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It works Igor-Yes master

Having connected the FunCube Dongle Pro+ to the newly erected Yagi aerial and my wife's laptop, I sat back in my shed watching a lot of wiggly lines dance across the screen and listened to a lot of white noise. Rather like an avante-garde 1960's art installation. Then it happened, there was a little whistle reminiscent of a canary on Trill and a little line appeared on the scrolling graph. I apparently had captured my first meteor or possibly the 14.30 Airbus from Norwich to Amsterdam. The LVST



Lightbridges new-style any problems with them????

Good day, I have recently ordered a 10 inch deluxe Lightbridge since i found out the new ones are better than the old ones... I dont think somehow that is completely true so I ask anyone who has owned or owns a lightbridge since 2012 (Beacause the new versions came out in 2012). Are there any problems with it and can u see detail on the planets,deep sky objects and so on (if u can,describe how well u could see them of course in avarage seeing conditions). So please tell me.... Ofcourse with the



Enlarging the Noosphere

There seem to be lots of ways to contribute to the human database of knowledge as an amateur astronomer, which is one of the main reasons I am so keen on this pastime, alongside the fact that the skies are just so mesmerizingly touching. I have just discovered another: Double Star measurements. This involves measuring the separation and angles of double stars and submitting them, and/or peer reviewing other people's submissions. This all sounds very acceptable! There is also photometry, which se



Discarded soda bottles becoming a new roofing solution in third world countries

If you've ever visited a third world country, you know what poverty looks like. One of the iconic images of third world poverty that we see time and time again is a small collection of huts covered by thatch roofs. While it might look charming, the reality of living beneath a thatch roof is anything but. As you can tell just by looking at them, thatch roofs leak terribly. During heavy rain, thatch roofs can even become waterlogged and collapse. Thatch roofs attract insects and other critters tha



The reply to Milner Post

http://cs.astronomy.com/asy/general_discussion/f/27/t/55764.aspx?page=2#507568 Well, you have inspired a new thought experiment in my brain. Corresponding with you is helping to focus my thoughts. So, one of the main ideas of my hypothesis is that the source and the receiver of the waves, light or sound, are paired in a tandem such that the source and receiver are moving in the same direction, at the same constant velocity, v. I am trying to exploit this “tandemness” to analyze the mot

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

The comment of Milner Post

http://cs.astronomy.com/asy/general_discussion/f/27/t/55764.aspx?page=2#507568 Thank you Gerry, for creating this thought experiment. It’s kind of like having a puzzle to solve. Trying to see which pieces fit and which don’t. Even though I might answer as though I might know something I could quite possibly be wrong on some points, so please don’t take offense at me or my ignorance. So here goes. Two spaceships are traveling, one behind the other, each at the same constant velocity suc

Geryllax Vu

Geryllax Vu

'How to use radio signals to catch meteors'

Having read this article in the June edition of the Sky at Night magazine I became unusually fired up by the thought of a bit of DIY. After some preliminary rumaging around in B&Q and Maplins, I set about constructing a Yagi aerial under the cover of my car port. Tension mounted as the July edition of Sky at Night, containing part 2 of 'How to use radio signals to catch meteors', landed on our door mat. Following tricky negotiations with my partner, the long suffering Anita, I ordered th




Next on the learning list is collimation. Tried to follow the 130EQ collimation instructions without a collimating tool and ended up just fiddling around with the various knobs and screws. Managed to make all my stars a very sparkling, eggy smear. Not a perfect start, but not to be deterred. Went to the society observatory and dug out a laser collimator. Fiddled around a bit, but came to the conclusion it was out of batteries as there was certainly no laser. A kind guy there helped my try to do



Cloudy nights, clear days

It hasn't been too good at night for star gazing for the past few days. While the days have been clear, the nights have been cloudy. When I reach for the scope , the clouds roll in. Its almost as if , the heavens are saying no stargazing now, just enjoy the summer days and nights with the family. With my birthday coming in a week, I am looking forward to spending time with the family. This weekend I do have my work at the zoo, then right after I get done with my shift, we head to my hubby's aunt



Realtime 17FPS registration/stacking..

So the GPU version _had_ a few annoying bugs that caused it to crash the GPU.. but after an hour or so of bug fixing.. it lives! http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/218697-atik-titan-gets-a-17fps-realtime-registration-test-d/ When I have time I'll get the camera out on a lens/scope and get a proper image but for tonight that's good enough :D




As it was a lovely day, I decided to follow the advice in the June edition of either 'Astronomy Now' or 'The Sky at Night', sadly I cannot remember which as my brain has gone awol, and set about a little light maintenance on my mount and tripod. Amazing how stained stainless steel can become when left to the ravages of the East Anglian climate. No wonder those gnarled lowestoft fishermen wore heavily oiled waterproofs! I also tried out my new transformer which worked perfectly, hopefully passed



Just because of 256MB is 1/4 of my GPU memory...

You know you're pushing the boundaries when the development tools get scared.. GuardMalloc[ExampleApplication-42660]: If you really wanted to allocate so much memory, launch your executable with the environment variable MALLOC_PERMIT_INSANE_REQUESTS set to any value to circumvent this check. GuardMalloc[ExampleApplication-42660]: Explicitly trapping into debugger!!! GuardMalloc[ExampleApplication-42660]: Attempting excessively large memory allocation: 268435456 bytes GuardMalloc[ExampleApplicati



Hello ,from India

Hello to the whole world out there, this is Prabal Sharma, an amateur astronomer from India On this blog I will be posting astronomy tips and observation photos etc. I have a celestron 60 az with quality issues, Stellarium on my computer and some star charts and planispheres hope you enjoy my posts and images -Prabal s.



Doesn't time fly...

Busy night. Installed the Atik software on the society laptop and managed to take some grainy pictures. The installer has an ordering problem in that the apps fail to install correctly as the drivers don't install before them, and the driver install that happens after doesn't work or doesn't install the right version. Using the 'update driver' feature from Device Manager and choosing the unzipped folder directly installed everything fine. A little later, after dark, I managed to get into the dom



My quest for eyepieces

My quest for eyepieces is still on going. I am thinking however that the fov is an important aspect as well as the magnification they can give as well. I have about decided to save up for the eyepiece and filter kit I want as it will come with a Barlow lens and I'm starting yo enjoy Barlow lens a lot.



Its like a finger pointing away to the moon.

Eyepiece arrived in the post yesterday. Baader Hyperion Mk III Clickstop Zoom. Quite a mouthful. Quite an eyepiece as well. All very well wrapped and in great condition (thanks Jim). Managed a late evening view of the moon between the clouds and was mightily impressed. Very happy with it and I now have a decent range of eyepiece strength all to myself for my scope. Happy days. As Rune commented on another post, the equivalent barlow is worth looking into methinks. Finished 'Handbook of Astronomi



New Eyepiece

And so it begins. The start of what I suspect is a never ending path of incremental upgrading. My humble stock eyepieces that came with my 130EQ were a little shown up by the eyepieces I tried when I took my scope to my society's observatory. As a result I have been looking to get some personal upgrades and got some excellent advice via this very forum : http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/217684-eyepiece-sets/ and other excellent threads started by others. As a result I have been doing rather a l



Sumerian vamp up.....Part 2....Paint

I'm happy that Nexus works as it should do and I'm still waiting for my Feather Touch to arrive so since I have the week off work I've decided to paint the ground board and mirror box/bearings. Its a pretty easy scope to break down into parts, even the mirror cell is simple beyond belief. When it first arrived I emailed Sumerian asking 'wheres the rest of it??' :grin: Lots to do before I start spraying though, a light sand with some 600 grit flour paper, wipe with some turps and finally mask ov



First Full Night Viewing Thoughts

After my first really decent night's viewing (weather wise, seeing wise, viewing wise) with some good people doing a variety of things, I have some thoughts to record on a slow morning after. Double Stars are great. After seeing Albireo and the colour contrast in my own scope, I think doubles are indeed great. It is worth taking way too many layers of clothes. It gets colder than you think. Zoom lens not as great as I thought it might be. Binoculars are surprisingly well worth it. Have to do



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