plan to strip and adjust this later.  Then as expected the cloud and mist rolled in and the moon rose, but I managed a couple of subs around midnight of NGC7000.  This is 2 x 300s with the Atik 383L+ luminance filter.

    I belt modded the scope a few months ago, and this is the first time using it with the ED80s.  The complete setup weighs about 13.5kg.  The guiding is by far the best I've had ever so I hope it lasts and I get a good season of imaging.


    Thanks for looking.




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  7. Thanks for all the replies guys I really appreciate it.

    So just to update a little.  I rang BT and they are going to send me out a new Smart 2 hub, with better wifi range.  So in theory I should have a decent signal to the shed for wifi.

    I currently have three PCs in the shed - two for meteors and one for imaging.  All will need internet.  I also have a switch with 8 ports (this came out of my work, when I needed a new one with 16 ports)

    When the new Smart 2 hub arrives, I will then have a BT HUB 5 router at my disposal.

    None of the PCs can pick up wifi as it stands.

    @Carbon Brush im like you, networking I also see as sort of a black art!


  8. On 16/08/2019 at 10:03, jam1e1 said:

    Great captures! Got a few questions as looking to do similar setup to yours 1) how did u find best balance of  Fov? 2) how much data roughly does it generate per night? 3) are the captures filtered down to just relevant meteor shots, or does it record whole video too? 4) would you mind sharing a picture of setup as want idea of how would look if did permanent setup?

    1) FOV was determined by camera and available lenses. The camera is a Watec 902 H2, and had a small 640x480 chip. Fast Computar lenses come in a few focal lengths. These were taken with an 8mm lens.  I also have a 6mm lens on a second Watec. Both are F0.8. There is a Computar 2.6mm F1.0 for sale on here but it’s a little wide. for meteor analysis, due to distortion.

    2) data depends on the amount of meteors plus false captures. The software records five files for each capture. 2MB per capture. And say 10-30 per night, so small amount of data.

    3) It only saves triggered captures eg meteors. I use this software:


    4) photos below, couldn’t find a wider one without snow but hopefully that gives you an idea, completely self contained


    HTH 👍🏻 :)




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  9. On 16/08/2019 at 10:03, jam1e1 said:

    Great captures! Got a few questions as looking to do similar setup to yours 1) how did u find best balance of  Fov? 2) how much data roughly does it generate per night? 3) are the captures filtered down to just relevant meteor shots, or does it record whole video too? 4) would you mind sharing a picture of setup as want idea of how would look if did permanent setup?

    Hi Jamie

    100% I'll get as much details as possible for you, will get it sorted over lunch.

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