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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. I will take another picture with the yellow card in for you and thank you really appreciate you taking the time to check it for me.
  2. Yes car covered in it this morning only had it cleaned yesterday.
  3. Well I bought a laser collimator from moggi1965(Morris) to make collimation easier. Wondered why kept slipping back into the same place took the secondary off and low and behold three indents. So rubbed it down cut out a piece of milk carton and found a 1mm thick washer so now the three collimation bolts won't be digging in anymore and collimating the secondary was a breeze. Hopefully check it out again tonight.
  4. I checked the mirror clips undid the second one and saw a visible shimmer across the mirror so had tightened the mirror clips too much.
  5. Thank you for that I knew last night it still needed a tweak I will get the concentre on it later after my hospital appointment.
  6. Had a few problems with the 10" starsense my own fault after changing the springs I had tightened the mirror clips to much When I undid them yesterday on the second one I saw a visible ripple on the mirror. Put it all back together collimation was a tad out fixed that put the scope out at 8pm to cool. M31 had to be but this time I could see M110 a first for me but no M32. NGC7662 what a sight put a UHC filter on and wow much better. Next moving around M3 lovely cluster got the 10mm on it and could see loads of individual stars. Brocchi`s cluster (Coathanger) Spectacular lovely bright mostly blue stars with a lovely yellow and orange star thrown in. M13 this was the best I have seen it in a few years and while I was there M92 this looked amazing. M27 next with a 12.5mm and a oiii filter looked brilliant clearly could see the shape. M57 one of my favourites and it didn't disappoint lovely smoke ring with a hint of colour. M51 my nemesis and futile attempt again I am thinking it was too bright in that part of the sky. Double cluster in the 25mm looked stunning. Finally Saturn stunning is all I can say. I had to be up early so at 10.15pm I had to pack away. Now here is the but I still think the scope is not at its best so going to look at it again today.
  7. Can anyone check my pictures please and let me know what you think.
  8. Added successfully hope it's clear in the morning near venus
  9. Thanks Paul I will try now to put it in and see if I am able to see it.
  10. How can I add this to Stellarium please followed online guide says error finding it. Thanks
  11. I checked the mirror cell just in case could not get a piece of paper under any of them started to undo them, on the second clip I visibly saw a wave on the mirror like the tension had been took off it. I have checked all 6 clips and can get a piece of paper under each one just like checking spark plugs with a feeler gauge. Checked collimation again just a tad out adjusted that so now I am ready for testing tonight.
  12. A better view and enlarging shows the donut in the exact middle
  13. Secondary position which looks bang on to me.
  14. I will thank you, I've never seen stars like it before and this is my 3rd reflector had a 6",8" and now the 10" with this being the 10" when I flocked it I just flocked up to the the spider so I know that's not been moved. I can check the secondary with my con-centre makes adjusting that easy then it's just the primary. I will screw the bolts all the way in then back them off two turns they will all be near enough the same length so shouldn't have any problem collimating it.
  15. Just wanted confirmation I am conversed with collimation I did think I had done it obviously I need to redo it thanks
  16. I changed the springs on the Primary so I thought perhaps I had tightened something up too tight I had a 25mm in first then tried a 15mm lastly a 10mm they all gave me different size streaks.
  17. I tried that on Albireo not on purpose but I racked the focuser in and out and never got any rings. Could it be pinched optics.?
  18. All the stars looked like streaks I tried racking the focuser one way and the other did not make any difference, M13 looked like a grey blob not sharp which I know this can easily do.
  19. Took my 10" Celestron Starsense out before turned it on M13 wasn't a great view but thought only 9.45pm not dark enough Went to Albireo looked through the eyepiece (25mm) I could only see a blue and a yellow line adjusted the focus made no different could this be collimation please.
  20. My maps says its 3hrs and 16minutes 181 miles to Cwmdu Astrocamp
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