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Simultaneity 1:Thunderclaps and Lightningbolts

-A common thought experiment by Einstein often used to help explain his concept of sim​ultaneity involves a train car and a nearby station platform. If lightning strikes the fore and aft ends of a moving train car at the same time, then a definition of simultaneity emerges. -Having grown up in the American Midwest, thunderstorms are a common occurrence. A story that weathercasters often tell is that when a lightning bolt is observed some distance away, then if the time is counted until the thu

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Starting Radio Astronomy

I was intrigued by a description of Jeff Lashley's "The Radio Sky" in Sky at Night magazine, particularly the practical experiments described and being a bit of a wannabe tinkerer, I bought a copy and in a fit of enthusiasm, devoured the first couple of chapters, until life got in the way and it has sat on the shelf ever since, occasionally being picked up and leafed through before being put back on the shelf. So, this year is the solar maximum, and being once again enthused by the photos of the



Caboose 1: A Light from the Caboose

-Suppose a long train with a caboose travels down a level section of track at a constant velocity, v. There is an observer in the caboose and an engineer in the engine car. It is a windless day. This observer may ask: What is the speed of the train relative to the air, or a nearby platform (both at rest relative to train)? -She has a light source (lantern, maybe) to send a signal to the engine car and engineer. The light signal is effectively instantaneous. He blows the whistle when he receives

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

My First Telescope

Many years ago I visited an open evening at a local club where I saw Saturn and Jupiter up close for the very first time. I was totally in awe and never forgot the images I saw that night. Don't really know why it took me so long to get around to making a purchase but I guess I just didn't know what to get.....there's so much choice. I knew that I wanted to take photo's of the Moon etc. and hopefully link it up to the computer. Yesterday I visited the The International Astronomy Show at the Warw




Well I've been doing some dogfooding.. this time for image processing live in realtime using the titan :D However it appears I have found slightly minor programmer issue.. hands up who can tell me seconds, milliseconds, microseconds and nanoseconds.. in short the beta 1 drivers have a little issue with converting between these after the abort changes I made.. hence the odd timing behaviour. This is fixed (and the programmer supplied with beer for his troubles). Expect an update for beta shortly.



Apple move out of the OpenGL dark ages! (moan about GLSL)

Well.. at least to support ye-olde 3.3 fully! (3.3 is basically like DX11.. the latest is something like 4.2..) - supposedly it runs 3.2 but I'm not convinced.. I can see the logic of avoiding 4.x as it's too new and a mess... Which basically means that the only thing buying a higher end graphic GPU in an apple is that it goes faster by clock speed and number of pipelines.. nothing about using the (now standard) features available - a PC and linux have more advanced graphics sub-systems! I'm hav



Building an Open Sourced, Social Planetarium

Because I currently can't afford school (and am on academic probation anyways), I'm building an open-sourced, social planetarium to help me learn as much as possible. It's called SKY @ Lab of Oz (where I'm building other mini-apps, for math, physics, and the sciences in general). The project will, when completed, have: 2D, printable skycharts 3D planetarium (like Stellarium) Lunar calendar Weather forecast "To-View" lists Calendars Personal Catalogues Friends/Groups S

Oz Ramos

Oz Ramos

Dave's Blog 2/5/13

Have the Friday booked off from work, so it's a late night one for me. Lots of coffee to keep me warm and alert! A very enjoyable few hours in the garden. Managed to catchable glimpse of the following: M11 M14 M26 M29 M39 M40 M52 M91 M99 M100 M103 M109 really need a dark sky and a low horizon to get the remainder of my Messiers. Hartland Point perhaps?.



Dave's Blog 29/4/13

Mostly revisiting old friends this evening. In no particular order of viewing or preference there were appearances by the following: ISS M13 M92 M51 NGC5195 M101 M63 M64 M81 M82 M88 M94 M97 M98 M99 M100 M102 M106 M108 M3 M5



A Strange Use of Doppler Effect

-Suppose a hi-speed train is traveling down a long level section of track at a constant velocity, v. It is a windless day. The engineer at the engine decides to blow the whistle at some particular time. An observer in the caboose, and another observer on the train station platform may feel compelled to ask, what is the speed of the train. Can either or both find the speed of the train based only on the blast (sound) of the train whistle? -The observer on the caboose might construct her algeb

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Galileo's Ship 1:The Motion of the Air

-In the book by Galileo Galilei, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, he outlines a thought experiment that is to take place on a typical wooden ship of his time. This experiment illustrates a principle of projectiles in motion and describes the hidden nature of forces and motion. It introduces his principle of relativity that has come down to us as Einstein’s postulate of absolute motion from his Special Relativity Theory (STR). -Quotes from the book: "…Shut yourself up with some

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Disentangling Reference Frames

-So to continue my thought of disentangling reference frames, I think this is an important step in my hypothesis because it allows a mathematical transformation between the flatbed train car and the air / medium. Either the air molecules are in motion while the flatbed is at rest, or the flatbed is in motion with the air molecules at rest (e.g., on a windless day). But I can choose what type of day and conditions under which I want to conduct the thought experiment, beforehand. -In an enclose

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Gearing up for Alpha4 release - the beta candidate

Features (where camera supports) Image exposure Image Binning (up to 3 times in X&Y - this is an artificial limit imposed to shorten automated testing time) Image sub-framing Image preview Setpoint Cooling EFW2 Number of Filters EFW2 Filter selection Camera & Filterwheel Hotplug connect and disconnect Abort exposure time Lots of bug fixes, some improvements too - things such as being able to set the capture location by simply dragging the directory on it.. I should have time o



Waves violate Galilean Invariance.

-Galilean Invariance, and its violation by waves, is a critical concept to my hypothesis. I plan to exploit this phenomenon as a means to take Einstein’s Relativity beyond the speed of light. If I am successful in coming up with a new definition of absolute motion and simultaneity, time travel may be on the horizon. -The idea of invariance involves a graphic (coordinates and axes) relationship between reference frames. These axes and coordinates are used as a mathematical means of representin

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

My First Blog

Hi all, This is my first time blog and first time on stargazers lounge. Every time I have had a question relating to astronomy my google search always pointed me to this website. It is the best place for reviews of pretty much every scope on the market and it was the place I came to which ultimately led me to buying my first ever scope, a skywatcher skymax 127 synscan. I couldn't afford the high end scopes but I know that it would be pretty redundant buying a cheap scope because a background in

Liam Watters

Liam Watters

emporio armani ar5859 without their phones outset

emporio armani ar5859 Though, now Jing Daily has previously noted, divers of the purchases made by men in China are made stash the intention of gifting to female recipients, Microsoft's data indicates that additional self-purchasing is pioneer to be remodelled apparent — a spread ensconce potentially major implications for male-dominated segments flip over luxury watches and automobiles. emporio armani ar0585 World of watches offers the hottest styles of champion temper watches double as Invict



armani ar5859 something back to the community

armani ar5859 Richard Brown, vice head man of universal Blue UK, said: "Long regarded as a prime cultural tourist destination, Edinburgh is at sustain gaining recognition seeing its shopping offering." armani ar0585 And finally, Gc announced Tuesday that Ms. Ashwag Al Ghamdi won the coveted Gc prize. Mohamed Baaghil, Brand Manager, Gc Watches mark Saudi Arabia, said "Gc participated in this international exhibition stash its current assembly seeing men also manliness. individual agnate model as



ar0156 Just one word to the wise

ar0156 Little wonder, Khimji's Watches - the finest franchisee of several world-class luxury brands such whereas Rolex, Cartier, Chopard, Piaget, Mikimoto, Girard Perregaux, Tudor, Oris, Frederique Constant, Bells & Ross, Vertu and Caran D'ache – entrust move part in this discover extravaganza. ar0157 Gideon's Fine Jewelry, the tough retailer of luxury watches, necklaces, earrings, and more, keeps a watchful eye on the modern developments in the jewelry industry. The couple at Gideon's ravi



The Speed of c in Michelson-Morley Experiment

My journey into the realm of Relativity (Einstein, Newton, Galileo, et. al.) began with a simple question: Can the speed of sound,c, be substituted for speed of light,c, in the Michelson-Morley interferometer formula? That is, T = L /(c-v) + L /(c+v). It turns out that the answer (after my online investigations) is yes. The symbol,c, is applied to both types of waves. While c as the speed for light is 300,000 km /sec , and c as the speed for sound is approx. 300 m /sec. Additionally, the violati

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Dave's Blog 19/4/13

A bit of a mixed bag tonight. In no particular order the following were enjoyed. ISS twice Several meteors (Lyrids?) PANSTARRS M52 roll on warmer evenings.



From: Mildly underwealmed

Didn't have a good night either, though it looks like northerners had a better time than southerners, Went out before sunset to set up scope and thought I'd check out the moon which was fine, Excelent though variable views which improved as it got darker. Thought the 'scenery' on offer was pretty good actually. Some of the time got reasonable views with 7mm lens, other times got severe wobles with a 32mm - seems a lot to do with vapour trails from jets, Tried alligning and had variable success w

Alf Fraser

Alf Fraser

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