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Lunar DSLR & Webcam comparison images 2013-11-12


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Thought it might be interesting to show a comparison of images taken with a DLSR and a webcam. Especially since they were taken on the same night, through the same telescope, right after each other.

DSLR image: Skywatcher 80ED + FF/FR, Canon 1000D, 1/250, F6.35, ISO100. 100 frames. Processed in PIPP & Registax 6.

The Moon, 2013 11 12, Canon 1000D

Webcam: Skywatcher 80ED + FF/FR, Philips SPC900NC. Composite mosaic of 7 panels, each panel 180 frames. Processed in Registax 6 & Microsoft ICE.

The Moon, 2013 11 12, SPC900NC

Hope you like them and all comments welcome.

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Hope nobody minds that I comment on an old post but I had a question.

How many shots with a DSLR would be considered adequate for stacking?  I've been reading for the past few hours and some people try staking with as few as 4 or 5 shots, some people say you need over 100, and some people say stacking shots of the moon isn't worth the slightly enhanced result and recommend just getting it right with the first shot.

There just doesn't seem to be a lot of consistent information out there and I'm struggling to figure out who to listen to.  Considering your DSLR image looks pretty amazing, I thought you might give me an idea?

Also, everyone mentions that their scopes are motorized.  Is it possible to stack images taken from a stationary mount?  I'm definitely interested in the webcam technique but if there's a way to do it with my current equipment, I feel I should give it a go instead of throwing money at it.

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