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Status Replies posted by emadmoussa

  1. Downsizing until I've had an observatory

  2. Bagged 38 galaxies this last month

  3. Do extensions for EQ3 mounts exist? Can't find any...

  4. I love astronomy... even if i am a complete novice!

  5. Ordered my first Telescope today - Can't wait for it to arrive!

  6. 3 house's veiwed today and one backs onto a nice field :)

  7. Ordered my first Telescope today - Can't wait for it to arrive!

  8. Captured my first Iridium Flare tonight.

  9. rubbish visibility...Im going back in...what a waste of time

  10. rubbish visibility...Im going back in...what a waste of time

  11. Hi ho hi ho to Kelling Heath I go! The telescope is boxed up and I'm ready to roll in the morning for hopefully 7 cloud free nights.

  12. Brand new Eq3 Pro Synscan + 150 Skywatcher!!

  13. Brand new Eq3 Pro Synscan + 150 Skywatcher!!

  14. only 3 sleeps till first proper go with new scope

  15. Eurgh!... hello windows 8

  16. Eurgh!... hello windows 8

  17. Eurgh!... hello windows 8

  18. watching a film withe the wife then skies willing ill take the 200p out for atest drive :)

  19. Need a new PC, any recommendations?

  20. Need a new PC, any recommendations?

  21. How good is the Mak 127 for deep sky??

  22. How good is the Mak 127 for deep sky??

  23. Collecting my new skyliner 200p dob tomorrow :) happy

  24. Today may be the day I buy my first scope... should I be this nervous?

  25. No ebay! I as NOT looking for signed heart posters of Gary Barlow!

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