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Hals last won the day on June 14 2012

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    Astronomy, guitar, road cycling, aviation & militaria.
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    East Yorkshire

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  1. Taking advantage of some blue skies. Seeing not very good today, quite windy lots of cumulus so cloud dodging was the order of the day. Working all weekend so can't take advantage of the fine weather forecast here so these will tide me over til next time. Native FL full disc and x2 barlowed sunspot details, same groups as yesterday but showing obvious changes. ED80, Lunt wedge & 174MM mini. Pete.
  2. Summer solstice Sun today, thought about donning the old druids outfit but decided against it...made do with the Goat's Head Mask instead 😀 Full disc and x2 barlowed Sunspots - departing old friends AR3712 & AR3713 and the newcomers creeping round the limb AR3719 & AR3720. The usual WL rig - ED80, Lunt Wedge, Baader 540nm continuum filter and AS174MM mini. Pete.
  3. Very nice John. Lots of fine detail. Whilst the Edge with an ERF would produce superb results I'd be mindful of the seeing required, it would have to be very good to merit the full aperture. That's the reason I don't use my Edge for solar the seeing up here is never good enough. You can of course use an aperture mask but that kind of defeats the object to my mind. Pete.
  4. A touch under nine hours on this, with subs snatched as and when I could from the end of May to last night. I stuck at it though and decided to process it in SHO. C8 Edge, 0.7 reducer via ASI294MM. Pete.
  5. That filaprom is a monster! Reminds me of the last big one from a couple of weeks ago.
  6. Nice! It wouldn't do any harm to add a UV\IR cut but I believe the IR leakage on the 540nm Baader Solar Continuum filters was from the earlier versions. The newer (10nm & 7nm) ones are ok with no leakage. The older ones can be identified by their deeper rim compared to the newer ones. Never tried an OIII, if you have the Baader SC I don't think there's really any benefit. Pete.
  7. Decided to grab a quick evening session before the Sun hides behind my shed. Unfortunately a lot of cirrus and contrails to image through. Seeing wasn't very good either with the limb really boiling. The close up is a x2 barlowed view of AR3712 & AR3713 which have dominated the Sun over the past few days. I don't know what's caused the "burlap" effect during processing, probably me rushing it but whether it's from AutoStakkert or Imppg I don't know. Probably oversharpened in the latter (I did not use LRD though). Pete.
  8. A series of flats ought to clean the image up. Easier than trying to clean the PM. 😃 The square artifacts look like they're from AutoStakkert.
  9. That simmering milk is better than the skin on the rice pudding above me all day! AR3712 is putting up a good show. Nice work again Steve.
  10. I never tire of these wonderful images. Superb Dave.
  11. Very nice Steve. Super details on the spots.
  12. Very nice.👍 That rig is a real sunspot-killer.
  13. Fun and games trying to get this today. Clouds galore and had to quickly strip down the gear to avoid a heavy downpour. Just got to take what you can get. I wanted to get a barlowed shot of the big sunspot group AR3712 but was thwarted by the weather, managed to get the smaller group AR3716 though. Sol at 11:20 UT 2024.06.16 Pete.
  14. Nice to see these obscure but fascinating targets get some attention. If I hadn't seen the title my first thought would have been solar granulation ! 🌞
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