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Everything posted by CraigT82

  1. Its a good technique, I've done the same in the past using a planetary camera with a meteor lens. Haven't seen it done with a phone though, didn't know about linking phone screen to team viewer so will look into that... nice one 👍
  2. Very nice images, well captured. You should learn the processing as that is half the fun, seeing the dull raw stacks come to life!
  3. Mounts also have clutches than can be undone to move the mount manually without using the motors. The software has no idea if the clutches have been undone and mount moved or not.
  4. Very nice image, tons of details visible 👍
  5. A very sharp and detailed image, well captured! I think you've got a bit of atmospheric dispersion affecting the image, see the slight blue fringe st the top of the planet and red at the bottom? On Ganymede too. You can try the RGB align function in registax, should help with that nicely.
  6. Are you trying to focus the new camera on something too close? If you're looking at a tree or something closer than infinity you will need lots of outwards focus travel
  7. Yes possibly, if I really squint that little bright spot could be Olympus Mons! No idea what the dark spot is, it doesn't seem to correlate to anything on any maps I can find online. Must be aliens 👽
  8. Very nice, great vivid colour. Those three big festoons really stand out dont they!
  9. I'm now pretty certain that it isn't anything to do with Olympus Mons... what it is though, I have no idea! Might ask the Mars section at the BAA.
  10. That's a possibility, but I think it's real. See screen shot from Pete Lawrence's Twitter feed. Same dark spot in same place.
  11. Thanks Mark, is that 3am UTC or BST?
  12. I don't think you've marked the right region on that map. Here is the ephemerides graphic from Winjupos, and I've also ammended your map to highlight the region I think I've captured with Olympus mons upper centre. I'm not sure why I'm getting a dark spot where Olympus Mons should be, perhaps it's casting a shadow? It' seems to be right in the middle of the Martian day though so not to sure about that?
  13. That's not too bad at all, it's displaying a bit large and would look better smaller I think. The blue fringe at top and red fringe at bottom is atmospheric dispersion and an ADC would certainly help with that, but the RGB Align function in registax would alos help to realign the colour channels to a lesser degree so I've givebn that a go, see below: For focusing I always find that focussing visually on the moons of Jupiter gives best results, rather than a bahtinov mask What is your processing flow?
  14. Very nice, did you use the IR data as the L for the LRGB?
  15. Whoops sorry! Brain fog from getting up at 3am 🤷‍♂️
  16. Thanks Stu, Absolutely feel free to share as you like!
  17. Here's the visualisation from Ade Ashford's Mars Mapper web app... rotated and with a fake terminator added (it's fully illuminated in the web app) I think this one is a pretty good match to my image. http://www.nightskies.net/mars/mars.html#
  18. Thanks Vlaiv, I'm not sure about the rescaling (I think Mars at this diameter needs a bit of amplification) but I definitely agree on the redder hue
  19. This is the first Mars image I've captured since 2016, with the last apparition being a major dust-fest I didn't even bother with it. In this image I believe there is some faint bluish clouds near the north pole and possibly just to the right of the south polar cap (or those could be just artifacts!) I also think Olympus Mons could be the dark spot at upper centre. Not sure on those IDs though 8.75" Fullerscope with Altair 224C, APM 2.7x barlow and ZWO ADC. Baader L filter. I captured 15 x 2 minute runs and discarded 4 of them. Stacked best 30% of the rest and derotated the lot. PS for final tweaks. I also captured some IR685nm data but didn't want to add it to this for fear of throwing off the colour balance and swamping out the delicate clouds (P.S Vlaiv I've posted the tif alongside - please feel free to play with it!) Mars 2020-07-30-0314.tif
  20. Thanks Geof we must have had all the good seeing over in the West, sorry!
  21. Yes that looks great! Your processing skills far outstrip mine I did use wavelets but fairly gently. Did you nudge the No.2 slider for that image? By what factor did you downscale to get the 0.24" scale? (Edit: nevermind just checked the image size on the one you posted 294x294)
  22. Hi Vlaiv, It's just a consequence of the gear used really. The Jupiter image I posted from the 30th I measured from the image to be exactly 2.7x amplification of the native FL, and last night It was a bit more than that as I had to add in a small T extension between barlow nosepiece and filter wheel to prevent the filter wheel fouling the securing screw of my HD parallizer (because I had the tube at a different orientation to the session on the 30th session where it didn't foul - it was easier to add in the extension than to rotate the tube!). I also never use the barlow with it's body, I have various nosepiece extensions so that I can tune the distance to give me more or less power if needed but in my usual configuration it does actually give me approx 2.7x. I might not be the best barlow for me as this long FL newt doesn't have that much coma and so I wonder if I'm introducing some anti-coma to the edges of the image? I've never tested it. Well, I thought I always keep the target in the centre of the view so probably not an issue.
  23. Last nights Jupiter (6th August 2020 ignore the wrong date in the image!). Seeing was fairly good for my urban street location (I saw the reports of good visuals posted by John and others). 8.75" Fullerscope with Altair 224C, APM 2.7x barlow and ZWO ADC. Baader L filter. I captured 20 x 1 minute runs and discarded 3 of them. Stacked best 30% of the rest and derotated the lot. PS for final tweaks. Cheers
  24. I wish Mark! I am thinking of getting some NASA worm logo decals to make it even more Hubble-esque.
  25. A reprocess to try to avoid the chromatic artifacts at rhe North pole. Not entirely sure whats causing it but its still there although much reduced
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