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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. No doubt there will always be a few, there are thousands of us astronomers with varying tastes. I think the circle just keeps getting bigger but I will say one thing, some time ago in a forum in a different land when I espoused the quality, the performance, the ..... of the various Svbony zooms in the market place I was accused of heresy, of working for the company ! The many positive reviews on these eps seems to show that the crows are coming home to roost, I am only the messenger telling my experiences not an attacker of others with different findings so let me bow out while the rest carry on, if you will.
  2. Sounds good, can you find me one ! Maybe a few others on here would maybe like one as well ? Can you let me know ?Maybe talk to Mr. Speers directly.
  3. Yes about the APM and even moreso the new Svbony equivalent but many, many, many observers want more range for their $ than what they offer. Thats why I personally didn't buy either, we aren't all moon / planetary focussed ! As for the others, we all have our experiences.
  4. You are correct but the number of zooms that fall into that bracket vs the number of zooms available gets pretty small and costly and for what. To replace all ones single eps ?
  5. I am waiting for one to come out like my 76° eps upwards to 100°, now thats widefield. When I find / get one it will be my only one but until then. Only incorrect based on interpretation !
  6. Carry on my fellow astronomers, me I'm going to grab one of my 3 Svbony zooms and head out to do some Ha work. Clear Skies to you all !
  7. I think many are missing the virtuous point of using zooms ! When I want wide fields of view I turn to my widefield eyepieces, at a cost !
  8. Reread my post, this is from lengthy experience but just remember we are talking zooms, try and understand their intent.
  9. In the 2nd paragraph of their OP they mention Svbony zoom eps so I proceeded to give my experience with easily obtainable zoom eps, nothing more, nothing less. Whether anyone reads is not an issue, a concern. If you have more in hand experience than I that is good, the more knowledge the better. The Sv's do perform extremely well for their cost, just ask my Mark IV that I sold, lol !
  10. We started out with reasonable priced zooms and now the rarer, much, much higher priced ones are showing up as is usual, lol.
  11. Absolutely no doubt but at what price for a zoom eyepiece ? Especially on an average nite sky !
  12. Its a nice zoom but its pretty high power not as versatile as their others in many applications, I didn't buy one because I am not a solar system looker. Just quick looks for me but for those that do the reviews are pretty consistent and the price is very right compared to their new super competetor.
  13. Read carefully the 40°-60° FOV is the Svbony's 9-27 model not the 7.2-21.6 model.
  14. The OV's and the Sv's are not the same, my Sv 7.2-21.6 measured out almost exactly what they specified. My Baader Mark IV measured a little less than specified.
  15. From the album: LDW1 Astronomy

    The Big Dipper lying on the big hill north of my remote camp
  16. When it comes to FOV in a zoom ep its like the old saying goes, a zoom, is a zoom, is a zoom ! They are not meant to compete, they should be just a change of pace, an alternative to the 70°+ individual eyepieces. If you are looking for wide TFOV's a zoom is not the one but in my various f5.4-f8.4 refractors (4) they are a lot of fun / enjoyment
  17. The 8-24 Svbony is the same size / weight as the Baader Mark IV.
  18. I have the Svbony 8-24, 7.2-21.6 with the 42°-65° FOV and the 10-30 zooms, they are all excellent priced and put out great views and the build quality is as good as it gets. The 10-30 is my main ep for my WL and Ha scopes. Don't shy away from any of their eps. They were good enough that I sold my Baader Mark IV, my Orion 7-21 and my 2 older version Meade as well as my Celestron zooms. So as you can see I have owned / tried many, lol !
  19. Scorpius at twilite, Sagittarius just making an appearance out of the trees !
  20. I am pretty new at this thus my question. I will have my scope mounted on an iOptron SlyHunter Go To System mount which is basically the equivallent of the SW GTi, I believe both can be controlled with either a hand controller or using a downloaded app that is ios supported as well. The only issue is can I use my iPad as the monitor as I don't own a laptop and hoping I don't have to buy one. I am starting out by trying to find others personal experience with this.
  21. A quick question, can I use an iPad to connect to and control a monochrome camera / refractor telescope rather than a laptop computer and if so with what app ? What gear do I need for the connections ? Is this even the right forum ?
  22. Thats what I always thought and many other fellow astronomers as well on other forum sites ! But this disagreement has been going on for a long time by those that don't own a small lite weight scope, they think 15-20 lb is lite weight (g&g), out of necessity.
  23. In the solar section of Cloudy Nights one thread shows some solar photos taken with the Lunt LS 40. Great capabilities, lots of thumbs up's.
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