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  1. Thanks Olly It was just the shadow of the spider vanes in the donuts that made me wonder, im used to refractor flats which dont have this kind of thing
  2. Thanks Onikkinen I just wasn't sure with them having diffraction spikes ok a kind.
  3. Hi Onikkinen Yeah its stretched, I suspect that collimation is out possibly causing the off centre vignetting also there is an issue with tilt in the coma corrector which is visible in top right most of all, not sure if this causes and issue with flats though. The donut although its difficult to tell is more like a nuclear sign i dont think this picture pics it up ill try to exaggerate it
  4. Hi Can anybody tell me what causes these shadows im my flats, the look like loads of shadows of the secondary These were taken with a tshirt over the scope which is a 250pds shooting at a light panel
  5. Just to confirm there is no grub screw to remove the single speed knob
  6. Hi Stevie, Its more than possible I missed the grub screw, its installed in my dome so not the best light in there. The coupler I modded fits nicely the issue is normally the bracket is fixed with the locking screw which is normally in the centre of the focuser plate. on this one it isnt its got 2 both off centre. I could drill out the bracket I have but it would be very close to the edge.
  7. Im probably wrong but I don't think the single speed side was removable. Unfortunately there isn't a ready made bracket at FLO but they are looking if the MN190 bracket will fit. If not I'll probably adapt the one I have. I've drilled out the coupler to fit already but it needs to have the bracket secured properly.
  8. Hi I have swapped it over now. I wanted it on the inside because it overhung the front of the scope and also it was just neater for the cables.
  9. Thanks Both, it is set up left handed so you would of been ok on this one.
  10. Hi All I have just come into possession of a Skywatcher 250pds but need to add a Lakeside motor focuser to it. First problem is the dual speed knob is on the wrong side, it is towards the front on the scope, does anyone know if its reversible? Also there isnt a bracket mentioned on FLO's website, does anyone know if one exists or at £50 for a bent piece of aluminium would i be best to fabricate my own.
  11. Great Alan, nice to see a rarer object
  12. Give the device hub a go it seemed to work fine when I was messing last night.
  13. exactly what i have done and all seems to be working fine. got to do proper tests though and that will be after i fix my dome issue. Tomato have you tried it through Device Hub? also what version of Ascom are you on
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