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AZEQ6 RA clutch lever snapped


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Well that has put an end to any plans for polar aligning tonight! Or for the foreseeable future.

Not sure how this is going to get resolved. Email to FLO and take it from there I guess. I think I can count the number of times I've used the mount on my hands and feet! And I was just getting to grips with it too.





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I'm not going to do anything until I've spoken to FLO. But yes, I was really getting on well with it. I as going to have a good go at refining polar alignment using the Mel and Mal error things on the handset tonight and have a play with that. Another time.

I'm now just worried any replacement bolt may suffer the same fete.


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Looks nasty. But if you can get the snapped off bolt thread out, and a new clutch lever, you'll be away.

I'm surprised because it's not necessary to put much pressure on to tighten and loosen it is it? Maybe it was a flawed bolt.

I see you've got some additions to the Allen bolts on your polar scope. I can see they would help with centring the polar scope. But do you find it necessary to so it that often?

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With regards the polar scope i just couldn't get to grips with the grub screws when i was aligning it, so just replaced them for something which i could easily use. The only problem with them is as they stuck out they easily get knocked lose so consequently i've had to re align it! So i'd say stick with the originals and the hassle of just doing it the once. You only learn by mistakes or from others.


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Wow sorry to hear that.

How much force was applied? Had a look at my bolt, seems pretty solid but not substantial. I've not used my mount too much yet owing to weather , commitments and have used manual mount when have had clear skies.

From moving the clutch it does need a reasonable amount of pushing to tighten, though would expect the plastic to give before the metal..... The thread stub is quite short, hope not a design flaw. Jamie

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I don't think i'd applied much force, i was just locking the RA after rotating to get the polar scope reticule in the right place, then i felt a give and heard the bolt hit the conservatory wall. I just assumed it had unscrewed and flown out. Then i realised it had snapped :(

I'm hoping it is just a one off fault with my bolt. Still a massive pain though.


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That's bad luck but I'm sure that FLO will sort you out. How long have you had the mount?

I find that I really have to tighten the RA clutch to ensure that it doesn't move - I will have to be careful I think but let's hope it's just a one-off. The mount seems to be well engineered in all respects and I would not have expected a lever to snap like that


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Thanks kerry.

In the calm, cold light of day, just, i've been to look at it. There was a little spur on the sheered of bolt in the mount, so i grabbed it with some fine pliers and rotated my whole body anti-clockwise and it turned! It actually came out quite easily. I hadn't realised how short the screw thread was on that lever.

I will go to screw fix and see if i can work out a replacement.


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I got mine about the same time

You should get a replacement for free but I understand that you probably want to get up and running again. The main thing is that you got the broken off bit out ok - well done . It's amazing how everything seems much worse in the dark when all you want is to use the thing as intended!

With a short screw thread there is obviously quite a lot of force being applied to that lever. I will definitely be a little more careful with it now.


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I might have to take the mount head to screw fix and go and in and out of the shop with individual bolts to work out the size. I'm not very engineering minded. I don't know if there is a stop down the threaded canal, as i suspect at some stage a bolt would star to hit the polar scope mechanism inside. I don't want to cause more problems.

Imm just thankful that the broken off bit came out so very easily. I think someone from above was doing me a favour. Thank you, i owe you one [many] :)


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Whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, i got out a tray of odds and sods, and found a bolt which screws into the hole nicely. There is a stop at the end, and only 7mm of bolt screws into the hole. I've no idea what alloy the bolt is made from, but it will do for the next few days i'm sure. It's too long and not comfortable to move but i think i can put up with that for the time being.

Crisis averted; for now.


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A kind astro neighbor has molded a handle for me too; just have to wait 24 hours for it to dry:

Hi James.   And Wow,  sorry to hear about that bolt breaking.  You now have me worried too.   I was out last night and remembered centering Polaris in that little circle while it was set up in the 9:55 position and this is where one might get excited and over tighten the RA clutch.  

Anyway -  good to see that you have a start on getting things back to normal,  but I am wondering what will SkyWatcher do about this?  It certainly seems to point the finger towards maybe a poor engineering problem?

Not sure - but can you let us know the outcome after SkyWatcher gives you their decision??


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I'll contact FLO tomorrow where I got the mount from and I suspect they will want the broken part back to show to the Skywatcher engineers.

It doesn't sound like any of your guys have had a problem, so it might just have been my bolt; I'm certainly not Mr Universe so I don't think it was me being overly rough with it.

The temporary bolt is doing the job just fine tonight and I'm having a play at drift alignment..... Not sure why, something to do.


I'll report back.


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