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Nicola Fletcher

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Everything posted by Nicola Fletcher

  1. Hi all, I’m looking for a bit of help - I bought a 2” Baader BBHS mirror diagonal for a Takahashi FC100DZ and I can - almost - focus with a 41mm Panoptic and a Baader 8-24mm Mk IV zoom. These are the only 2” EPs I have. If I pull the nosepiece out of the focuser a bit it does focus both EPs (photo below), so I think I need a short extender. Has anyone used this diagonal with this scope and if so, could you offer any advice? The System Chart doesn’t show any particular extender with 2” diagonals and FLO weren’t sure if I would be able to focus but they did point out that 2” EPs reach focus with the DL: http://www.scopeviews.co.uk/TakFC-100DL.htm. I’d hate to have to return this so any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  2. Thanks for the great report - I’ll try to hunt down Stephenson 1 too! I agree that is a super telescope - I also have the FC76 and I love using both.
  3. Thanks for the great report Magnus - the photo is the stuff of dreams!
  4. I hope so - the AZ-EQ5 is a great mount and I think it should be able for the scope with a big EP. I was more worried about overloading the Tak focuser. The Scopeviews review for this scope says you can get slop with the use of heavy CCDs or binoviewers. I don’t think the 41 Pan will be as heavy as that though (1.4kg for both diagonal and EP 😬)
  5. My new FC100DZ, set up but no stars to be seen yet. I can’t wait to get it out for first light. I was so tempted to get the TSA120 instead but went with the DZ to get a bit of extra aperture but keep the portability that I like from the FC76. In a fit of frustration at the clouds, last night I ordered the Baader 2” BBHS mirror diagonal and the 41mm Panoptic for some widefield views if the weather ever improves. I’m a bit apprehensive about the size of the gigantic Panoptic but the 24mm is so much fun in the FC76, I thought the big brother in the DZ could be great. Let’s see if my mad plan works out!
  6. Looks like a lovely clear day there! Still cloudy on the east coast of Ireland 🥲
  7. I love photos of people’s bookshelves- thanks for starting this thread! Although I recently moved house and not all of my Astro books have bookshelf space yet, these are my favourites and the ones I read a lot. The black folder contains the paperwork that came with my Astro gear and the certificates from my Takahashis which are treasures in themselves. Apart from TLAO and the S&T Pocket Atlas, the ones I would grab if the house went on fire are Telescopic Work for Starlight Evenings, Starlight Nights (probably my favourite book on any subject) and Leslie Peltier’s Guide to the Stars. The latter is a complete joy to read with beautiful illustrations by the author.
  8. I’ve just bought the 120/900 Oklop bag for my new FC100DZ: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/telescope-bags-cases-storage/oklop-padded-bag-for-120mm-900mm-apo-refractors.html. I keep my 102 Starwave in the 120/600 bag and I like the extra room for the finder that it gives me. Hopefully it will work well for the Tak.
  9. It’s looking a lot better now than it did earlier! Here’s hoping 🤞🏻
  10. I don’t think a day can ever end badly when you come home from work and this is waiting for you…
  11. I’m also ridiculously proud of my mug. Thank you SGL - what a great prize!
  12. Glad you got it sorted Jase - it’s a lovely mount and mine is still perfect!
  13. I also use the Oklop bag for mine - it’s an Altair Starwave but the same scope: https://www.altairastro.com/padded-carry-bag-for-102mm-f7-120mm-f5-f6-refractors---deluxe-100-p.asp I originally wanted a hard case but I use the Oklop bags for both my refractors and I think they’re great.
  14. This is my most loved scope ever. I sold it and have regretted it ever since. It was a humble little Celestron 127 SLT Mak. It was recommended by a member at the Astro club I joined when I was just starting out. It was my only scope for about 7-ish years and I used to have such fun with it. I really liked how easy the Celestron handset and software was to use and had lots of first sightings of some of my favourite targets through it. Although it was goto which I know lots of people don’t recommend for beginners, it inspired me to learn the night sky and I now love to use refractors on manual alt-az mounts. I am honestly so tempted to buy another one!
  15. Thank you for writing this wonderful report. I’m reading this in a coffee shop and laughed out loud at your exclamation! I remember that feeling with my FC76-DCU the first time I saw the moon with it.
  16. Excellent! Looking forward to meeting you!
  17. Yes re. dog friendly - I bring my poodle on all my trips away so that is an essential feature! Some places would be wheelchair friendly - especially bungalows. I suppose it’s just a matter of checking with the owner before booking 😊
  18. I know - it’s difficult when you want to get your car to sites and there are gates. Definitely check out the Sugarloaf car park, and I’m sure there are places around Glendalough that would be suitable. Hopefully we can meet some Irish SGL’ers in person at some stage at an event!
  19. Hi @Jasonb, I know a group meet at the Sugarloaf car park sometimes, and Glendalough is another lovely place. I’m in the fortunate position of having a small farm with great views so I tend not to travel unless meeting with others. I have rented cottages in Wexford with lovely dark skies and of course the west is another fantastic destination (there are a couple of sample photos below). @Bogmonster, the Irish Astronomy Week is coming up this month and has loads of events - see https://www.irishastronomyweek.ie. I’m also a member of the Irish Astronomical Society. There are several clubs around the country and the midlands astronomy club is having their COSMOS star party on 25th March which I’ll be going to - see https://midlandsastronomy.ie/cosmos-2023. Hope this is useful!
  20. Welcome! I’m from Wicklow so not too far from you. Best of luck with your new scope. It’s great having dark skies, I know what you mean about simply looking up. I also love to use binoculars and have ‘discovered’ plenty of things using them!
  21. It’s simple and just a photographed copy from my sketchbook, but this is the best night I viewed comet C/2022 E3 ZTF. It’s the first comet I really observed properly and followed over time. I’ve sketched it on multiple nights and I’m glad to have a record of my observations over time. I use white chalk pastel, paintbrushes, pastel pencil and a white Gelly roll pen on black paper.
  22. I also really like your sketch. It’s instantly recognisable and gives me that same wow feeling as I get when I look at M42 through a telescope. I also like to make a rough sketch at the eyepiece and then a better one once I’m inside. I really like sketching with white pastel on black paper as I like the idea that the sketch matches the eyepiece view as much as possible. I don’t really worry too much about errors, you can always sketch the same target several times and refine your technique.
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