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cant make mind up on binoculars

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Spent last 3 or 4 days reading and reading and have it down to 3 different ones now, all

Celestron being 15x70 or 25x70 or the  20x80, will also pickup a monopod and swivle at same time. Will be used mainly at night but will see some daytime use. Just cant make my mind up....any opions would be great. Pro and Cons to

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Ive spent the last Year deciding? I prefer wide angle binoculars now, so favour my 8x40 Helios Naturesport, when aside my telescope 

I have some Revelation 15x70s, but these need tripod mounting and don't show me any details on Jupiter, so these get far less use at night time, preferring daytime terrestrial use?

I'm presently looking for some 10x50's. probably Pentax PCF WP II.

Out of your choices, the 80's offer more aperture. I used to own the Helios Stellar 20x80's. They were great for my intended use at that time, Aviation! although I do remember making out that I was looking at Saturn one night at my place of work, but in no real detail. the image was tight with the  20x80's and the 20x80s are  still low powered in comparison to a dedicated telescope.

We often say here,  you  actually need to put the optics to your eyes before you can really decide what fits and what feels best for your eyes.


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I bought the Celestron SkyMaster 15x70s in April and love them. I use a zero gravity lounge chair which supports my body well enough that I can just hand hold them. The 15x is good enough to make out globular clusters and of course open clusters. I've just barley see the Ring Nebula (M57) which kind of blinks. I can see the Dumbell Nebula (M27) much easier.

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Snap with DemosL, I have the Celestron 15X70 and think they are excellent. The viewing is nice, crisp and bright. They are on the limit of handholding but I find that using them from a reclined deck chair makes them very stable and enjoy doing S@N mags monthly binocular tour.

Happy viewing

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Well I have the celestron 20x80 in the cart with a monopod, Just havn't push to check out button yet. Am getting there, almost sure, with just a little bit of maybe still hangin in there.

You can do it. May the force be with you.

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........don't you just hate the wait, even just 2 Days is enough? :huh:

Like I said earlier, I'm still kinda settled on the PCF's for my general needs and to fill the gap in the range I already have.

Enjoy your new binoculars.

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Congrats on the new addition! I hope it's ok on the monopod/ball head for you. I once for fun tried out an 85mm binocular on a monopod/trigger grip ball head, found it ok for terrestrial observing, but useless for astronomy (far too heavy for the head). The Celestron I think is lighter though, so fingers crossed you'll be ok.

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got the binoculars, boy are they big, tried them out during the day, This is going to be good I think. Will Post first night impressions soon.

Congrats! Keep in mind that the focus on terrestrial objects will be different than the celestial ones.

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swivel head and monopod i got are rated for 30#

Yes, but that's likely the rating for a camera, which will be used approximately horizontally. A binocular aimed near the zenith is an entirely different kettle of fish. That said, it may well be adequate for the just-over-2kg of the 20x80, although (unless you got the trigger-grip ball head), you may find the ball head a tad frustrating.

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