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Everything posted by dweller25

  1. I think the OP’s photo shows a helical focuser rather than the standard rack and pinion.
  2. The 3.5” Newtonian was intended to be a guide scope, I only did visual so used the standard 6x30 finder.
  3. The mirrors are high quality BUT are probably around 35 years old, so check both of them very carefully. Here is mine……
  4. An 8” Dobsonian is a very capable scope, good at deep sky and the planets. It’s a good scope and probably the best bang for your bucks choice. it’s not too heavy or bulky and can be moved in two separate parts - the main optical tube and the supporting base. But, everyone is different and you will get many conflicting answers to your questions. So it would be wise to do more research so that you can make the choice that suits you best 👍
  5. It’s not what people say it’s what they actually do, and HOUK are not doing what they say.
  6. Sadly, Eye drops do not help with internal floaters
  7. For the first time in my life I developed floaters in my right eye 2 weeks ago. I have not had a chance to view the planets yet but am hoping my binoviewers will help, fingers crossed.
  8. Ditto the above. I also think you have a loose optical component. If the fault re-appears you could try observing straight through with no diagonal in place, if the fault is still there it can only be the lens/cell. Is the lens cell seated correctly and not loose ? Are the lenses seated correctly and not loose ? Is the lens retaining ring snugged up correctly ? Does it have push/pull collimation screws - if so are they all correctly snugged up ?
  9. Planetary detail needs resolving and this needs aperture. To avoid being disappointed with the views - as you have two very good planetary Newtonians - I would suggest a 5” refractor as a minimum, this looks very interesting…. https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p10133_TS-Optics-Doublet-SD-APO-125-mm-f-7-8---FPL-53---Lanthanum-objective.html Or you could equatorially mount your Newts like I did……
  10. Good choice 👍 You might need a neutral density filter for the brighter planets.
  11. Hello and welcome to SGL. Do you have a scope ? If not - how can we spend your money 😂😂
  12. If I were a betting man I would give the edge to the 120 on planets and to the 210 on deepsky.
  13. Here is my DIY Skywatcher solution. I hand cut a circular mask from thin aluminium scrap and then installed a fan that blew cold air in. The full size mask allows for maximum cooling efficiency. I used the 3 locking bolts to hold it in place. It worked well and was very cost effective.
  14. It sounds like you have done all the right things. A 14” SCT mirror is a large mass so reaching thermal equilibrium will take some time, I believe the wrapping will have significant effects 👍
  15. That’s an interesting mount @IB20 - who made it ?
  16. dweller25


    Hello @mirrorgirl1980 and welcome to SGL. You are just in time for the planets season 👍
  17. Another good sketch, you should soon be able to see detail within the equatorial belts 👍
  18. I used to buy good mid range (Baader) until I bought a Pentax XW 🙂 and then two more 😁 Agree with you on the binoviewers 👍
  19. Nice drawing, which scope did you use ?
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