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Everything posted by Hals

  1. Blessed with clear skies most of the day but the seeing deteriorated as the day went on, so these are from this morning. I've included a standard and an inverted image. I observed what turned out to be a C4 flare starting at around 13:30-ish in AR3824 - short rough and ready animation below. Pete. C4 Flare 170924.mp4
  2. Nice one. I'd be hung, drawn and quartered for that 😆
  3. Taking advantage of some clear skies this morning, whilst off work, almost unheard of! Pete.
  4. Superb ! I'd be shot at dawn without ceremony if I tried doing solar imaging whilst on hols 😆
  5. Playing solar roulette with the clouds again, managed one quick 500 frame capture before it became impossible. A relatively quiet looking disk at the time of imaging, some of yesterdays larger proms still evident thankfully. Pete.
  6. Sun from the morning of 13th September 2024, processed as a standard image and colourized. Managed to bring out some nice looping proms on the West limb with this version, which I could see using an eyepiece but weren't so obvious via the camera even with the gain turned right up. Pete.
  7. Herbig-Haro object 555 located inside IC5070. I wanted to capture the twin jets emanating from the hidden protostar in the end of the long Bok tubercle. I believe there are other HH objects in this area too, but 555 is the most famous and prominent. Nine hours total integration time captured from the end of August to last night, split evenly between Ha, OIII & SII. Edge 8HD with 0.7 reducer via ASI294MMPro. Pete.
  8. Greyscale inverted Ha Sun from this morning. Baby Lunt 40 with x2 barlow via ASI174MM mini. Pete.
  9. Cheers guys, goes to show grab every opportunity you can however brief, and this one was literally five minutes.
  10. Clouds, clouds, wind, clouds and more clouds. Managed to capture something in the briefest of gaps early this afternoon. Took way longer to set up than to image 😆 Baby Lunt 40 with x2 barlowed ASI174MM mini. Processed inverted. Pete.
  11. Excellent write up with ups and downs which most of us can identify with. 👍 Pete.
  12. I didn't notice anything obvious on the normal image earlier. I'm at work now and can't get to the image. The filament and the plage area do make it look like an indentation! 😆
  13. Very windy conditions today, first time I've been able to image for a couple of weeks. The usual cloud dodging again before the grey murk blows in from the West. An inverted greyscale image today for a change (I rarely do inverted). Image taken at 12:38 UT just as a flare was starting to show mid disk near AR3793. Pete.
  14. I've just abandoned an imaging session as the sky has gotten milkier over the last couple of hours. Didn't start out too bad but now no stars visible and the Moon showing through a yellow pea-souper. The subs were getting gradually worse. It's disheartening when this happens as "clear" skies are few and far between and if you're trying to troubleshoot any issues with your rig and are already clock watching the remaining darkness it's not much fun. I read somewhere it could be related to the fires they've had in the US, smoke in the high atmosphere coming over on the jetstream..
  15. Not many filaments today, just checked the GONG images and yes, same as yours. Nicely done 👍
  16. Excellent imaging! The part inverted CaK one makes the Sun look ill.
  17. It doesn't ! I simply reversed the video halfway through. Disclaimer: No laws of nature were harmed during the making of this video 😄
  18. One and a half hours of activity on the limb and chromosphere from this morning. Timelapse taken through some high cirrus. Pete. Prom animation 11th Aug 24 colour.mp4
  19. Lovely detail Steve, never fails to impress.
  20. Lots of very high cirrus this morning with the seeing deteriorating as it eventually cleared. Mustn't grumble though, any Sun is better than no Sun. Pete.
  21. Due to aperture limitations I'm never going to get high resolution with my baby Lunt 40, but the instrument does punch above it's weight I feel. Two nice prominences earlier today, wish I could have imaged a few hours later as GONG was showing the prom to the right as looping over to it's neighbour. Clouds clouds clouds. Ah well. Pete.
  22. Before the clouds closed in, managed a very short session in windy conditions. Pete.
  23. I do like these type of comparison shots. Nicely done Mal. White light always looks very calm and tranquil, whereas Ha is a seething cauldron of Hellfire.
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