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Posts posted by sloz1664

  1. 1 hour ago, Robindonne said:

    I was wondering this fuse-amp relation.  What if the voltage rise but the amps stay within the fuse maximum?

    Then the Resistance has gone haywire :)

    I was assuming the power to the mount would be a constant voltage, with no undue fluctuation.


  2. How long have you had the XT10G, is it still under warranty? If so, contact the dealer and let them sort it out. If not, you will need a new board. What you need to do is put an in-line fuse between your power outlet and the XT10G. Initially use a 1 amp quick blow fuse suitable for 12v. Power the unit and check the fuse. If ok, move one of the axis. Again, if ok, move the other axis. Do the same moving both axis simultaneously and check the fuse. If the fuse blows when you initially switch it  on it  needs to be returned to the dealer who will send it to the manufacturer for analysis.  If the fuse blows on initial axis movement try a 2 amp quick blow fuse. If that blows on any initial axis movement, again it needs sending back to the supplier. If the 2 amp blows on both axis moving simultaneously you could use a 3 amp fuse. If that blows, again, return to supplier. I wouldn't go any higher than a 3 amp fuse.


  3. I have used Synta boards on both my previous EQ6 and present Avalon Linear mounts. What infuriates me is that, on what is an expensive board, there are no safety fuses on board to stop excessive damage occurring either for reverse polarity, over voltage or motor stalling.


  4. 2 hours ago, Dan13 said:

    Been imaging with a newt for about a year, have now pulled the plug on my first ever frac. What beautiful engineering!! I'm so impressed, I hope it works as well as it looks and feels :)




    I have an older AA80 triplet and love it. The optics are as good as they look.


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  5. 9 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

    I had two that were seized but after some wd40 was fine and then just cleaned and more wd40.

    Make sure you grease all the bearings and threads. I've had my dome over 3 years and it's still runs nice and smooth.



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