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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. It's always the fiddly little bits that take the time!!
  2. So the drizzle we have here doesn't extend as far east as you then Dave!
  3. Glad to have a more optimistic opinion! 😁
  4. As per the topic title, I would welcome opinions on the best rain sensor/detector, please. I'm gradually getting nearer to getting my ROR automation ready.
  5. Guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed then. Might be a good idea to have the rain sensor on the same unit as the roof controller (as in the current design which doesn't use MQTT). No particular reason to have it connected to a different one anyway.
  6. Lens is too high in the dome - you'll get distortion round the edge. The top of the lens should be just above that line round the dome.
  7. I've decided against it and to wait for the RPi.
  8. Yes, I'm inclined to agree with that. I wasn't happy using an ESP8266 as broker - asking for trouble - and I want best reliability for getting all this working being totally new to MQTT.
  9. I've found this :- ESP8266 as a MQTT Broker but may wait for the RPi Zero.
  10. Had email saying the RPi Zero has been posted by Royal Mail. May get it by the weekend.
  11. I can see myself adding other ESP devices to the system.
  12. Found a client with ESP32 and BME280 and more:- ESP32 MQTT – Publish and Subscribe with Arduino IDE This is exactly what I want and it looks pretty simple. This is getting exciting!! 🤣
  13. Started a new thread for MQTT :- Setting up an MQTT system for Weather Sensing and Astro Control
  14. Found this :- MQTT Tutorial: Setup MQTT Server on Raspberry Pi Zero Ordered the RPi Zero WH from ThePiShop.
  15. I'm wondering if boards from Amazon etc. might be sub-standard. May be better to use "ThePiShop". How about this RPi version? Would it be alright for the broker? A YouTube video say it is.
  16. What is the minimum (cheapest) SBC that will run a broker? RPi B+ is £40 ish. RPi Zero W about half that. To tell the truth, I'm fed up with my ever growing pile of dead RPi boards!! They seem to either go on indefinitely or die quite quickly.
  17. I have had RPi deaths before - they either go on forever or die quite quickly!! I guess an ESP32 doesn't have enough power to run a broker.
  18. Started the process for building the broker on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. Downloaded the latest Raspbian Lite and wrote the MicroSD card with Etcher. Connected monitor (HDMI) KB and Trackball and logged in. Then set up with sudo raspi-config - SSH and WiFi. Logged in with SSH and it was alright until the password which it wouldn't accept and came up with an error. Decided to check out raspi-config again and connected keyboard and monitor. Nothing!! RPi now seems dead!! Red LED came on on power up but not green (activity).
  19. Thanks - I'll check out all of that.
  20. How to Install Mosquitto Broker on Raspberry Pi
  21. Firstly, I plan to collect information here and then alter code to suit my devices. Basically, the MQTT system consists of a number of clients and a server (called "Broker" in MQTT parlance). The clients will include :- ESP based units that will read things like temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure, outside and in my observatory wind speed and direction rain gauge probably a cloud sensor ESP32 that will control the ROR motor
  22. In this thread I will endeavour to build an MQTT system to read ambient weather conditions outside and in the observatory and control the roll-off-roof etc.
  23. ATM I'm gathering information on MQTT that I can sort out once the heatwave subsides.
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