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neil phillips

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Everything posted by neil phillips

  1. Hi Mark i had some experience using the filter in the morning as Venus was rising. What i found was as the sun rose above the horizon. The extra heat started thermals and poor seeing. Also increasing light levels of the sun tended to wash out contrast. I cant say if a cool scope getting warmed by the rising sun would be the same as setting up for daytime imaging ? But personally i think results may vary. And it might be better with the sun just rising or just setting. So my advice is rather a bit of guess work having never imaged with the sun too high in the sky. Sorry i cant be more definitive As for filters Kon is getting good results with a somewhat cheaper filter. Worth looking at perhaps.
  2. Its a lets obscure the entire western sky tree isn't it. As for the cannon i knew you would understand lol.
  3. Yeah its not good. Clutching at straws. But still having a go Cheers
  4. Both Wednesday and Thursday seeing disturbed but wanting to be better this low. Tonight cloud around capturing between. 7.3 Classical cassegrain scope pics showing the legendary venus slayer tree
  5. looking good lots of fine detail. look forward to the repro
  6. Its always interesting getting a look at Venus cloud. Your doing good now. Getting into your stride. Yeah check that collimation, giving scopes a kick in not recommended
  7. Some great structure coming through. Good capture. Its annoying when trans doesn't play ball with seeing. But you still got a great shot
  8. If springs are causing a issue. You likely will get more stability. But its also possible the mirror will shift a little. In fact it actually should be shifting a little. I would be more concerned if it wasn't moving a little. If you setup the telescope when horizontal. You will find its going to move once higher on a target. But again it should, that's actually good, as long as the movement is small. We are not talking miles here. Its best to set the primary not horizontal, but outside on a target. Doing lunar and planetary i adjust the primary nearly every time i image. Sometimes it holds close for a while then goes off. Probably a knock or some such. But its good practice to check and tweak if needed every session.
  9. lol. they probably got 2 parking lots 😁
  10. Cheers Kon I went for a long capture 10 minuets. Gain was on max, so needed too. I may try de rotation. I have no idea if it will improve but i doubt it at those times. Still, might try it one rainy night. I enjoyed getting out there, but its off putting seeing Venus really high. And having to wait until its much lower to clear. Need time to focus ect. Its all a bit rushed for one attempt for my liking. And of course if focus is slightly off. I don't get a second chance. frustrating. Not sure i will try anymore, its a lot of setting up. For potentially a bad rushed result
  11. Yeah look forward to the morning rising. Cheers If any of the neighbors heard about a laser cannon. Would probably lead to multiple occurrences of twitchy curtains every time i setup 🤣 Reminds me of a time i setup a 8/3.4 darkstar dob, on Blackheath common. Not that far from the army barracks there. Had two bobby's come over and question me and my friend what we was doing. I explained getting ready to look at Jupiter. Started trying to double check facts, if i knew anything about astronomy. Asked me So what's that star called then ? Couldn't see too well because of the light pollution, and i said I don't know Could probably have made up a name and said. That's the puppy star. He likely would have been none the wiser. Though the copper star might have raised suspicion.😁He eventually seemed to believe my story. Got told to move on. True story that Don't underestimate how dangerous astronomers can be😂
  12. Didn't know the moon was around. Good snatch Roy. That refractor must be nice to use. Had a 5" Achro, but not in that league
  13. Managed one shot, before i lost it. I don't think i will bother anymore until the morning return. Where i can actually work on it for a bit. Its really frustrating doing all the setup just to capture one shot in a time window i have. I could do so much better, but not like this. I went to try IR850 after this, but lost it. I Cant get quality working like that. At least Saturn will be back soon. To get my teeth into. Orion 245mm Newtonian F6.3. Baarder Bessel U filter Celestron 2x ultima Barlow with a long extension. As a guess around the 5 meter mark or more. ( 1600mm FL X3 =4800 ) 130% from a 150% drizzle SW EQ6 R pro
  14. Tree is massive, that saw would make it flatten a house as it went over lol. Not going to happen. I get time for about one capture, at one location. Then it hits a roof. (All set up on concrete inches from house walls) Or longer in the garden, as its getting low in the sky. dropped below branches. Under good seeing the low location. Might be worth trying again. At least i don't lose it after 5 minuets. But trying to snatch it as seeing is worsening is not something i enjoy. But we shall see Morning rising will be better. But You guys are doing great, Everyone getting some lovely detail. Saturn's back in about 5 weeks btw. Rising in morning light 16 or so degrees. Jupiter a few weeks behind. Its on my good side. So will get on them early i think.
  15. I Envy you guys that can work on Venus. Never hated a tree so much in my life. Nice details coming through. Jupiter will seem easy to you after all this practice
  16. Thanks Roy. Its been good using a 12" scope again.
  17. Always fascinating seeing the patterns and swirls in UV. Great capture.
  18. No i can imagine. Non drizzle and fewer bigger boxes is probably more doable.
  19. Yes I know a similar tech. On image analyzer. I got to a stage where its difficult to tell its been done, other than the fact its not there. I kind of got to stage with it. That it felt more honest just to leave it be. But i have removed them on occasion. The older i get the more i tend to ignore it now. Used to bug me in the past i admit.
  20. Yes especially at large chip sizes. I can see the smoke coming out already. And a long beard. Before the image is finished 😁
  21. Yes. Its really just diffraction effects. That get enhanced during processing similar to what you get on mars edge rind. Herse's what Martin Lewis says The simplest approach in dealing with edge-rind is to leave it in place, letting it stand as a tacitly acknowledged artefact. If this is felt to be unacceptable, however, a number of techniques exist which can be used to try to remove it.
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