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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. ESP32 with DHT11/DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor using Arduino IDE
  2. Found another web server sketch example HERE. Don't know if it's any better than Wim's sketch. I'll stick with what I know works for now.
  3. DHT22 and the RTC modules have arrived but not doing much today - need a rest.
  4. I'm still wondering if magnet and reed switches is the best for sensing wind direction. I'm having a problem getting the magnet to give the right response from the reed switches. viz. to get a suitable overlap and not get 3 reed switches on at the same time. For the Consensus Averaging to work properly I think the overlap representing 8 of the 16 directions needs to be about the same as the "one on" directions. I'm going do do some more thinking about optical sensing.
  5. When I was looking for other things I came across several DHT22s but now I want one they've all gone into hiding!! Ordered another, due to arrive tomorrow. Of course, I don't know if the ones lying about would be any good - they're donkey's years old!
  6. Set up a buck converter and connected to the ASC main supply for the moment, until I get the 5v power distribution done.
  7. Been thinking about measuring the temperature and humidity in the scope room and initially thought of measuring it at the pier top - nearest imaging rig. OTOH if the roof is open I doubt there would be much difference between the conditions at the pier head and outside in the Stevenson screen. With the roof closed it may not matter where these conditions are measured - such as at mount height but near the north wall. So I'm wondering if there is any point in measuring at the pier head with the extra messing about.
  8. So a 5m cable should be no problem then. Guess it should be screened.
  9. Anyone know how long the connection between DHT22 and ESP32 can be? I guess it depends on the type of cable.
  10. I could improve the display now but I think it makes sense to leave it until I get the RTC and do the job properly.
  11. Now have the BME 280 in the Stevenson screen and the latter mounted on the north wall of the obsy. A 4 way ribbon cable goes into the scope room and into the ESP32 board which is mounted on the wall with a 3D printed bracket. The twin cable has arrived but I haven't yet run it round the obsy so I have the ESP32 running off the bench PSU. It's all working. The display wants some tidying up but that's minor.
  12. I have a 250mm ribbon cable connecting BME28 to ESP32 and it's working fine. Nice to have it cooler today but still muggy.
  13. Ordered the RTCs - due to arrive tomorrow. 3 x DS3231 RTC Real Time Clock I2C compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
  14. Since the Stevenson screen is going on the side of the obsy I'm wondering if the ESP32 could go just inside. It would only need a few inches or say between 100mm and 200mm. Googling seems to talk of metres but I think there's confusion. Might try 150-200mm of ribbon cable to connect tomorrow (too tired tonight) and see if it works.
  15. That's an idea. Hadn't thought of that...
  16. Please tell me if I'm wrong but I think the circuit board wants mounting vertically in the Stevenson screen with the antenna at the top facing towards the house and WiFi AP. Less likelihood of dew collecting on the surface. Probably a good idea to coat the ESP32 with damp repellent though. I have some somewhere.
  17. Yes, I think I'll use RTCs - they aren't expensive. Let the web server run continuously and use the RTC to interrupt as required. The process involved can process the data and make an HTML file as you say. AZDelivery 3 x DS3231 RTC Real Time Clock I2C compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
  18. Interesting. I'm used to using an RTC - have them in all my home made clocks. Easy enough to connect to an ESP32 and use. It would certainly make it much easier to create useful data.
  19. Been Googling to find what they call barometric pressure rising/falling Slowly, Quickly, Very Rapidly. I guess I can interpolate this to work over a much shorter period. Rather than a 2s period for the main loop I could do with a longer period but allow WiFi access to the data without having to wait too long. So either interrupting on connect or running the on connect response rapidly and using a time interrupt. The latter would need a Real Time Clock though I think.
  20. Running a 2s loop and added code to check if pressure is rising or falling. Next to categorise this further into Slowly or Quickly. Also, the "No Change" needs a tolerance. Currently the pressure reading is very precise so the pressure is always either rising or falling. The readings are being displayed to more precision than the measurement so this wants correcting too. All these are simple changes.
  21. Now I have this much working I need to change the code to read the BME280 every so often and save the results to variables then on connect reads these variables instead of the BME280.
  22. This will be going in the Stevenson screen. Now I'm not sure what would be the best orientation. Flat ie. horizontal with the plane of the stripboard parallel with the ground or "stood up" ie. plane of stripboard vertical with the front of the ESP32 facing the house (and WiFi AP).
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