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Everything posted by bomberbaz

  1. bomberbaz


    Hi Sam and welcome to sgl. I see you bought a eq type mount. Watch this guys videos here EOTS2 EOTS. He is a little cheesy but also very good with it. Explains how to use your mount, wish I had watched this when I got my eq mount and scope 10 years since. He has made loads and loads of videos, watching a few more may be helpful to you also to get started.
  2. Good point well made Michael. I have hardly bought anything new myself regarding eyepieces since acquiring the Nikon's. You can't improve on perfect which is how I view them.
  3. I have actually got to a stage where I carefully weigh things up now and don't usually buy just because I want but I look at what I already have and try to decide if their is a real and quantifiable need. EG, I want a daystar solar scout but already have a lunt 35 which works very well. Do I need to shell out a big wedge for a slightly improved view which is subjective from my research? I also consider storage as my gear takes up a lot of space, mainly hidden behind the sofa and at present swmbo does not mind too much. I want to maintain the status quo.
  4. @Barry-W-Fenner there is a very good review here of the Morpheus, well worth a read. Seems to me you are getting a lot of quality at a very competitive price. If I ever want (note I don't say need 🤣 ) another eyepiece that falls within their range, I will certainly be giving them consideration.
  5. According to UK ABS no, which tells it's own story. https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/results.php
  6. Likewise. My own thoughts are that you will see a difference between them and the aero 30. Hope you enjoy the new purchase.
  7. All the bells but not the DSC whistle. It is price prohibitive. Not saying more until i take receipt of it and do an out of the box. 😁 I am considering making a AZ levelling platform for it and may use an alt meter with it. However I want to do more star hopping and finding so even if I do use the above aids they may get limited use.
  8. Yes cat's out of the bag Gerry, it is currently being built. Hope to take delivery this month all being well. There will be an initial out of the box overview when it arrives.
  9. You could keep your higher powered bst for planetary, plan nebula's, globulars etc, they should be ok for this as you are generally mainly using the centre of the eyepiece anyway and I find the higher the power, the less degradation in the view. Again, that's just me.
  10. I have tried BST's in my F4.7 dob, they were really soft around the edges with less than 50% of the fov being sharp, so it wasn't a fun experience not when I know what the difference is when using well corrected eyepieces that give you a well corrected view across all of the field of view. The difference between F4.7 & f4.9 is unlikely to be significant. You don't have to spend mega bucks on the top of the range ep's such as televue, there are many mid range eyepieces that will compliment a 300p and you would have a far more pleasing outcome. If you want to spend decent cash upping your aperture, to me it would be sensible to upgrade your glass to compliment it. If I may I could suggest for now maybe upgrading one eyepiece you would use most and then adding as time went by. In a 300p at 1500 focal length a 14 or 17mm eyepiece would find a lot of use if I were using it although this is obviously personal to me. The morpheus are reasonably priced, have good reviews and have a much larger and better corrected fov than the BST's. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/baader-planetarium/baader-morpheus-76-degree-wide-field-eyepieces.html However I would research further before making a decision. Steve
  11. I used to have a 300p, trust me it won't be very forgiving of your BST's. Also as mentioned above in your back garden you will draw in more light and gain image detail, mainly on planets, the moon and some clusters/stars. But I can say that as you are also drawing in more light pollution, as such emission nebula and galaxies will not show much improvement over your 200p. A UHC or similar filter will help on nebula but as we all know, nothing improves things better than a dark sky.
  12. I don't get one with plossl's either. Are you wearing glasses to view? It's near impossible to do so with a 6mm plossl and make it an enjoyable experience. Anyway, as mentioned about the lack of eye relief in them does nothing to help either with or without. A good option at not budget breaking is an eyepiece with decent eye relief, these X-Cel are worth considering. I have used these in a C8 before and found the views both easy to achieve and very good. Steve
  13. Is it ok for me to share this to a astronomy group page on facebook?
  14. Great shout John, thanks for that. Loads of up room in the barrel so that shouldn't be a problem. Looks a better barlow that my current TS one, will have to compare but could be a perfect fit and cost effective. cheers Steve
  15. I am interested in getting a low powered barlow for my eeva setup. Currently I use the lens from a standard barlow which adds at 1.6x to give me focus, actually gives more back travel than I need but I managed anyway. I have read that william optics used to do a 1.2 barlow but after quite a bit of digging came to a dead end. Has anyone heard of another short focal length barlow and if so, where please. Alternatively are there any ways of doing this by breaking down something else as per above but looking for no more than 1.3 really. 1.2 ideally. TIA Steve
  16. dedication at it's best there CB
  17. No John. I fell for this when I saw it annnnnd, well you know how it goes from there. 😆 https://www.taurustelescopes.com/en/taurus-t350/
  18. Been waiting for this for too long. Can’t wait to try it out
  19. I use a revelation coma corrector. Far lower costing but does the job perfectly well. Maybe I will get chance to compare with a paracorr at some point but not rushing out to get one. TBH @Don Pensack I find that even at F4.7 the fov is pretty sharp right out to 80% without it anyway, will see how it performs when my new F4.8 dob arrives. #spoileralert
  20. Arrived the other day, had to order it from over the pond but it is a lovely detailed map, already have S&T map, had to run some repairs to cover but seems ok now.
  21. A lot more in depth than I realised. Going to have a thorough read tonight.
  22. Ok so not a massive thing at first glance but from my heavily light polluted eastern side I managed to pick out M13 with my 10x30 bins. It was still just about twilight and very bright to the west. Really chuffed in getting it.
  23. Ok before anyone asks me how I found this out, boredom during lockdown basically. Open up stellarium, preferably with a pc and widescreen although laptop does work, you may need to get your eyes in a little closer with a laptop. (does not work on phone apps) First make sure its dark by fast forwarding time to midnight. Now press the A key to remove atmosphere, now press F3 key and search for NGC 6583. Now using the zoom in key, ("page up" in my case) zoom in and relive the experience I did some 40 years since, amazing. (well to me at least)
  24. I bought this from TS as a spotter. But I immediately recognised this has great potential as a eeva scope and also a grab n go fun scope. Added some extra tube rings and a vixen bar and sorted. Used it tonight on the moon and also earlier terrestrial as it has a correct image diagonal that is built into it. I have to say I am very impressed with the performance at 80/330. Really good colour, no fringing on the moon and using just a bog standard sw 25mm eyepiece it was sharp accross 80% of the fov.
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