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Everything posted by refractor2345

  1. For me, it was a 70/700 refractor nice and easy, but what scope did you start with? (P.S. I don't want the Refractor vs Reflector fight again!)
  2. A 220mm F/12.5!? That must have been really heavy! Did you make it or bought it?
  3. Wow, That is big, and no, f/10 is clearly a long scope, I would say most portable 130mm telescope is that f/9.2! The limit is about f/9. I also love that mount of the TAL 100 RT, It looks really nice on that telescope!
  4. So, as the title explains I need a mount for my 70mm F/10 refractor, It has a fork mount (Alt-az) and the tripod head fell with crash to the ground. So, it wobbles a lot and it causes frustration to even point at Jupiter, I don't want to throw It away, It is a nice scope and my first scope, so I need some easy mounts to make. There are some threads (Forums) but I would like to make a custom mount!
  5. Yes, the 60mm's are very underrated they perform good, they are transportable and one one of the best optics!
  6. Thanks for the welcome! And yes, that scope belong in a observatories! That f//15 must be heavy and views must be awesome! If anyone mentioned a telescope, this would come in my mind!
  7. I wanted a thread for the long refractor (f/9 or more!) because it is linked to me. I remember when when my grandad bought me a 70mm f/10 scope, the moon was crystal sharp, Jupiter showing its band in some detail, and, most important of all, no CA. (You know there was a little bit of CA but not much to ruin the experience) And so I thought to see your story of the long refractor, so post it below! ( I also had a 60mm f/11.5-ish telescope!)
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