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Rain, wind, Jupiter and moonlight

Lowestoft weather has been so changeable, breaks in the cloud so infrequent and the comfort of my fireside chair so all enveloping, that I have hardly ventured out with my scope for what seems an age. Pining for some photons, I set up my DSLR on a tripod and photographed Jupiter dodging the clouds and coming within 6 degrees of the Moon. With a bit of ham fisted Photoshop jiggery pokery, I constructed a composite image of the event. Looks a bit 'Macbeth' but I quite like it! If the weather sta



New Wishlist

Visual TeleVue Delos: 8mm, 10mm, 17.3mm TeleVue Nagler: 31mm T5 TeleVue Ethos: 13mm, 21mm TeleVue Paracorr II AP Astrotrac Travel System NEQ-6 FF/FR for ED80 Guide Camera That's a lot of money!



Caboose 3: A Reversal - Meeting & Overtaking

If the train were to come to a complete stop, then begin to move in reverse for a few kilometers, at a new constant velocity, v, with the caboose leading and the engine following; then this would create a new situation and require a new formula. This new formula could be considered to represent the sound wave overtaking (or catching up to) the caboose; it is a windless day, the air molecules (medium) are at rest. This leads to the following formulas related to meeting and overtaking of the sound

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Moon man, show me your feet

Moon Man show me your Feet I was driving through Langholm recently and passed the Armstrong Trust museum , as I did memories flooded back. Picture the scene:- A small village in Galloway Scotland, Star date :- 1969 Time :- hell knows , deep in the middle of the night. Mother and father lying half asleep in the sofa bed in my gran’s lounge. Me (some 45 years younger than now you’ll be please to hear) lying between them sound asleep. The old black and white TV still working away in the corner , ha



Mercury and Comets rising core temperature falling

Spent two early mornings, 4.00am to 7.00am, comet hunting. Second morning more successful, managing to get some images of a very small and faint Comet ISON and the bright planet Mercury with a tripod mounted DSLR. Second session more productive as I swapped the relative warmth of my sheltered backyard for the cold but improved eastern horizon of Lowestoft Seafront. I must say the beach was uncrowded at 4.30am. but oh my it was cold!!!. Why I didn't wear a thermal coat and hat I do not know, bu



Jupiter's Delays

The mathematical value of the speed of light, c was first discovered as being very large, but finite, by Danish astronomer Olaf Roemer in 1676. During his astronomical observations of Jupiter and the eclipses of its many moons, he calculated the speed of light to a very close approximation. The light covered across the vast distance to the Earth, L, as the moon ventured in and out of Jupiter‘s shadow, at various points of the yearly seasons as both planets orbited the Sun. He was able to compare

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Caboose 2: The Solution

The principle of relativity as annunciated by Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and others, states that no mechanical experiment can be done in an enclosed room that could detect the absolute motion of the room. There may not be anything such as absolute motion, only statements of relative motion expressed by mathematical formulas; but I hypothesize that the following thought experiment outlines a way of defining an intermediary motion that arises from some Aether, that resides between absolute motion

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Emporio Armani AR0527 matte dial further grey rubber strap

Emporio Armani AR0527 Earlier, the Syrian inside track should epitomize invited Sayles Troon besides peerless inherent considering Disarmament Affairs, United Nations Secretary-General Angela Kane, July 24 to 25 vagrancy to Damascus, Syria on the realm of the United Nations reputation investigating incidents ,Emporio Armani Watches UK, of chemical weapons had consultations cache the Syrian restriction.. command addition, masterly may modify the zone of. military is further copious "presence" com



House of boxes.

Well it's all gone a bit quiet recently as I've just moved house! Good news is it's ours and it has lots of space/garage/possible obsy. Bad news is the local street lighting is white but it's a sky of bright orange.



Am I taking it too seriously

01:48, new to it all and I am out in the garden waiting for a gap in the clouds - do I need professional or medical help for this new addiction?!

Steve H

Steve H

Finally got my first proper telescope

Having been entirely fascinated by the night sky by what at 57 now really seems like a lifetime, I have finally got a 'proper telescope' (Skywatcher 200p). Before making my purchase, night after night I was on the internet typing things like 'skywatcher 200 v 150, goto v dobsonian etc...' Time and time again my searches led to this site. The comments, discussions and information I read was an absolute goldmine of valuable information. So to all loungers I just want to say thank you for your he

Steve H

Steve H

Chance Sighting

Did my eyes deceive me or did I see a comet tonight? Looked out of our window this evening at about 19:00 and saw what I thought must be Venus. Got the binoculars out and it appeared to me to be a comet with 2 tails, the main one with a pronounced curve. It was low down and set within about 10 mins. I know there is one due to be visible about now, but I haven't heard much about it recently. What I saw was extremely bright and if it id the expected comet, I'm very suprised I haven't heard more a

Alf Fraser

Alf Fraser

LIGO not LEGO: Sound &LIght

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIGO The artifice underlying Einstein’s STR is the mathematical construct that the two reference frames are represented by different equations, or laws of motion; but from within a reference frame an observer cannot distinguish whether he or she is in motion or at rest, based on mathematical observations from within the reference frame. An outside observer can make the distinction. For sound waves, my thought experiment shows that these formulas are the same and are

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

push and point using synscan goto

Hi All My first entry! Just acquired a 12"/ 305mm skywatcher flextube with sysnscan AZ goto. Not even got to first light yet as checking out and reading manuals/ testing etc (I'm a good boy!!). One big query/ concern though: even when power is off (and I haven't set up the synscan yet - at least not attached to motor drive - only played with it 'off-line' in stand alone mode) when I manually push the tube for fast slew (alt or az) I hear the sound of the gears/ motors and there is resistance. I



Pace Car 1: Sound & Light

A scene is acted out in the theatre of her mind, as kilometer post after kilometer post silently count the length of her journey. It is the principle of relativity that struts and storms across the stage. According to which, all laws of motion take their simplest form within a single inertial reference frame when that reference frame is attached to a body. In any other reference frame considered attached to a moving observer then there is defined a Galilean transformation which defines a math

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

The Black Triangle of Quercy - some Messier sketches

Three Weeks in the Wilderness Between the 9th to the 22nd of August, I was fortunate to spend almost three weeks camping with my girlfriend in the natural park of Causses du Quercy, France. It is a beautiful area of hidden caves, prehistoric artwork, gorgeous villages, mellow rivers, cool breezes and summer sun, delicious wine, cheese and paté and some of the most precious skies in Europe. I was fortunate enough to take along my 10" Moonshane and head out with my girlfriend to an area known as



Nova in Delphinus

The evening of the 16th and the early hours of the 17th of August presented clear skies over our backyard and having read about the new Nova in the Constellation Delphinus, I decided to try and find it and photograph it with a tripod mounted DSLR. Even with the help of info from the Internet, finding the Nova amongst the rich fields of the Milky Way was a bit of a challenge. Hats off to the Japanese amateur astronomer, Koichi Itagaki, who discovered it!



ATIK Progress (and AOSX)

I spent last night giving the drivers a final testing and fixing a couple of bugs in the Example App. I'll compile a 10.6.8 over the weekend, however the main version is ready for a full release - it's left me in a poignant mood. Looking at the emails I started this project in July 2011, and since then I've moved jobs, been to two weddings, see at least 5 kids born to friends, met/engaged/married, moved house, 99% through a house purchase and had a honeymoon in Hawaii (including going up Mauna K



Time Dilation: Acoustic Relativity

Under the Special Theory of Relativity, the units of time are to be measured in terms of a triangle formed by a reflected light bean. This gives rise to the effect of time dilation appearing between an observer in motion and an observer at relative rest. The phenomenon of time dilation is, however, indiscernible for the observer who shares in the motion. If a sound wave is used to measure the unit of time, the time dilation assumes a cloak of invisibility. The dilation appears only slightly

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Length Contraction: Acoustic Relativity

Under the Special Theory of Relativity, the units of length are to be measured in terms of a triangle formed by a vertically reflected light bean. This gives rise to the effect of length contraction appearing between an observer in motion and an observer at relative rest. The phenomenon of length contraction is however indiscernible for the observer who shares in motion. If a sound wave is used to measure the unit of length, the length contraction becomes enshrouded in a mist. The contracti

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Out on the patio again

Last night and tonight I have been out with binoculars shortly after 11pm, the sun finally seems to be low enough not to wash out the milky way, helped by some cloud banks in just the right places, too. I was able to see the main bands of the milky way with the naked eye from my door step, though there are security lights so hiding around the corner of the garage or somewhere in the garden is best to avoid setting them off. I fancied tonight that I could just make out the faint fuzzy patch that



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