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OSX B3 release testing - 4000 & 11000 hardware incoming!

Since B2 behind the scenes, B3 is becoming a hardcore test-fest. * 4-series have now been tested after a minor bug fix with the USB pids - they work (all - including the 490ex!) * Titan and 383L tested independently - working Now the bit that will interest 4000, 11000 owners - I have hardware incoming! (only temporarily!) This means I'll be setting them up on the Pentax and giving them some serious grief as we've noted a problem that I'd fixed at Olly's creep in with changes since then. Addition



Vimax Singapore Reviews - Vimax Top Male Enhancement Pills Products

Vimax Pills are the number one supplement on the market today for male enhancement. Because they are made from herbal ingredients, 100% natural, there are no risks when taking Vimax pills - unless you want to call an enlarged [removed word] a risk. Most men are somewhat satisfied with what they were given in this department. But, many think that they can use a couple more inches of length or a little bit more girth. Not only does Vimax foster [removed word] growth (length and girth), they als



which dob

Hi all, this is my first time here and could I please have some advice. I own a celestron cpc 925 at the moment. I have been thinking about up grading for a while. Do any of you own the following scopes, Skywatcher skyliner 400p goto flextube bob or an Orion skyquest XX16 gototruss tube. I have got some great advice from Carl from scopes and space so far but need to know more before I spend my hard earned cash. What I like to know is how would the image be through them compare to my Cpc and how



Doppler Shifter, I hardly know her!!!

Now I switch to a different venue for my thought experiment. It will involve two automobiles traveling down a smooth straight level section of turnpike. Each auto will set their cruise controls at a constant velocity, v, which they have agreed upon beforehand. Each driver has fully operational digital clocks, annoyingly loud horns, and bright halogen lights on board. It is dusk on a clear windless day. As the convoy (a lead auto and a following auto) makes its way down the road, the pair are

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Star Party Virgin

The summer equinox has passed and people are looking forward to Star Parties. I have never been to one, don't know what to expect, have never met the participants. As a solitary observer tucked away in my small North West garden I have been happy to gaze the night skies alone (Mrs Polar Bear often pops out for high mag views of the Moon and Planets) but otherwise I enjoy my own company and get along very well with myself. So I have taken the plunge and committed to attend CSP9 oop North in Cumbr

Polar Bear

Polar Bear

Galileo's Ship 2 - The Bellringer

-1632, Galileo proposed his thought experiment, called “Galileo’s Ship“: “…That is why I said you should be below decks; for if this took place above in the open air, which would not follow the course of the ship, more or less noticeable differences would be seen in some of the noted effects…” -This is the point which I wish to drive my shoulder into. Focusing on the air as a medium for the transmission of sound waves, I want to transmutate these noticeable differences into mathematically measu

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu


Hi I am a newbe and have a question that I hope someone can help with:- I have a skywatcher 127 maksutov-cassegrain on a goto mount. I have been told that the SkyWacher Auto Focuser can be modified to fit this scope if anyone can help with advice on the best way to do this would be great



More spending and forgetting to do my maths.

Please treat this as an object lesson in why you should think long and hard before making a purchase. Adapters, reducers, cameras, batteries, remotes and other bits and pieces have been acquired since the purchase of the C8. I always intended to use the scope for Lunar and Planetary imaging and also for getting images of planes passing the Moon, so I embarked on 'kitting it out' My terrestrial photographic needs are taken care of with my trusty full frame 5D Mk1. A tank of a camera with a superb

Polar Bear

Polar Bear

Absolute Motion vs. Relative Motion

-The first postulate of Einstein in his Special Theory of Relativity (STR) states: “There is no experiment that can be performed in an enclosed laboratory that can detect absolute motion.” -Certainly the idea of absolute motion is out of reach for modern scientists. There is no way to observe an Aristotle’s grid, or Newton’s fixed stars, or the Michelson-Morley Aether; which are at rest in the Universe, and against which all Celestial motions can be defined. -This leaves us only able to work wi

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

An Echo in the Grand Canyon

-An Echo measured at the Grand Canyon fits the formula t = [2L] / c. But this is only valid in light of the fact that a thin layer of air molecules (atmosphere / medium) is being dragged by the surface of the Earth (like a dimpled golf ball) as it hurtles through interstellar space. If this layer were at rest relative to the Earth, then this would allow a new definition of relativity to emerge based on a new Echo formula: ♦ T = [(L - vt1) / c] + [(L + vt2) / c ] = [2Lc] / (c²-v²) -This Echo f

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

Carl Sagan Videos

Hey! l recently made a few videos that were inspired by Carl Sagan & thought it would be really cool if you checked it out and gave me your thoughts & insights on them. I feel like they would be a great way to teach other students about astronomy/cosmology/the Universe. I put music in the videos from Daniel Hope's Spheres album, after I found out that he was inspired by Carl Sagan too. Hope you like them & hope to hear back from you! A Tribute to Carl Sagan: - Brittany Brittanyman



Forthcoming OSX ATIK Beta 2 drivers :)

Well, hot on the release of the beta one set - I'll be releasing beta 2 with the following (shortly): Changes/Fixes Bugfix: Titan - image now post-processes correctly. Bugfix: All cameras - timing bug introduced with the timing abort was taking the exposure duration as microseconds not milliseconds now fixed. Feature: Titan auto black-level working (enable using driver with example app switch for your playing pleasure!) Enhancement: legacy connect and disconnect is now threaded. Feature: G



Meeting & Overtaking

-I am mainly using two algebra word problem concepts as the mathematical framework for my hypothesis: meeting and overtaking. That is, the aft vertical pole is meeting the sound wave - air at rest, the train is moving forward; or the aft vertical pole is overtaking the sound wave - air at rest, the train is moving in reverse. -In the reference frame of the moving flatbed train car, the aft pole, the observer and her clock are either overtaking or meeting the fore pole of the train car, dependin

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

New Scope & the 3 C's

Mrs Polar Bear accompanied me to pick up the C8. Her face was a picture when she saw the size of the case it was in. Back home further bewilderment followed when she saw it assembled on the substantial mount and tripod. I had to think quickly as I was met with a barrage of questions "where will you keep it, have you thought this through, you had better use it" Of course, being a man these things are not important, solutions tend to happen all on their own in the future so no point fretting a

Polar Bear

Polar Bear

Thanks to Uncle Rod and ebay I now own.......

It is old and it is used but like all good things it has stood the test of time and still functions (a bit like me) 'It' being a Celestron C8 Ultima. After several months of deep thought and even more of research I may just of purchased my ideal scope, if such a thing exists?. Rod Mollise over the pond in Chaos Manor South, that guru of the CAT world aided me on my path to telescope nirvana. His informative guides http://skywatch.brai....com/astroland/ were a great help (thanks Rod) A little s

Polar Bear

Polar Bear

Should one drink Bruichladdich whilst browsing scope ads?

It has been a while (June 2012) since I have been on the site. This has been due to a self enforced absence whilst I gave my all to a new career (contrary to popular belief I have not been in jail) Now I am bedded in with my new career I have the time and the finances to take up my stargazing again. As the title of the blog suggests, drinking fine malt whisky and browsing ads in the small hours may lead to some interesting purchases. I last left you having sold my Evostar 120 refractor followed

Polar Bear

Polar Bear

"Turned out nice then"

For once a Bank Holiday turned out nice so enjoyed a ramble along the river and took a look at the Sun. http://george-artcabinedujardin.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/what-amateur-astronomers-do-in-daylight.html



Trying out what a 383L will give with "video" 30 seconds * 27 integration...

Just a simulation at the moment, however attached is a non-cooled integration so I can see what can be done with fast video-like integration. 27x30 second exposures with registration, no guiding, no polar alignment and no cooling (for extra noise!) and sigma integration.. so I picked a nondescript, but darkish part of the sky (straight up to minimise light polution. It bodes well with 9Boo being the brightest and some nice mag 13-15 in there running at 670mm f/6.38.. binnign 2x2 would make for



help with my seben 700-76

hi need help to operate my 700-76 telescope it was given to me as a present for my 83rd birthday I have assembled it but I am unsure with what I should see when I look through the aperture




A few weeks ago I saw Saturn for the very first time, it blew me away. The sight was just fantastic, its such a beautiful planet. I couldn't believe my eyes at how much detail I could see, the rings were so clear. I managed to take a photo through the lens with my iPhone. If you haven't already I really recommend buying a telescope, the views of the night sky never disappoint.
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