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Everything posted by happy-kat

  1. StarTools loves flats they make a huge difference in image I find. After cropping I like to bin.
  2. We also use StarTools which has a very swallowable price.
  3. There is a new member who bought the virtuoso mount and is interested in variable star study which I gather from links on that thread can be done using binoculars.
  4. My thought for my location is to balance my heavy lens based on say a 45 degree angle as an average.
  5. I have a balance issue, never thought to check before but the 85mm lens is very front heavy. I've got spare camera fixings from doing the barndoor project so might be able to fabricate something... And I need a different step down ring for the lp filler for the pancake lens so going to get that ordered as that lens balances fine.
  6. Given rotation and everything moves around eventually I guess that's workable
  7. I've been looking back at the image graph with direction, altitude and duration and I though that generally the higher the altitude the shorter the duration and even shorter in N / S but these recent targets have been high and getting 45s and don't seem impacted by focal length either. Yes it is clear but not able to get out side tonight.
  8. Ian that newly tried processing approach has made your image well extrordinary, such a difference with the cleaner back drop for the main event the nebula. More cloud here so I am just window watching you all with your changes of gear and advancements.
  9. I just want to add that Steve to me that is a super image we shouldn't also lose sight that this is a star travel refractor and the processing has removed any obvious CA, your improvements in processing are leaps and bounds forward I have much to catch up with.
  10. If it is cloudy now and you haven't altered your lens focus you could take flats now. I have a cheat method I use light box on my android tablet and balance it on my camera lens. So far the flats taken that way make a difference so they must be good enough even if not an ideal method.
  11. Coming back to the images today I think your second set have the edge just. I do like your 135mm lens, unfortunately mine shows a lot of CA but now I know how to process that away in startools I might try using it less stopped down as f8 is restrictive.
  12. The background looks very noisy and splodgy. (Pixsinsight) I prefer the original 45 minute one much quieter noise in the background.
  13. Erecting prism gives right way up views which you want for day time. Night use it doesn't really matter what way up views are so 90° degree star diagonal doesn't correct the image orientation.
  14. I'm wondering about getting the 130p-ds to balance on the slt mount.
  15. If you already have a dslr and lens then perfect to get going with, nice and light so not an added drag to your mount.
  16. Seeing Gina's camera lens image from last night just 30 seconds long (so even though on EQ8 it's still only 30 seconds) and the images are fab and I instantly went to look where in the sky the North American N was but alas it is not in a good place for us to try I don't think.
  17. I thought what about no dark frames but with bias and flats. The second image looks better without the darks but it is not so clear cut with the first. Thanks for experimenting.
  18. Would it work if you image say for an hour and then another hour but in DSS use the tabs for the separate batches
  19. You should try swipe for typing on your hudl of you haven't yet
  20. To experience walking on bark visit a children's playground. Our bark does walk into the lawn curtesey of the black bird so we do rake it back to the border before mowing.
  21. Bark chips takes ages to rot down as well. The other is gravel but that is much heavier to deal with.
  22. Thank you for sharing your practical approach to the need, or not, to modifying a dslr.
  23. Ooh that is very nice, this is what I'll be trying my virtuoso mount on when it gets earlier to do. dslr and lens imaging.
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