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Everything posted by fwm891

  1. Nikon have different pin/sockets to connect to, make sure you chose the right connector for your Nikon. e.g. I have 2 one has a 10 pin connector the other has a little rectangular connector…
  2. Captured 8x 240s subs 1250 iso on a modified Nikon. The moon had pretty well swamped the image so I tried combing it with a colour image shot a few days ago. Two images rotated and combined in PS. TS-RC8 at f8 1624mm fl.
  3. Well fog and a nearly full moon were not the right bed mates to shoot the Eskimo through last night. RC8, NBZ filter, mono modified Nikon D5100. iso 800 @ f8 and processed in PI (stacking - took ages!) & PS. Subs: 65 @ 15 s, 1 @180s cropped matched and merged in PS Must try again on a clear moonless night (some hopes!)
  4. Centre of the Rosette nebula tonight through fog. This is a monochrome image taken with a modified Nikon. 7x 300s, 1250 iso using an RC8 @ f8 Processed in PI.
  5. Are you using the'guide using multiple stars'. I've had the main green cross not be on a star but a number of little green circles sit around stars across the fov and guiding is good anyway?
  6. Two mounts for me. First my current mount an iOptron CEM 60 standard non EC version then an Avalon linear fast reverse EQ mount. Both mounts work(ed) very smoothly. Didn't like my NEQ6 Pro.
  7. IC434 captured via my TS RC8 at f8 (1436mm fl) mounted on a iOptron CEM60 guided by PHD2. Sub captures were with ASI Studio (SGP playing up!) and processed in PI. Camera: ASI 533 MC Pro. Subs: 7x 400s @ -12°C
  8. Hi David, I think it depends on the camera and the version of ASIAIR. I think some of the early asiair's were restricted in the cameras they could control. Try updating the asiair firmware for your model.
  9. Well I've been using the dob for a while now and thoroughly chuffed. I does take a little while to settle but keeping the optics in a cool ambient temp room helps greatly. It has been moved around in my car to different obs site around Hereford and assembles easily with little move than a tweak to the secondary mirror. The primary so far has had little need to adjustment. I've added a couple of eyepieces a 5 and 13mm Tele Vue Delite giving: x400 and x154 respectively . These proved great for J&S at the end of last year. Once this series of storms pass I'm looking forward to more galaxy hunting...
  10. At one time the OD of the primary was a good basis to start from
  11. Hope you don't mind I've had a play. I split the image into upper lower parts, using a pen tool to cut across the top of the mountain range. I've slightly darkened the lower half then where theres exposed rock I've used the dodge tool at 1% shadows to lighten these areas, then applied a surface blur (1px radius, threshold about 25). For the top half I've added a little saturation and contrast overal, then used the burn tool on highlights (2%) to bring back the detail in the trap area.
  12. A slight blur to the foreground layer will be enough. Visually although both could be taken individually as distant blur to the foreground will imply foreground/background. Just take the edge off not a heavy blur.
  13. Might be better if you slightly softened/blur the focus on the foreground. Both being in focus makes them fight each other for dominance.
  14. Set the alarm for 4.00 this morning as Leonard didn't get past a neighbours house until then. Image is a stack of 30x 60s subs. This has just been stacked aligning on the stars. I need to look again at how to stack the comet and stars as stills.
  15. Finally I have a few photos of the dob. I hope you like Three-quarter front view Side view View of the mirror box and rocker box Upper cage assembly showing the Moonlite CR-2, 60mm RACI finder from Altair Astro and a modified Red Dot Finder Secondary mirror support assembly Getting some superb views of objects I've previously only 'seen' after photographing them.
  16. Astroart is a good all round package, capture, scope and camera control, post processing too.
  17. fwm891


    Captured using my RASA 8 and ASi533 MC Pro. 8x 300s subs processed in PI and PS I hope you like
  18. Imaged on the night 7/8th November while waiting for comet 67P to come into an imaging position. Image composed of 9x 300s subs. Subs were aligned and stacked in PI with some saturation also added in PI. Image then completed in PS CS3. Scope: RASA 8 inch Mount: iOptron CEM60 Camera: ASi533 MC Pro at -12°C.
  19. M31, 32 and 110. Shot as 4 panels with 5 x 300s subs per panel. Each panel registered and stacked in PI with further processing (panel alignment and colour work done in Photoshop CS3. M42. This was shot as 4 layers with each layer having a different exposure in an effort to retain a little detail in the otherwise burnt out areas. Five subs were shot for each layer: layer 1 30x 10s, layer 2 10x 30s, layer 3 10x 60s and layer 4 10x 120s. Scope for both images: Celestron RASA 8 Camera for all subs: ASi533MC Pro cooled to -12°C Filter: Baader UV/IR cut Mount iOptron CEM60 Standard (non EC) Hope you like
  20. Trying to image a comet ( 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko) last night, gained t he co-ordinates from CdC and pasted them into SGP's Framing and Mosaic wizard - slewed to the right area but the comet was just inside the edge of the frame so a right click, select centre here and the comet disappeared all together! Back to the FM Wizard, set a bigger display area so I could off-set the framing to (I thought) put the comet in the centre or close to centre. Second slew comet had nudged a little further from the edge but nothing like expected... Well this cycle went on for a while but still couldn't get the comet anywhere near the frame centre either by changing the framing in the FM Wizard or by asking it to 'Centre here'. There is also the problem with SGP that unless it does centre and re-sync to the framing it will always go back to the error position... Opened ASI Studio and connected the camera (ASi533 MC Pro), opened CdC and 'found' the comet there. Connected the telescope to CdC and clicked on the comet - slew to cursor position - 67P almost perfect centre. Minor correction on the CdC screen and slew to cursor position and it was centred. Set ASI-Studio to capture four sets of images at different exposures job done. In defence of SGP if selecting an 'M or ngc etc' then I've not had a problem with the FM Wizard centerring said object. I just find that when ever I've tried to use Centre Here I have problems. Moan over Clear skies
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