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Disentangling Reference Frames

Geryllax Vu


-So to continue my thought of disentangling reference frames, I think this is an important step in my hypothesis because it allows a mathematical transformation between the flatbed train car and the air / medium. Either the air molecules are in motion while the flatbed is at rest, or the flatbed is in motion with the air molecules at rest (e.g., on a windless day). But I can choose what type of day and conditions under which I want to conduct the thought experiment, beforehand.

-In an enclosed train car the observer inside, the air molecules, and the walls are all in the same reference frame. An observer at rest on a nearby station platform is in a different reference frame. What I want to accomplish is a shifting of objects from one reference frame to another, so that I can counterclaim Einstein’s absolute motion postulate. In other words find a way to determine the velocity, v from within the train car’s reference frame.

-By switching to a flat bed train car I can make this shifting from one reference frame to another. In addition, adding a single clock to the flatbed train I can measure the time that the observer (train in motion, observer and platform at rest) on the platform measures. Thus, sort of mixing reference frames.

-If the conditions of the flat bed train car experiment are either one of those that I mentioned before, then the formula for total travel time, T, of an echo is:

:Envy: T = {[L + vt1] / c}+ {[L-vt2] / c} = {L / (c-v)} + {L / (c+v)}

-As an example, consider a long train consisting of an engine with a whistle, some train cars, and a caboose. It is a windless day. If the whistle is blown at the engine on the moving train, then an observer on the stationary platform up ahead of the train whistle, will hear the sound waves with an altered wavelength and frequency due to the Doppler Effect. The source is in motion while the receiver is at rest.

-However, an observer in the caboose will not experience this alteration due to Doppler because the caboose is at rest relative to the engine/whistle (the compression and rarefaction of the sound waves occurs out of the view of the observer). The engine and caboose are moving in tandem (except if the train is crashing into something) down the track.

-By taking just the part of the wave pulse (velocity, c,) going back towards the caboose, on a windless day, with the train car in motion:

:Envy: t1 = [L - vt1] / c (t1 = t1 , or t2 = t2 ,is a key point)

-This is the phenomenon I wish to exploit. With a single clock, the observer in the caboose would conjecture that the length/distance that he or she is timing is:

:Envy: L - vt1, not L

-This can be solved for the velocity, v (absolute motion of entire train).




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