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Everything posted by Hals

  1. So, after some research and much YouTubing I’ve pulled the trigger on a William Optics Z71 Star II Quad APO Astrograph. Should fulfil my needs for wide field with fast and quality optics. I’ll be doing shorter unguided subs initially then later I’ll get an autoguider rig for it. I feel like I’ve taken the red pill and am about to fall down the rabbit hole 😀
  2. Portability is a criteria, I know the ED80 is pretty portable but I'm edging for the WO partly because I have the option of a good deal with it and its superior (IMHO) build quality and finish. I'll let you know which one I get eventually !
  3. Torn between these two for wide field imaging. Can anyone with experience of either offer a good comparison, pro's & cons etc. I'm leaning towards the ZS61 at the moment and whichever one I get will do me for a few years.
  4. Compared to my shed, that's a show house !!! 😆
  5. Excellent solution guys !
  6. The star you mention is mag 12.9 and is a good test of both your optics and the sky conditions as you’ll only see it a relatively high magnification.
  7. Just been looking at Venus and Mercury through the 10-inch Dob. Venus is a beautifully thin crescent and Mercury a tiny copper coloured gibbous disk. Glad I managed to catch them before they drop below the trees to my west. Also got a very thin crescent Moon so a nice prelude to tonight's session.
  8. Having absolutely zero woodworking skills I'm watching this build with interest. I've looked at quite a few designs and frankly I'm not up to making one. Period. I know my limitations. Think I'll have to go down the commercial route and buy one somewhere. Good luck with this project you have my admiration.
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