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Everything posted by refractor2345

  1. Also, I said: Which means (With now corrected first post!) anything up to 6 inch.
  2. Ok, sorry for the contradictory sentences, but what I meant was portable, (It is corrected!) but for a 21 inch refractor user (They exist, I am not one) A 6 inch is portable, and for me it definitely is, (Cause I own a 12 inch dob, solid tube, and the zerochromat are really light weight I hear!) Uh, yeah I am not perfect in English, but I commented with other stuff on my brain, so missed I commented 60-80mm refractor so, sorry I have a 70mm achromat, 66mm apochromat, 80mm apochromat, 150mm apochromat (f/8!), 12 and 16 inch dobsonian, 6 and 8 inch newtonian I will observe from home, still doesn't hurt to take to a star party I didn't understand this: Did you mean, what will you mount it on? And yes, I am going to buy it. Umm, I will like high power observing with gobular clusters and planetary nebulae!
  3. Awesome, I love Long focus for this job, you need wide exit pupil to pull out the color, and widefields don't magnify much, so get a narrow telescope, use a widefield eyepiece and boom! I just love the view through it!
  4. Also, if you know, please tell me suitable eyepiece for the job!
  5. Hmm, I was wondering if I cold see a planetary nebulae in color, using a let's say a 18 inch dobsonian, with filter of course, what about Abell 21, The Medusa Nebulae or The Butterfly Nebulae (NGC 6302) More tough, without filter, is it possible? What are your thoughts, and are there any examples through the eyepiece?
  6. Strict Visual, kind of portable, widefield with planetary nebulae and general deep sky, TBH I think a 6 inch to 8 inch might be the top
  7. As I said I'm not considering buying now, but the budget can be anything, ANYTHING, under, 10,000 quid's, yes, you heard me right budgets 10,000 quid's FOR OTA ONLY although I might love to spend less, you know buy some other replacement stuff for my broken filters etc.
  8. Ok, I need some help, I might not buy it now, but will consider it. By far, what is your favorite small refractor(Any size you think is small!) up till now. I won't consider, you know, telescopes that are stopped manufactured, long waiting list ones, so don't comment those!
  9. I will start with mine: A 70/700 achromatic refractor on an AZ2 mount, (Sorry I couldn't get a photo of it, I will when I can) What's your Refractor Grab n' Go setup?
  10. Yeah, I remember reading in a book "No telescope is trash, They are still better than Galileo's telescope
  11. It's just the fact most people haven't saw through a real telescope (6 inch Dobsonian) and they watch moon and they are in the review section "OMG!!!! I love this scope!! It shows moon super clearly!!!" After they actually get to know a real telescope, they will be wondering "Wait....I thought that scope was good..."
  12. Woah! Can this telescope match the power of a old celestron/vixen fluorite refractor, for 100 dollars? Jokes aside, I love this ad!
  13. So, not meaning that don't put satellite into earth's orbit, we don't want to say that we don't want any progress or something, it is, just like I say interfering with our already polluted night sky, Simple measures such as covering them with Black 3.0 and/or place them in higher than 700 kilometers in space can improve things a lot, there will be problems with the thermal management, but we can deal with it can't we we have surely deal with worse situations before.
  14. It is really bad, it mostly interferes with astrophotography, a brilliant picture with a bunch of symmetrical trails all of satellites, I even found a petition on change.org, That's what I am linking it here Link: https://www.change.org/p/stop-spacex-starlink-from-spoiling-outer-space-for-humanity Link 2: https://www.change.org/p/spacex-starlink-stop-the-pollution-of-night-sky
  15. So, after seeing some positive reviews on the Sybony Redline Eyepiece (6mm) is worth for planets is it good, for it's cheap price or it is bad. I will be using my 60mm f/11.56 refractor and 70mm f/10 refractor, so is it a good combination?
  16. That is the same for me! Looking at the moon through eyes, making out constellation, the good times!
  17. WHAT!? 500 quid's for the 220mm? That would be expensive and good at the same time, and considering at least about 10000$ for a factory made made refractor that is cheap!
  18. I have myopic eyes, which can be fixed by focusing, but Louis says: The 3mm LER have higher, well, Long eye relief, or is it just different with each eyepiece?
  19. So, which eyepiece, ES, has best eye relief and good for planet? (P.S. No sarcasm intended!)
  20. Oh, but where did you find the optics? I don't think any company manufactures that yet!
  21. So if you want to know why I want that eyepiece because it seems weird having only a 0.2mm difference and so why would they make it? Also, I didn't know the difference between LER and Non - LER eyepiece, can some one explain that?
  22. So, after reading some positive comments on the 6.7mm ES eyepiece (82 degrees) I thought upon the 6.5mm eyepiece (Link below!) And so I thought of hearing your experience with these eyepieces and even better, a straight up comparison! ( P.S. I want it to use it with a Barlow, for planetary viewing, so recommend one to use with this!) Link : https://explorescientificusa.com/collections/eyepiece/products/82-6-5mm
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