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Posts posted by sloz1664

  1. 2 hours ago, jiberjaber said:

    Not sure how much more I can wring out of this.

    Linear fit against SII then combined SHO, after which I have been playing with the curves all day, tweaked Saturation, Hue, A, B C components as well as the actual RGB & L channels. Had a play with some masks to try and target areas but couldn't quite get what I wanted just yet.

    Overall image is rotated 180, flipped horizontally and then 90 deg clockwise to put the beak pointing downwards.  Final operation was to run the darkstructureenhance script which added a small amount of contrast to the pilar area

    Ideally I'd like to preserve the Pelican beak detail as well as have the bright colours, suspect there might be some pixelmath in the future for this image to bring in something to show the beak... 



    Hi Jason,

    Now doesn't that look better than the fist image. There are plenty of colours now which makes the Pelican "pop"


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  2. Hi Jason, As you are using Pixinsight to process your image, try using SCNR to transform your greens into a nice blue. I have some narrowband images of the Pelican. Here's a quick rendition of the colours as an SiiHaOiii with SCNR green removal:_



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  3. Hi Jason,

    Nice data capture and you have some detail there. However, how did you stack your images and what software did you use to process the final image. If you process as a SiiHaOiii image you should get more blues& golds in the image.


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  4. On 16/05/2020 at 15:40, Martin Farmer said:

    Hello Steve,

    Are you using the standard licence of Voyager?. If so then Viking can only access one Velleman board at a time - Just a thought.




    Hi Martin,

    Just a follow up on this amazing software. Avidly been learning this software and, in particular, the dragscript module and including the Viking module. It appears I can use both Velleman boards using the basic licence and have successfully written vbscripts to turn on and off the main power and switched each velleman relay via the dragscript relay command. Wish I had known you could import windows bat commands via external script and I would have gone to the trouble of learning vbscript. Also, I have since purchased the base licences of both the Voyager & Viking software.


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  5. 1 hour ago, inFINNity Deck said:


    Hi Adam,

    is automation provided by the manufacturer? If not, you may want to consider LesveDomeNet: http://www.dppobservatory.net/DomeAutomation/DomeDriver.php

    It uses ASCOM, works flawless and they have a mail-list with quite a few knowledgeable and very active members. On my website I devoted a page to the automation, although for slewing only at the moment, I still open it manually (need to spend some time on that to automate it as well): http://www.dehilster.info/astronomy/dome_automation.php


    That's exactly what I did. I use LevesDomeNet  to run the Dome automation albeit I haven't automated the shutter, as yet and I'm hoping to complete by summer's end. I'm also currently learning Voyager automation software which hopefully will provide me with a fully automated imaging system.


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