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Saturn using The Light Thimble


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I guess this is what you could call Gonzo Imaging.. :wink:

- carp seeing

- entirely inappropriate scope (ED80)

- undriven alt-az mount with no slow mo controls

- barely adequate photo tripod

- red-dot finder

- microscopic TouCam chip

185/1198 frames

I only do this so that I'll really appreciate the right equipment when I finally get it :rolleyes:



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Great effort.

I've got to ask, how do you keep the target on screen long enough to take 1200 frames? At 20 fps I get about 40 seconds of avi before the target drifts off screen, 20 seconds if I'm using a x2 barlow.

You're right, it is a huge problem but there are ways around it...

This image was captured on 5 seperate avi files.

I 'binked' each avi (broke each frame down nto individual bmp files)

I then ran a program called ppmcentre (which centres the image of Saturn on each bmp).

The I 'smackered' the bmps (puts them back into their avi files again)

I then used Registax to process all 5 avi files in one go (using 3 point MAP)

I then set the limit at around 190/1190 frames

did a little wavelets on 1 & 2 then saved

adjusted curves in Paintshop Pro

.....and that's about it.

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Thanks all!

I am chuffed as it's the first time I've been able to capture Saturn with a 3x Barlow...if only the seeing was better :rolleyes:

Anyway, it looked a bit blue/green on my monitor so here's a version with the colour balance played with

([removed word] moi?)



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