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Everything posted by tekkydave

  1. I now have the Duet running on 24V from my bench supply. I rebuilt the hotend with a new-style E3D heat block. I've had this ready to fit for a couple of weeks. I previously had the old-style blocks with the tiny hole for the thermistor. I was never confident the thermistor got an accurate reading with these. The new blocks use a thermistor cartridge which is clamped in the block. Ive fitted a 24v 60w heater cartridge and 24v cooling fan. The part-cooling fan has also been upgraded to a 24v part. The 24v fans seem to be a lot more powerful then the 12v fans on 12v. E3D also supply 3 socks with the heating block so I fitted one of those too.
  2. The 24V extruder heater cartridge & fans arrived today. If the PSU takes a while to arrive I can use my bench supply as a temporary measure. The hotend fan shroud is starting to disintegrate on the corners where the screws attach the fan so I might order a replacement.
  3. The only thing I can suggest is restarting the router and Duet. I had similar issues at the start but it has been pretty stable since (touches wood).
  4. I've now removed the redundant front bar on the z carriage as it no longer carries any wheels. It doesnt seem to have had any effect on the stability or rigidity of the bed. I also printed some 4020 end caps to make the extrusion ends a bit more attractive
  5. Read this - the relavent bit is the section "Inherent config changes needed for all Cura users using Duet:" https://betrue3d.dk/using-duet-with-cura-and-diamond-hotend-and-firmware-retract/
  6. There's an item there that explains Gina's problem using Cura https://betrue3d.dk/using-duet-with-cura-and-diamond-hotend-and-firmware-retract/
  7. Wow - loads of useful info there. Cheers.
  8. Maybe Slic3r has the correct output format set by default. The version of cura your Repetier Host is using is quite old now. Latest version is 2.8 I think (numbering scheme was changed - I think 15.xx became V1).
  9. Comparing your gcode & mine I can see you are missing a G90 ;absolute positioning somewhere. Your extruder is being given absolute coordinates to go to but it is treating them as relative hence the over-extrusion. Either add one in your start g-code or set the output format to Marlin in Slicer (might be listed as 'Reprap').
  10. Your settings are all set to 'default' have you adjusted them to suit the printer & filament?
  11. I think it's to do with absolute/relative extruder movement. Check you have your start gcode setup correctly in slicer. You should be able to select the right output format in slicer too.
  12. Had a look at the gcode. First layer is at 8mm/s, rest at 12mm/s. It seems to spend a long time doing infill between the inner & outer walls - maybe thats when it slows down. Maybe try a model without a narrow wall e.g a cube.
  13. Config looks ok. I'll have a look at gcode.
  14. Very weird. Can you post your config.g as it stands now. The gcode file of the printed object would be useful too. I'll have a look and see if I can spot anything. I have a gcode simulator on my tablet I can run it through to see if that is where the problem is.
  15. What does the preview look like in the slicer program. If possible use a stand-alone slicer to see this.
  16. 16mm test cube. The height is near enough
  17. You can dynamically alter the z height using the babystepping controls on the Print Status page.
  18. G31 sets the probe offsets. Does your probe trigger at 3mm above the bed?
  19. Ok. I have taken Julian's recommendation on the PSU and ordered one. Also ordered the 30mm and 40mm fans I need plus a 60W 24V cartridge heater from Makers Hut.
  20. The 12V supply I have at the moment had a really noisy fan in it. Replaced it with a quieter one but it was still fairly noisy. I ended up putting a buck converter inline with the fan to slow it down a bit!
  21. I had to push my Titan motor to 1200mA. The X/Y motors are at 1000mA and the Z currently at 1400 (1680 maximum).
  22. Unless I change the design I only have 3 large motors and 1 small one (extruder). I suppose a larger PSU gives a bit more room for expansion later with LED lights etc a possibility.
  23. Thanks for the link. I was hoping to get a slightly less powerful PSU and get one without a fan if possible. As you say I don't need Amps for the bed as it is on a SSR. I could probably manage fine on a 240W (10A) supply.
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