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Everything posted by whooshbang

  1. Thanks! Keeping a close on this now.
  2. If this is true it's very sad news indeed. If it's not true, i'll look forward to WITNS in the coming days.
  3. Shooting the Rosette! From light polluted London skies, high clouds and jet trails! Having fun though!
  4. This chap has posted several videos up https://youtu.be/voSBeVIUHK8
  5. I thought it was well worth the journey up. The stands were a plenty and the cafe was better than the one at astrofest, albeit a little pricey. I picked up a Zwo AEF and a t-shirt. The highlight was getting a glimpse of the sun through a Shelyak Lhires III Spectrograph and looking at fat absorption lines in Ha. Lovely bit of kit and kind gentleman for letting us take a look!
  6. First time for me too! Looking to pick up an EAF and possibly a filter. Hopefully meeting some astro mates who are driving up from Bristol. Hope you have a good day out.
  7. You mean "Charged" with a salt and battery surely?
  8. According to wiki entry the current batteries are Lithium Ion. This was an upgrade from Nickel-hydrogen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_system_of_the_International_Space_Station
  9. https://www.esa.int/Space_Safety/Space_Debris/Reentry_of_International_Space_Station_ISS_batteries_into_Earth_s_atmosphere
  10. The weather has been unpredictable here in UK too (to say the least) Which comet are you hoping to capture?
  11. Based on previous observations this could go Nova very soon so those of you that are bored waiting for Betelgeuse to go, this might fill the gap. Here's a quick wiki piece on it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T_Coronae_Borealis And Tsula (as always) does an entertaining video https://youtu.be/8eVr82_o9rA
  12. If we are looking at it under really high magnification are we reducing that time period? effectively time travelling ? Or is that not the case ?
  13. I think everyone is too busy monitoring T Coronae Borealis
  14. This might be a little bit off topic but the other day I was looking for a news app for my phone that is dedicate to astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. I could find general science news apps and of course new scientist but couldn't find an app with news articles dedicated to astro. Fancy writing one? I'm on android by the way 😉
  15. Got there just as it was finishing. Bit gutted as i would have like to have seen it.
  16. And FLO have them listed (it was the FLO stand afterall) https://www.firstlightoptics.com/rotarion/rotarion-cam-4x-25-pro-rotator.html
  17. I believe it's this https://www.astronscientific.com/rotarion2-5/
  18. Agreed, I love the talks yesterday! Chris Lintott was brilliant!
  19. Sizing up Jupiter last night with the ES 127
  20. Sounds like a plan! Hope you have a good day out.
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