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Status Replies posted by Pig

  1. Clear,bright and cold-for once the forecast was wrong in the right way

  2. Solar Saturday, and it's raining, ho hum! Gonna get desperate if it's a third blank weekend in a row! :-o Good luck, solar soldiers!

  3. Solar Saturday, and it's raining, ho hum! Gonna get desperate if it's a third blank weekend in a row! :-o Good luck, solar soldiers!

  4. Off to view the sun after repairs....

  5. Off to view the sun after repairs....

  6. Off to view the sun after repairs....

  7. Off to view the sun after repairs....

  8. The 400P is out and cooling down, had it out once this season so far, I think! Was considering selling it, but an hour on Thurs night with my trusty 10 inch dob reminded me how amazing DSO's look. I will sit down first before taking in the Orion Nebula. Good luck anyone hoping to get out tonight!!

  9. In the last 12 nights 11 have been clear. Not winding up anyone, honest :-)

  10. snow and cold, where did all the stars go?

  11. on Hols for 9 days, can I get some clear Skies,PLEASE!!! :)

  12. Had a break from observing for various reasons but now good to go again

  13. Had a break from observing for various reasons but now good to go again

  14. a short vacation coming :-)

  15. a short vacation coming :-)

  16. Mini Giro WR - Deluxe Dual Extension With Prism, in the post :-)

  17. Clear skies, seeing a crisp 5/5, scope collimated to a tee, frac itching for a cluster or double and...a near full moon. I love the Moon but not tonight :-)

  18. The clouds look great thru my new 25mm TV! :)

  19. The clouds look great thru my new 25mm TV! :)

  20. Televeue 25mm Plossl on its way

  21. Televeue 25mm Plossl on its way

  22. The rain in Spain falls mainly......where I'm living :-)

  23. Another batch of quince jelly boiling away merrily

  24. Another batch of quince jelly boiling away merrily

  25. 1 more sleep till dobfest 2

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